Before I start I want to apologise for the adverts on my blog. I didn’t realise that they were so intrusive so have changed the settings. I only run ads so I can afford to keep my pattern site going.
I promised you yesterday that I’d show you how I work when I start on a new pattern so I’ve taken several screenshots of my screen (isn’t that a silly thing to say?) to show you.
This is the big computer I usually work on and the set up I use when I'm working. I’m currently translating, drawing, writing the text and standing on my head while working on a new Dutch pattern - more about that in a couple of days.
You'll see that I've got several windows open while I'm working. There's the text document (I'm using Pages), the drawing package (EazyDraw) and also Google translate on my browser. Also a scanned copy of the pattern too.
Also you’ll notice the rather large cup of half drunk coffee plus the inevitable mess that I seem to constantly have around me!!!