26 May 2021

Progress on my zoo!!!!

I keep making small critters for my Etsy shop and they keep wandering off!!!!  I must admit there's something about making things that are appreciated by others and bought by them, for whatever purpose, that keeps the aged hands tatting.
Many times I consider giving up on making things and then something like the shop happens and off I go again on a roll!!!!

I do have another reason to keep going and that's a good supply of thread and beads!!!!  I'm trying not to leave too much 'stuff' for my kids to sort out when I'm no longer around!!! 

Here are some of the critters that may still be in my shop by the time the blog post goes live or may not!!!

25 May 2021

Last t-shirt finished

I'm sorry about the poor picture here but with the dull and dreary weather we're still having it's been hard to take any photos.  

I'm really pleased with this t-shirt but now need the appropriate weather to wear it in!!!!

These are the two patterns I used.  The Fandango heart doily and this edging.  

24 May 2021

I don't know why!!!!

But I felt a need to tat something straightforward and which needed little concentration.

By tatting my own designs some years later I pick up on mistakes or things which could be done better.  I think this one's OK but I was so enjoying it I forgot to check after a few rows.

Nothing complicated in this pattern - rings, chains and split rings.  Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.  This is the centre done so now it's onwards and outwards!!!  Here's the link.  

21 May 2021

Don't you LOVE this?

I just had to share these (with Donna and Richard's permission, of course) to show you what can be done with a little more thought.  

I love the colours they've used and the candle is inspired too.  Thanks for using the pattern, both of  you and a bigger thanks for allowing me to share them too.

Donna's is at the top followed by Richard's.

20 May 2021

The third t-shirt.

Here's the third t-shirt.
This is going to be a bit of a challenge as it's so - well, stripey!!!!

There's a pocket on it too but I seem to have taken the photo in a hurry and taken the back side of the t-shirt instead of the front!!!  I blame my BC3 (brain cell three) for that boo boo.  

Decisions have to be made, though, as I cannot wear a naked t-shirt!!!  So I decided to use the Fandango heart doily for the pocket. 

I'll show you when it's finished!!!

19 May 2021

Another finished

This is the second t-shirt and it's finished!!!  
This has worked better than I expected as the fabric does boast a 'sort of' pattern to it.  I did wonder whether the butterflies would be lost on it but they do look rather good instead.

Now for t-shirt number 3.  Wonder where I've put it?!?!?!

18 May 2021

A new batch of

Over the past year or so I've heard mention that the Roly Poly Tat Bags I made years ago are beginning to wear out so I've decided to make some new ones.  As I've got the Etsy shop up and running (with sales going well) I thought I'd add some Roly Poly bags to it.

Problem is - they have to be made and this takes time!  

Here are 24 all cut out with their various bits and pieces to make the bags.  What you can't see here is the linings which are pinned underneath!

You also can't see the zips either as they've not arrived yet!!!  I waited until I'd got them all cut out so I could 'match' the zip colours to the bags.  I get my zips from Rickety Rose who provides a great service and super zips.

I just looked up in my Etsy shop to see when I started making the Roly Poly bags and it was back in 2008!!  Makes me feel old!!!

17 May 2021

Monday moan

Today's moan is about something I've spoken about before - I think.  Facebook.

I have a love/hate relationship with social media and especially this platform.  As you know I use it very little and I think I can confidently say that through visiting my page you'll not find out a lot about me - not even when my birthday is!!!  I'm not ashamed of my age - I'm 77 in case  you're curious.

Recently on my morning visit to the Jane Shuttle Tats Lots page I realised that they'd changed the whole caboodle so that I had to 'switch profiles'.  Now how ANNOYING is that?  It means that I have had to be constantly on my guard NOT to put the wrong thing on the wrong page.  I've tried to merge the two pages and although I use the same email address etc, etc, Facebook won't allow me to do that.

So my answer to that is to abandon the Jane Shuttle Tats Lots page and move over to just the Jane Eborall one. I'm sure this won't affect more than two or three people but I thought I'd let you know so that any followers of JSTL can move their allegiance over to my 'home' page (Jane Eborall) although the JSTL followers may not want to see pictures of my walks and vice versa over those friends who don't want to see tatting!!!  

Hey, it's a tough old world!!!!

To cheer you up (or depress you further) here's a picture!!!!

14 May 2021

Two more butterflies

I'm done with the blue t-shirt and will take a photo of it when the butterflies are all sewn on.  Just to bore you to tears!!!

The top one can be found here and I used the version without a button.  Plain and simple - just like me!!!

The bottom one is here and is the one I translated from one of the Dutch books.  Again I used no beads.  

I've used beads on motifs on t-shirts in the past and they've all survived numerous washings but this time I thought I'd 'go plain'.  They don't call me 'plain Jane' for nothing, you know!!!

13 May 2021

Butterfly one for blue t-shirt

Here we go with the first of several (IF I'm not distracted!) designs for the new blue t-shirt.  

This is one of my own designs (I try to check on old patterns from time to time) but without the beads and replacing one 'chain' of beads with a split chain.  The pattern is here if you want it.

11 May 2021

Another t-shirt

Just a quickie today to show you the 'naked' blue t-shirt.  I do already have ideas for this which I'll show you shortly.

Also to let you know that I’ve added Cheryl’s foxes to the TIAS blog here.

10 May 2021

Moaning Monday

Yes it's that time of the week again - Moaning Monday!!!!  

Today I'm going to moan about - well, not a lot really.  I could grumble about the weather but I won't as I can't do anything about that except accept that I'll be permanently damp for quite a while yet.  

I guess the one thing that does bug me at the moment is the never ending succession of  new names for old techniques.  This does bother me as some of the old ones are set in history and for very good reasons.  

The latest one that I REFUSE to use is TR (or TOR) for what traditionally used to be called a ring on a chain (RoCh).  This name (RoCh) says it all to me - it's a Ring On a Chain.  A TR (TOR) is, to me, a ring off a ring. or something you've thrown out with the bath water.

Does that sound impossible - a ring off a ring?  Well it isn't and, although the designer who first brought it to us (Sabina Madden) calls it a LTROR I always think of it as a thrown ring.  I'll show you what I mean and you can decide.  Here's the link to Sabina's page. 

There are other examples of 'new' names for old techniques too - just can't think of them for now.  Aren't you glad?!?!?!

Need to add a picture so here's one of the new 'inmates' in my Etsy shop.  His name is Freddy!!!

7 May 2021

15 today

8th May 2006 is a date not to remember!!!  Least it is for me.  

I was fiddling around with the blog a few days ago and noticed that tomorrow will be my 15th anniversary of when I started nattering to all and sundry somewhere 'out there'.

It still fascinates me that people 'listen/read' my ramblings - I certainly don't!!!!!!

This is the first post I ever made and I'm still wondering why I'm here but I still keep talking to myself (it IS a sign of insanity I'm sure!).  

6 May 2021

Beige t-shirt finished

I've finished the t-shirt from Mary's design called 'Fan and Ribbon'.  This is from her book 'A Pattern Book of Tatting' but I 'invented' a feature motif to go at the centre front.  

I didn't join it to the others because I couldn't decide on joining places that would look right to me!  I will NOT be sharing this motif as it's far too close to the original which is still, obviously, under copyright.  It does take a bit of working out how to do it and it did stretch BC3's poor old brain cells but it was well worth the effort.  

As you can see from the motif I did use vsp's to give me some joining places while sewing it down - as I did on the main edging.

I'm really, really pleased with this t-shirt and will be moving onto the next one  shortly!!!

5 May 2021

The poncho on another model

I had a visit from my daughter and most of the family on Saturday and I persuaded Abbi to try on the poncho for me.  

I wanted to see if it was a case of 'one size fits all' and was pleasantly surprised to see how good it looks on her.  She looks gorgeous anyway and it was very reassuring to see that it fitted so well.  She's about the same height as me now!!!

Many thanks to Abbi for her patience with her old Nanny Stratford!!!!

4 May 2021

Squirrel shopping!

Well not quite 'shopping' in the regular meaning of 'going shopping' but this time I'm talking again about my Etsy shop.
As I've said before I was lost after the poncho was finished and decided to set up shop again in Etsy.  This has been a huge success not only in sales but it's made my poor old BC3 focus on little things that need another looking over on my pattern site.  

It's amazing that something you've designed even a short while ago will be improved by the slight tweaking of the design.   These rabbits are one of those patterns.

Although I was pleased with them when I uploaded the pattern, I wasn't quite so pleased when I came back to look at them last weekend.  The problem is that when you're designing something as tiny as this even one double in the wrong place can throw the whole thing 'out'.  This then means yet another re-tat.  I think I spent two days just tweaking these two.  Yes, there are two - one a bit bigger than the other and both different.  I'm a glutton for punishment!!!!

3 May 2021

Progress with the first t-shirt.

As you know I picked this edging (details are on this page too) for my t-shirt edging.  

But I didn't like all the picots as they're a pain on trimmings for clothes etc.  Well that's what I think!!!  Here's part of it on the t-shirt for you to see.  

When Mary started publishing her patterns there was a lack of tatting patterns in a more 'modern' style and the books brought a whole new range of work.  I bought all her books as they came out and that was at a time when I didn't have a lot of spare money.  My books have been well used!!!!  

30 April 2021

Tshirt edging

I looked through quite a few of my books to find something which would look good on this VERY plain t-shirt.  
In the end I chose Mary Konior’s  pattern called 'Fan and Ribbon'.  This is from her book 'A Pattern Book of Tatting'.

More another day!!!

27 April 2021

Flying in

And hopefully flying out sometime soon!!!

I've been quiet lately as I've been working on the t-shirt trimming which I'll soon be able to show you.  

Meanwhile the Etsy shop is ticking over nicely.  It's just as I want it - occasionally I get a sale which means that I can plough that back into more 'stock'.

I'm very careful with using a facility like this and NEVER list something that isn't made and waiting in my 'shop box'.  Everything listed is already there - even if they sometimes get left under the scanner by mistake for a day and don't make it into the box until they're re-found!!!

This little hummingbird design is so cute but the wings are a bit 'fiddly' to make.  Still, keeps the old fingers (and BC3) busy!!!

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.