11 April 2022

A quickie today

Just wondering if there are anymore dragons to come in from the TIAS

It’s a month since the last one arrived and that was number 85!!!

When I’m sure there are no more to arrive I’ll put the whole pattern on my pattern pages.

8 April 2022

New snowflake motif

I put a teaser of this pattern on Facebook last week.  Now I have added it to my pattern pages.

This uses a technique that I came up with a while ago and used on this design and this one.

What I like about this new one is that it’s quick to make and is ‘just the right’ size to make as giveaways for Christmas.  I’ll confess - I’ve made loads of them already!!!  

6 April 2022

Finished blanket

This is the blanket I started waaaaay back to use up my stash of yarn.  It’s a good sized knee blanket as opposed to one for the bed.  Why?  Well I didn’t run out of yarn (reduced it by half) but I got bored.  Just couldn’t face another 11 knitted squares (at least) to make it bigger.  So I put a crochet edge around it and ‘called it a day’!!  

This will get donated to a charity - just got to find one that wants it.

For those who’ve not seen this before here’s the link to the pattern which I used and which meant no sewing the squares together at the end!  Win, win for me!

4 April 2022

Monday moan

My moan today is about myself.  Well I’m allowed to do that and get away with it!!!
I use the cloud a LOT.  I keep anything I’m working on up in the cloud then sometimes I get worried that I might lose it so download it onto my main computer as a ‘just in case’ thing.  I must’ve done this a long time ago with the Square in a Square pattern which I added to my website and blogged about a month ago.  The blog post is here.

This meant that when I came to finish it off and upload it to the pattern pages I’d inadvertently put up the WIP version.  I missed downloading the one I’d been working on from the cloud!!  I only found out because somebody wrote to me asking for help with it.  I can’t believe I could be such a dumbie.  I think it goes to prove that either people were afraid to say that the pattern didn’t have any diagrams or that nobody wanted it (except the one lady) anyway. 

I’ve put my stoooooopid mistake right now and the right version of the pattern is here.

1 April 2022

Zig Zag doily - getting a move on!

Well I can get a move on at times and  as I've said before - I really enjoy making this doily.  It'll eventually find it's way into the box of finished tatting!!!!

30 March 2022


I'd forgotten to show you the finished cushion.  So, here it is.  

I managed to put 'window frames' round each square just to bring out the differences in the colours.  There's also a dark strip round the outside too.  The back (last picture) is reasonably 'plain' in a wonky sort of way.

Can you spot the added bits of 'tit and tat'?  Oh, I mean tatting?

28 March 2022

Zig Zag doily

It's the translation of a Dutch doily which I absolutely love.  I think the pattern is almost ready to 'go' onto my web site but I do want to check it through once more.

Bev has done a terrific job test tatting it too and made lots of really good suggestions.

So I've started another but in yellow and size 40 thread.  I had to search through my stash to find two balls of size 40 but this is what I decided on.  As the design is so interesting and as there are very few cuts and ties during the whole pattern I decided to make it in just one colour again.  I'd like to see it in a variegated thread but I think you'd lose the beauty of the flow.  

25 March 2022

Purse to match

Just occasionally I find I need a little coin purse.  I do have a little leather one but the zip 'catches' on the currency notes (£5.00, £10.00 etc).

So I decided to make a crochet one (same idea as yesterday's post) which I've also lined. 

This zip is a finer one and doesn't 'catch' on the notes.  Can you see I've lined this one too.  

It must be six or more years ago when I started using my phone to pay for everything and the only time I really need cash is when I'm dealing with people who can't accept digital payments.  This should solve those times (Friday market and visiting sole owner shops) - unless, of course, I forget to put it in my pocket before I leave home!!!

24 March 2022

Ear pods

I've had these little ear pods for a few years now and wear them a LOT.  Most of the time when I'm out walking. 

I've carried them around in their little container which also charges them when I get home.  The little container is quite bulky in my trouser pockets so I decided they needed a new home.  This is a simple Amigurumi type of crochet 'thingy' with a very small zip in.  I can now hook it onto my trouser belt and it's easier to put them in when I go into a shop.  

Genius, eh?  Well, no, not genius but a pretty good idea, I think.

22 March 2022

Continuing from last Monday's blog post

Last week I was talking about the posting the shuttle and an extra half double to make the work neater - see this post.

I did mention that some people reckon that it makes it easier to open the ring if you post the shuttle but I don't understand this as Ive never tried opening a ring from it's base.

So today I'm mainly trying to ensure that people who make mistakes in a ring (which is something I do regularly) don't panic!!!  

Forget trying to open from the base (shuttle posted or not) and go for the last picot in the ring.  There aren't many rings that don't have the 'odd' picot in them whether large or a vsp.  

17 March 2022

Cyril's Swans

Here in Stratford we have swans. Not as many as we used to have as we sadly had a bout of Avian flu over the winter but we still have half of them left and hopefully the Spring will see some signs of them breeding in earnest! 

Cyril is our unofficial (I think) swan person. He's got a dedicated swan bike which was recently donated to him and he is called out at all hours to rescue swans who have got tied up in fishermen's lines, got ill or, sadly, died. He does an amazing job and is well thought of by all us locals. 

This is the reason I'm calling these guys 'Cyril's Swans'. I've made him a couple to sew onto his jacket or whatever he wants. We met a few weeks ago outside the library and he was really chuffed with them. 

I expect you'd like the pattern, wouldn't you? Well it's on my free pattern page or via a the direct link here.

15 March 2022

Coats doily again

Well I also found time to get the border of the Coats doily done and I must say that I'm pretty pleased with it. 

I have oodles of this thread in size 40 so I will continue on my merry way. It's going to be my 'take with me' project when I go to the craft groups so it will be a long time in the making!!! 

I'll add another picture of the completed doily which will now become a cloth just so you can feast your eyes on what it will look like - one day!!!

14 March 2022

Monday thoughts - not moans

Yes it's that time of the week again!!!

This time it’s not a moan but more a matter of talking to myself about a couple of ‘techniques’. Well I think they’re more ‘suggestions’ than techniques as such. 

The two which I find most amusing is ‘posting the shuttle through the ring and/or doing an extra half double before closing’. Now this is meant to make the base of the ring lie better and to make it easier to open the ring if needed. 

When I first heard about this idea I adopted it. In fact I used it for several months until I decided that it was a pain in the ‘you know where’ and which also slowed me down. Anything which means letting go of the shuttle slows the tatter down and this certainly slowed me. 

So, I rang up BC3 (for those who don’t know BC3 - he’s the only brain cell I’ve got left and is a good hardworking soul) to ask him to check it out. 

It dawned on me that the only reason that the rings might look better is because I was being more careful when closing them after 'posting' the shuttle and that if I went back to my old ways and closed carefully I’d probably get the same result. So back I went to my original method and it was true - when I closed more carefully (without the posting and/or extra half double) the rings did look better. It was also the same with doing the extra half double. 

Then I questioned myself and realised that I didn’t want ‘perfect’ tatting (whatever that is!) but wanted to enjoy the craft so I went back to my ‘good old ways’ and life is good!!!

11 March 2022

Four squares make a


Well a long way to go yet. I forgot to take a picture of 'just' the pink one!!! 

I'm going to put these together with a frame around each block and the whole thing so just have to wait for another warmer day - or two. 

I only sew when the weather's warm enough for me to do it in the conservatory and that's not happened a lot lately - the warm weather, I mean.

10 March 2022

Back to the Coats doily

When I posted the single motif I showed you on Monday I'd already got a lot further ahead due to the TIAS and me not using this blog for a few weeks.

You'll see that I managed to join each motif together and it does lie well. It was a bit of a nightmare but I made a few notes (I think!!) as I went along.

You may wonder at all the markers on the picture but they're there for reasons. The coloured yarn is so I know whether the motif was a first, second or third one and that helped enormously with the joining of them together. 

The pins on the outer edges are to show where I join the next round so now it's 'onwards and upwards'. Well, in theory!!!!

Considering that I've had this pattern for probably sixty years it's about time I conquered it!!!

9 March 2022

The scarf just grows

Now carefully relegated to 'Friday mornings only' (that's when I go to the knitting group) the scarf only grows slowly!!!! I'm still going to bore you with it from time to time, though!!!

8 March 2022

The cushion project

Looking back it appears that I'd forgotten (blame the TIAS!!) to explain the reason for the square crazy patchwork that I've been working on!!!!  BC3 can be SO unreliable!  So here it is.

The group I belong to on a Tuesday morning often does group projects.  We've made several quilts and last year we made cushions.  Well the cushions started pre lockdown but only got 'used' last June at a midsummer party in Lifeway's garden.

During the party we raffle our project and the money raised goes to a charity.  We've decided again this year to make cushions and as these are individual projects I've started on mine as you know.  

This is a ten inch square based on a five sided shape.  I found this video on YouTube which I thought was a great idea.  

7 March 2022

Coats second attempt

After giving up on the green Coats doily (here's the picture of the doily) because I was going to run out of thread and (mainly) because I didn't like all the fussy picots I went on a high level dive into my stash!!!

I knew I wanted to stick to size 40 thread but also that I needed quite a lot of it too. 

Fortunately I found this gorgeous Coats thread which is old but still fine and that's what I've decided to use. 

I've eliminated all the picots on the rings but have kept them on the chains on the outer row. Why? Well because it'll be easier for joining purposes later!!! Now somebody mentioned working out the joins by scanning the picture and enlarging it. I've already got the full pattern (and all my other leaflet patterns) digitised but when I tried to do this with the Coats one and enlarge the motifs it came out too fuzzy so I'm going to have to work it out from the text alone!!! 

That'll keep me quiet for a while!!

4 March 2022

Sad or happy?

Sad that this is the end of another ball of thread but happy that I COULD allow myself to buy more.

BUT I can't because I have a lot of thread that needs using first!!! I'm keeping a tight lid on my stash building and am making BC3 use what we've got first!!! 

So, happy that I'm getting closer to being allowed to buy more but sad to see another empty nest!!!!

3 March 2022

Another cushion square

Now this one turned out to be really bright and cheerful and the weather was just right for taking a photo outside on the grass.  Other people have lawns - we have grass!!!  Why?  Well it's full of all sorts of weeds and 'stuff' and I'm not really bothered whether they're there or not!!!  I love mowing the grass but other than that it does what it wants to do!!  Live and let live!!!!

I need one more square now and then it'll be time to put them all together!!!

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.