2 August 2014

Sequin decoration

For some reason that I can't fathom I decided to do this motif again a couple of weeks ago.  Found them lurking by the scanner - for once not under the scanner - they'd escaped and were 'resting' by the side.

Oh, I remember now - I wanted something to add to the hanging I made out of the geckos ............

Anyway it didn't work so now I've got two more 'bits' to chuck in my 'boxes of tat'!!!! Sheeeeesh, wish I could decide what to do with all the 'bits'!!!!

1 August 2014

New EXCLUSIVE tatting club

Today I'm proud to announce a new and EXCLUSIVE tatting club. It will be named the 'Tatted Mouse Club'.  There is a tab at the top of this page (when I can get it to show properly) where the member's names will appear.  Here's the link.

To join you must submit one tatted mouse from the Houtz brother's book!!!

For those who have only got as far as doing baubles/bobbles from the book there will be a 'junior membership' which will then be upgraded to full membership once a mouse is submitted!

Why? Well cause I'm bonkers and don't see why others of a similar nature shouldn't join me in my 'bonkersness'!!!!

30 July 2014

Another sailing boat

AND an apology.

First of all I'd like to point you to Maria's boat on the Tat It And See blog right here. This makes 96 sailing boats now arrived in the harbour.

Secondly I'd like to apologise to anybody who's made the windmill. There were a few hiccups with the pattern which (thanks to Pigmini) are now sorted. You can find her blog here if you want a good giggle.

Here's Maria's sailing boat for you to see today.

29 July 2014

WHO can resist?

Well the addiction to the Houtz book continues!! I just CAN'T resist these little critters!!!

I was talking to another tatter who has (hopefully only temporarily) fallen by the wayside the other day. Not inspired to design or to even pick up shuttles. I suggested that the poor lost soul get a copy of this book and play with it. 

I don't know what it is about making the bobbles/baubles but they're relaxing and challenging at the same time. I sooooo wanted one in grey like the Houtz brothers have in their book. So, rather than start on another crazy idea I made this guy!!!

28 July 2014

Gecko hanging finished

Well the top picture is where I was when I last showed you. Still mumbling over the additional flowers/leaves. 

In the end I made four more and those you can see on the finished hanging. It's now in the hall next to the front door. 

I'm hoping it'll 'settle down' as it hangs as it's got a sort of 'wobble' on it at the moment!!! If it doesn't I'll just add some weights to the bottom.

Well, as my late father would say in a VERY dull and boring voice - 'well, Sally, that's a good job done'!!!! No, in 97 years he never remembered my name!!!

26 July 2014

More pictures of geckos!!

I am still pondering this task. I am still not sure if it needs more flowers on or not.

These decisions take time as I need to be sure before I completely finish the thing. There's also the 'getting bored with it' factor which stops progress too!!!!

24 July 2014

What to do with geckos.

A trip around my geckos - part one!!!!

The gecko 'session' seems to be over for now!!! I finally decided to rescue them from 'the box' and make them into a hanging. 

As they're all different colours I wanted something very 'anonymous' for the background. I remembered that years and years ago I'd bought some hessian type fabric from Ikea and so found that in my stash. 

I started placing the geckos on that but it sort of 'killed' them dead. Then I remembered some gold diamond shaped netting that I'd bought for something else and which I'd not then used so got that out too. 

The shape of the hanging was easy to decide. Long and narrow. I decided to cut out a random shape to represent (sort of) a tree trunk for the geckos to run up and down. You can see some of them on these three pictures. All had to be stitched down (decided against glue or iron on web stuff) and that took hours and hours!!!

23 July 2014


Now for the story behind this windmill.  It's one of the patterns I submitted to Tat Days for their consideration. It wasn't accepted which is fine as I can give it to y'all (practicing for my trip with the local dialect) now. 

This little windmill is quite an easy tat and worked in just two parts. This reminds me of Dutch Delftware done in blue!!!! There you are, Riet. A pattern for you right there in The Netherlands.

Oh, I guess I'd better give you the link, eh? Well, here it is!!!!

22 July 2014

Windmill 1

This is a design I've had lurking on my computer for months. There's a little story behind it but you'll have to read the next post to find out what that is!!!! 

The pattern is ready but I'm going to tease you for another day or two!!!!!
I love windmills.

There's a very old one near to us which I've been meaning to visit for years.  Here's the link to Chesterton Windmill.

21 July 2014

Two more pages

After a hectic week last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I managed to update Gina's site over the weekend with two more of her patterns sent in by other tattters. Thanks to you all - you know who you are.  Here are the narcissus and  shamrocks which are now available here.

On Friday I had the great fortune to meet up with Kristen and Chris (her husband) who were passing through the town. What a lovely pair - pity I didn't take their photos but I do have her blog link to show you and I suggest you read it as it's a very interesting blog. It's called 'Tatting All Over The Place' which she seems to be achieving at a rapid rate!!!

It was a wonderful three days that I had last week and now this week it's back down to earth with a BUMP!!!!

Owch - mind the ancient head!!

19 July 2014

Cabone experiment part two!!!

So, after the last experiment with using a loom band instead of a cabone ring here, I decided it was worth another go at another pattern!!! 

This time I chose this one as I've always liked it and it's relatively straightforward to make!!!!

It's quite frightening when I see the dates on designs and it's good to go back and re-visit them in case they need updating or 'repairing'!!!! 

Again the only 'difficulty' with using the loom bands is the same as before - you need to allow the join some laxative (no, I know that's not the right word!!) to let it move if necessary along the band. Now, what is the right word - DOH, gone again!!!

18 July 2014

A bracelet

I've been very, very busy for the last couple of days so haven't posted. Bet you were glad of the break from my innate ramblings!!!!

Anyway - this is a bracelet I made for my Tasmanian friend who has been staying with us for the last two days. Here is the link to the pattern.

I hope to be back to 'normal' with another post tomorrow. Meanwhile I'll leave you with this 'interlude' post!!!!!!

15 July 2014

Gina's patterns

A few weeks ago a friend approached me and suggested that I could use some of my web space to showcase Gina's patterns. I'm sure we'd discussed this before and I must've forgotten!!! My 'remembering' has never been very good and as I've got older it's become even more like a sieve!!!!!

So, she sent me the patterns that she'd saved from Gina's blog links before they stopped 'being there'.

For those of you who haven't heard of Gina before - she was a very dear friend to many, many of us and I had the pleasure of spending time with her on several occasions.  This wasn't easy to arrange as she lived in America and I'm in England!  Gina was a prolific crafter and tatter extraordinaire.  She shared her thoughts and work on her blog here. 

Sadly she died waaaaay too young just over two years ago. Even when she was going through the trials of chemo and radiation she kept her sense of humour and hope.  Just after she found out she was in remission she got pneumonia and the outcome was then sadly inevitable.

This is my tribute to her (with permission from her family) in the only way I know and in order to keep my very fond memories of her alive.  If anybody else has further Gina patterns I would happily add them to the site.

The picture is the only one either of us took when we last met in Cincinnati.  Sunflowers always remind me of her now.

14 July 2014

Last post on the bag!!!

Now what to do with the loom bands that I made - easy answer!! Sew them onto the new jeans bag!!! 

I think they look OK but that'll have to do now as I'm bored with that game!!

Next bit of fun will be working out exactly what I'm going to do with all the geckos I've made!!! I know that I've got to do something with them or they'll be lurking in a box somewhere until I fall off my perch!!! 

So, first problem solved - what do I sew them on to!!! I found a lovely piece of linen fabric that's been lurking in my sewing stash for years and years. Now, what next? I'll be back with the next 'instalment'!!!!

12 July 2014

Another loom band experiment!

So, having worked hard at getting the pattern up for the loom band motif which is here, I decided to try another pattern.

Ah, but meanwhile after a few comments from other people I decided to try a pattern that I did years ago that used cabone rings. I was curious to see if that worked too!!!! Well, much to my surprise it did!!! This is the pattern I used.

Now I must mention that tatting on a loom band has a slight added challenge to the process!!!! Well, not really a 'challenge' as such - more that you need to take a little care with the join. 

Joining to something that's 'wobbly' (I know the word should be 'flexible') and 'sticky' means that each join needs to have 'breathing space' so that it can be moved if required when the motif is finished. 

This isn't the best of scans - I did it in a bit of a hurry. Obviously it may be foolish to press a loom band so I've not tried. I'm going to thoroughly wet it and then use my favourite stiffening method - white glue squished in with my fingers!!!!!

10 July 2014

Bag again

Today the front, flap and strap of the new bag.

I originally made the bag using the printed fabric but then decided it was 'too much' and then converted that into the lining. I love this print SOOOO much that it needed to be shown. The motifs were cut out of the same fabric and stitched on before putting the lining into the flap. The edging was added when the lining had been fitted.

Now there are spaces that need filling on the flap. Hmmmmmm, don't they just shout 'tatting' at you? Well, they do to me!! Wonder if the loom motifs will prove useful there - when I find out where I left them!!!

9 July 2014

Quick post today!

Just a fast one today to let you know that number 95 has just arrived on the Tat It And See blog here. 

Also to nudge a few of you who may also have forgotten to send yours in too!!!!

While I'm nudging - I noticed that there were almost 90 people going to Tat Days too - still time to come and join us.

8 July 2014

The answer!!

I nearly forgot to give you the answer to this question here!!!

A few were close and right with their guesses.

As you know I have a penchant for bags. Having them and making them! It's a sad disease but in my case - pretty cheap!!! Cheap as chips as 'they' say!! 

Here is a picture of the zipper pull on my new bag and a picture of the underneath of the flap. Why did I need a new bag? Well with my trip to Palmetto Tat Days looming up I needed something to cart my iPad, purse, passport etc around in when I get to America. I take a bigger bag as carry on but it's too big to carry with me all the time and doesn't have a shoulder strap either. This bag is made out of one leg of an old pair of jeans so it's REALLY cheap!!! More pictures when I've finished it!!!

7 July 2014

More loom motifs

Just two more motifs worked with the loom bands. These are great fun as I've got a packet of assorted colours and, along with variegated thread, they give me a lot of amusement trying out different combinations!!!!

I'm also currently working on a secret project which I'm delighted to be able to do. I'll let you know as soon as I can. 

It's daytime 'work' on the computer and also needs a lot of concentration too!!! If it rains over the next week I may get it done but if it doesn't then the garden and other 'projects' may well steer me away from it!!!!

5 July 2014

Now, what about these?

This is a set (bracelet and earrings) that I made some time ago and which I've since 'mislaid'!!! I'm totally hopeless with my stuff. Once a piece is finished it's of no interest to me whatsoever as I'm already thinking about the next idea!!!!

Usually I find 'stuff' days and days later sitting quite happily under the scanner's lid!!!  I know others do the same and that I'm not alone.

This time, though, it just isn't 'there'!!!  I'm sure it'll turn up soon and will apologise for it's lack of communication during it's 'missing' spell.  I know - I'll send for Hercule Poirot and Sherlock Holmes.  I'm sure they'll find them!!!!

4 July 2014

Gecko pink cocoa

Here's another gecko!!! in Lizbeth's pink cocoa.

I'm sure you can remember that I went through a phase recently of making geckos and then I went off and did other things. One evening recently I decided to make number 12 and here he is.

Sally kept asking me (Happy Birthday, sis) why I was making them and I couldn't give her an answer except that I was just enjoying the colours!! Well, yesterday I decided what their fate is going to be. A long wall hanging with them all running up and down the wall!!!

Then, of course, I decided that I'd better do a few in size 40 and 80 to vary the look of it so that's going to be my 'fun tat' for a while.

3 July 2014

The pattern!!!

Before I start.  Just a reminder that the Palmetto Tatting Days registration is still open.  Do have a look to see what's offered.  My gingerbread men are excited over their trip!!!!

OK, here it is in all it's 'glory'!!!! The pattern.

Hope to see other ideas using Loom Bands as they are so cheap and cheerful!!!  Meanwhile I may have another try at another design too.  Long summer days are great for getting things like this done. 

2 July 2014

Taster of the new pattern!!!

It must be six months or so ago since Joanie first told me about an American craze for loom bands or rainbow looms. Well they've just 'hit' the UK and you can read a bit about them here.

We've even got two shops in town who have the bands and a guy on the Friday market has been selling them too. So, what's this got to do with tatting you may well ask?

BC3 (that's brain cell three) and I decided that there has to be more uses for these pesky little rubber rings so I bought a packet a few weeks ago. My excuse? Well, Abbi may want to play with them when the kids come for a week in the summer!!!! I convinced me, anyway!!!

So, here's the first design (nothing complicated) using these intriguing little circles of rubber!!!

I started off using a bead for the centres and then tried 'without'. A few beads, one shuttle, a modicum of finger tatting and it's a fun, easy tat. I will get the pattern finished off today and uploaded tomorrow.

1 July 2014

Another technique page

Yet another for your use - if you should ever need it. This is the mock ring with a bead - hey diddle diddle right in the middle!!!

Now the reason for this mini splurge of techniques is cause I hadn't got them drawn up until now and that was mainly because I'd not really 'needed' them!!!

I have a new design which I'm hoping to get sorted before the end of the week  and which will involve one or both of these new techniques AND something that tickles me pink too!!!!

It's to do with - well, no, I'm not going to spill the beans. I'm going to make you all WAIT for a day or two!!! Aren't I cruel?

30 June 2014

Technique pages

So this week I'm hoping that I'll be able to share a new pattern which has got me quite excited already. 

It's something that I'm sure nobody has tried before and at times I've realised why!!!! Well, that's not quite the truth as you'll see when I've finished it that the idea is relatively simple - it's just what I've chosen to put BC3 through to achieve it that's been the problem!!!!

So, in order to prepare you for all this excitement (yawn, yawn) I've done two technique pages - one of which you can find here.  This one is for the mock ring (MR).

I realise that in these 'modern times' that the way to go with teaching via the internet is through videos but I'm afraid I haven't yet got the hang of those.

Also I've seen a lot of poor ones which have quite put me off as I know mine would be really bad!!! Somebody wrote the other day to say that they'd learned to tat via my beginner tatting pages as they found that the 'hands' got in the way on a lot of the videos.  That is what made me get up off my fat 'behind' and get on with this page.

28 June 2014

Milward shuttles

Thought you'd like to see some shuttles today. Not those being sold in my Etsy shop later but two I bought off Ebay a week or so ago.

One was bought for a friend who often finds that Ebay sellers won't ship to her country so I bid on them (sometimes she does) and the seller ships to me. We settle up with each other and I mail hers items on.  Then I spotted another one and put a bid on for myself. The one on the left is the one I bought and the one on the right is now on the way to the friend.

Several interesting things to note about the differences. Neither has the green ribbon which the shuttles always used to have on the hooks when I bought them brand new back in the 1960/70's.  Always useful when you wanted to find the little stinkers as they spent their lives (the hooks) hiding from me down the side of sofas and chairs. 

The font used on the two packets is very different too. It makes me think the one on the left is a lot newer than the one on the right.  I love the instructions on the right hand one.  In the many, many years I used the Milwards I never ever had any problems with them.  To think that they were made such a short distance from where I live is also amazing as that never occurred to me 'back then'.

I see there are several patent numbers on the one packet too (747, 745 and 746) and on the other is the postcode. 

Now me being a nosy old git I just HAD to google that postcode and it appears that the factory site is now a housing estate. Nothing new there, then!!!!

27 June 2014


A decision has been made!!! A decision on when the shuttles will go 'live' in my Etsy shop here tomorrow.

I will let them 'go' at 14.00 BST. That will keep me out of mischief for a few hours.

Please if possible - could you try to stick to one order and not multiples? 

I find that BC3 complains bitterly over having to work out what Paypal refunds to do!!!! In fact he threatened to stop doing refunds the other day but I persuaded him to think long and hard over that!!!

Just for eye candy - a few more shuttles!!!!

26 June 2014

Guesses please!!!!!

Now this little gismo has been made for a reason. BUT can anybody guess what it's been made for?

I'll give you a clue.  The owl is not only there for 'prettiness' sake but also for weight too.  

Another clue?  Take a look at the other end opposite the owl - why have I added a metal split ring there?

One thing I will tell you - it's not an earring!!!   Too long and not pretty enough.

25 June 2014

Last of the Fandango bookmarks

Before I go off on my daily ramblings about tatting - I'm wondering if anybody else is having problems with blogger? 

You'll see (below the bookmark) that I've taken a screen shot of my own blog. Well normally there are loads of blogs that I follow in my reading list but nowadays (well, for the past few days) I only get the latest one showing up!! Now that's OK except that I'm sure I'm missing loads of blogs that I normally read. This is happening on all my devices so it's not just the big computer, not just the browser but something is wrong. Sally seems to be having the same problem too.  

Just been snurging round the blogger forums and we're not the only ones having this problem.  Blogger are working on it.  PHEWWWWWW.

I woke up this morning and found blogger is working properly again but thought I'd leave this post 'as is' just in case it's of interest to anybody!!!

Well, the last for now!!!!  Again this is worked with size 40 thread and the pattern is here.  

24 June 2014

New shuttles arriving sooooon.

Well, Saturday to be exact. BUT I'm not sure yet what time I'll release them!!! 

I think it would be a good idea to ask 'wannabe' buyers what time they'd like so - over to you!!!! If you can comment with the hour you'd like in BST (British Summer Time) then that would be very helpful. I will then work out the average of the requests and list them then.  Of course, I'll let you all know in plenty of time.  

What's that saying?  Time and tide wait for no man!!!  Well it's got to wait for me for once!!!!

The shuttles I've got are listed here:-

3 ZEBRANO £20.00 each (2 with hooks, 1 without hook) 
4 OREGAN MYRTLE £17.50 each (3 with hooks, 1 without hook) 
4 CHERRY £17.50 each (3 with hooks, 1 without hook) 
1 YEW £17.50 
3 SEQUOIA £17.50 each (2 with hooks 1 without hook) 
4 HOLLY £17.50 each (3 with hook 1 without hook) 

4 PURPLE HEART £7.50 each 
4 MAHOGANY £6.00 each 
4 BEECH £6.00 each 
2 TEAK £6.00 each 
2 ROSEWOOD £6.00 each 
3 SYCAMORE £6.00 each 
2 ASH £6.00 each

 Oregon Myrtle
 Purple Heart

Creative Commons Licence

Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.