29 July 2022

Celtic Ferris Wheel again

Just found this which I haven't shown you before.  I'm totally fed up with trying to make this design larger at the moment but I may well return to it sometime in the future!!

27 July 2022

Fandango progress

I'm still plodding along with my neighbour's doily.  It's going to be about 17" by 12 or 13 - when it's done!!!  

I think it will need two more rows after the current one but we'll see.  On the final row I'll repeat the very dark green but haven't decided whether that will be on one shuttle or both!!!

26 July 2022

Mary's bookmark

Mary sent me a picture of her bookmark.  Love the colours she's used.

I'm working (along with my test tatter) on the bracelet version and should have it up and running soon.  I'll let you know!!!

25 July 2022

Monday moan - sort of

I rarely buy books - well, not tatting books as I now have so many and the earliest I have dates back to 1870.  I resist buying as long as I can BUT occasionally there's a pattern book that calls to me and the cover picture on one really did that BIG TIME.  So I bought it and am happily looking forward to making one or two of the doilies because they are just so pretty.
BUT the one thing that really put me off when I opened it is the the way it appears to allocate front side/back side tatting to the invention of Jan Stawasz who is given the accolade of coming up with the idea.  This is sadly not true (it's been around since before Mrs Beeton published her book.  Actually since 1865 - see this link and the instructions on making a reversed double stitch.  

The thing that Jan did actually (to an old timer like me) is complicate the whole issue of using this 'technique'.  Some years ago I did his monster doily but ignored his notation completely!  What I did was count the total of doubles on a ring or chain and divide it up where there were picots and popped them in where they belonged.  I tatted it doing rings as per usual and chains by making the second half of the stitch first followed by the first half - RODS (reverse order of double stitch).  Oh, I also added beads to give the finished piece some weight and it's kept it's shape better by doing that too.  Sorry, I digress.  

So when I tackle the book (which I will do when I've finished another big project) I will be totally doing it using RODS.  Again (I've said this before) I do NOT think it's necessary to do tatting that way but tend to do it with things that will be scanned or only seen from the 'right' side.  

Oh, I bet you want to know which book I bought!!!  Here it is.  I'm DELIGHTED with it.

22 July 2022

Celtic In Out Bookmark

Well here it is at last - the In and Out Bookmark!!!  Well, what else would you call it?!

I’m now working on a bracelet version as that’s been a suggestion from one or two people.  That will need some altering (length being one of the ‘problems’ but others have occurred to BC3 too!!!

18 July 2022


Well when I set out on this project I was determined to take photos of progress each day.  Well that just didn’t happen as I only had an hour or so here and there to work on it.  I like being busy but this got ridiculous!!!
So what you’re getting today is the finished garment!!!

But here’s the finish!!!

11 July 2022

Back and Front of Bookmark

Getting there slowly.  Wherever ‘there’ is, of course!!!!

I just need to check links and hoping a test tatter will get back to me without picking up on too many mistakes and then I can put it ‘live’ on the pattern site. 

8 July 2022

The knitting project

This is also progressing well now.  It took a few hours and hiccups to get the aged brain used to how this works.
Although I'm not that happy about the neckline (at the bottom of the photos) my lovely knitting group friends assure me that when I sew the picot edging down it will fit beautifully.  The size the top is working out at on the needles appears to be fine as I did manage to try it over my head a few days ago.  Just hoping it all stays 'on course'!!!

7 July 2022

Next part of the bookmark is done

This is the next part of the bookmark so not a lot more to do.  I've managed to keep up with the drawings too which is amazing!!!

Also the second picture shows the two parts interlinked!

6 July 2022

The waistcoat progress

As you can see the patchwork part of the waistcoat is underway.

I decided on 2½" squares as the bits of fabric I'd got in my 'bitty box' would be most likely useful for the project.

The new zip arrived and I've shown that at the bottom so you can see how it will fit into the finished garment.  It's an open ended one.  I'll probably put that in a strip of fabric down the front but I'm nowhere near making decisions like that!!!  One day at a time!!!  

Where to start was the first decision and the answer that BC3 came up with was the bottom!!!  So that's what I'm doing.  I've worked out that I'll need about 20 to 22 squares to go round the whole waistcoat so rather than make 'just a back' and then have to do the sides I thought I'd make it in one and then deal with the armholes when I get there.  It really is a case of trial and error!!!

When I'm supposed to be cooking I sneak out into the conservatory to pin squares together or cut more out!!  Don't tell anybody, please!

5 July 2022

Converting the cross

Into a straight bookmark.  Well, that's the plan.
Progress so far is this - round 1 and the rest shouldn't take too long as I'm using the cross drawings and changing them accordingly.  That's the same with the text too.  BUT BC3 needs to do a lot of checking on himself as he goes along!!!

Here's round 1 done and the next round is on the way too.

1 July 2022

Then temptation took over

I do like a challenge and there aren’t many left in tatting although there are things that don’t appeal to me so I’ve never taken up.  
As you know I go to a knitting group on a Friday morning and I've learned SUCH a lot from the girls there.  

One of them is knitting a top in the finest yarn I've ever seen and she's doing it from the top down.  This has been fascinating me for weeks so I decided to find a pattern.

No, I'm not using the finest yarn - I'm using what you can see below.  Bring on the challenge!!!

30 June 2022


As I mentioned on Tuesday I made a bookmark using the Sally's Cross pattern.

Now this thread I was given by a friend at the knitting group has gorgeous colours and temptation to use it quickly took over.  I've never been a 'fan' of perle thread but this was a pleasant surprise as I got on quite well with it.  

It's hand dyed which makes it more appealing to use too.  I'm now wondering if I ought to put this pattern on my site or just leave it for others to 'adapt' from the original cross?  Decisions, decisions!!!

29 June 2022

Progress on the waistcoat

Well that took some taking apart!  As you can see on the top photo below I got the zip out pretty easily but when I took the photo I was about to tackle the collar.  Sheesh.  That and the armhole facings were a struggle.  

The two photos in the middle are some scrap cotton fabric that I've 'stuck on' with wonder web over the holes for the original pockets.  I'll think about pockets when/if I finish the project.  The bottom photo is how the waistcoat looks now.

The next decision is how to make the patchwork to cover the fleece.  I need to look through my 'scrap stash' to see what would be the best size to use up all the bits and pieces I've got.  I don't want to start cutting into large pieces as that would be wasteful.  More another day.

28 June 2022

Sally's cross

Last week (or was it the week before) I wanted to make a bookmark with some thread that one of the knitting group gave me - so I could give it to her to prove that I do use my gifts.  More on that tomorrow.

I decided to adapt this pattern which is 20 years old.  

That was a BIG mistake!!!  Why?  Because I saw that the pattern needed updating.  So I made the cross (for another young lady who goes to my Tuesday group) and updated the pattern so that it's easier for an OG (old git) like me to understand.  This proves how much my pattern writing has changed over the years.  I do regularly review my work.  

27 June 2022

Monday moans x 2!

I was talking to another tatting friend the other day about the history of our craft - and what is known about it.  I just loved this saying that she sent me when we were discussing a matter that had occurred online when a relatively new tatter had broadcast something which wasn't actually right.  She (my friend) said that this is 'a case of someone who knows not that she knows not' which summed up the whole thing.

It seems to be happening more and more that people will come into the craft and assimilate a little thus become a self acclaimed 'expert'.  Humility is a wonderful thing.  I certainly do NOT count myself as an expert on tatting (or anything else for that matter) and will happily tell people that, although I've been doing it for rather a long time, I'm still learning.  I also approach others for confirmation (or otherwise) when I think I've stumbled on something new or when I do a technique page etc. for them to check it over.

The only piece of advice I could give to all new tatters is to study the craft and get a feeling for 'who did what and when' in the past.  

Another moan - yes, two for the price of one this Monday!!

The other day I was asked to help a‘ lady with a free pattern she'd found on the internet and I happily agreed.  I asked her to send the link or the pattern as it was 'free' and when I looked at it it was obvious (if she'd read to page 6) that this was a 'sale' pattern on Etsy.  

Sadly I had to tell her I couldn't help as it would be a copyright issue and suggested she contacted the seller.  I then told the seller that I'd been sent a 'free' pattern of hers and that I'd asked the person who wanted to make it to ask her for help.  

Now the interesting thing is - this pattern (or, rather, idea) was first shown in an Elgiva Nicholls book but the Etsy seller didn't know that.  Elgiva covered it in two sentences and the Etsy seller made it cover six pages.  This comprised of a WHOLE page for the title, another for the abbreviations, one for the pattern (text and diagram), another for a photo of the finished item and two more pages for copyright information etc.  I thought we were trying to save the planet for future generations.  What a lot of paper and ink - bring back Elgiva and the people who write patterns that are concise.

Time I got ready for 'Keep Fit'!!!!

24 June 2022

Playing with the

Celtic Ferris Wheel motif.  Why?  Well I just LOVE colours.  
It’s many, many years since I saw Rosemarie Peel’s wonderful little book in which there is Celtic tatting.  This was where she used two separate pieces of tatting then interwove them and then kept them in place with another round.  I found this in her book ‘Tatting for Pleasure’ and I must say it’s always a pleasure to tat her designs.  

Her Celtic pattern in that book inspired me eventually to make the Celtic Ferris Wheel design which is on my free pattern site which is here.  Just wander down to ‘motifs’ and you’ll find it.

Part of the reason for making this again is to try and extend it to a larger design.  Wonder if that will work?!?!?

22 June 2022

Another bookmark

I couldn’t resist making another bookmark like the one I did yesterday!!!  Details of where to find it are on this post.

Obviously I decided to try it in colours so this is the result.  Happy days!!!

I like it in colours so a few more may get made!!!

21 June 2022

Another demolition job underway!

This was once a winter sleeveless waistcoat/gilet which I’ve had for probably ten or more years.  I didn’t wear it a lot as there’s a collar on it and that annoyed me after a while!!  I got it out of the wardrobe to take it to the charity shop = BUT.  Hang on.  What shall I do with it?!?!?

There were pockets in it and a very long open ended zip.  This was NOT the easiest demolition job I’ve ever done as the stitching was camouflaged into the fleece.  Here’s the job partway through.  I apologise for not taking a picture earlier but - I forgot!!

The idea is to use the basic part as a lining for another waistcoat.  Mainly because I’m bored to death with my usual winter T-shirts so thought that if I made a waistcoat that I could wear with them I’d feel a happier old git!!!  Wonder if it’ll work?!?!?

20 June 2022

When an insertion becomes a bookmark!

Now today I have something to show you. Judith Connors showed me her bookmark a few months ago and it really appealed to me. The simplicity of it and yet it’s quite challenging in it’s way. She kindly sent me her version of it. 

The basic pattern is from the Eleanore Endrucks-Liechtenstein book and it is number 32 which can be found here in the Antique Pattern Library. The actual pattern is here.

What Judith did is add ‘elbows’ to either end of the insertion and this makes a really lovely bookmark.   Many thanks to Judith for sharing this with me.

15 June 2022

The scarf!

I told you in this post that I may bore you even more over the scarf but I didn’t realise that boredom with turning up to the knitting group every week with the same thing took over.  So I decided to finish it!!!

I knitted my little socks off for a week or so and finally decided that enough was enough.  It’s thanks to Sue who told me how to do the ‘sideway stripes’ that this pattern came about.  It’s actually turned out to be a really snug scarf and is going to be a lot more useful than the waistcoat it was originally!!  Now I want a new knitting or crochet project so I’ll be off to surfing the internet (mainly Ravelry) for inspiration and a pattern - or two!!!

Here it is in all it’s glory!!  Well, glory isn’t the right word really!!!

13 June 2022

Another project

A neighbour asked me if she could borrow my sewing machine a couple of weeks ago.  Well, as any crafter knows a person’s ‘tools of the trade’ are very personal and the answer was a ‘no’.  I did enquire why she wanted to borrow it and then found myself offering to do the sewing for her.
This is one of two sun lounger ‘pads’ she’d bought to put on her chairs and they came with elastic to hook over the chairs to keep them in place.  She’d got some pretty old curtains which she wanted to cover the plain ‘pads’ with so it didn’t seem too big a task.  

Well it took longer than I thought it would - about five hours.  First the elastic had to come off and then careful measurements and ‘guesstimates’ made of how wide to make the curtain covers as I had to allow for the ‘dip in the middle’.  Not easy ‘wrestling’ the pads into the covers but the job got done with the elastic in place on the outside too!!!

10 June 2022

Nichole’s offering!

This is a message I had from Nichole who said

”My friend Julie encouraged me to send you pics of the rats I made with her.   It’s very interesting to see the difference between hers and mine because I tatted them inside out.”

Ah, I noticed they were ‘inside out’, Nichole but they are allowed into the Excluive club as you’ve made SUCH a great effort.

8 June 2022

A New Member - part 2

This is the next part of Julie’s email (part 1 is here) and you will NOT want to miss this - especially the pictures.

The bauble creations keep coming. I now have a frilled dragon to add to my menagerie.

One of them asked me if I could make a turtle, now I had only just begun and I had made a mouse and the bee from the book, but I thought sure I will give it a try and low and behold a turtle was born. While making the turtle, I kept thinking to myself, mom likes elephants, can I make an elephant? ,so I made an elephant. Then another co-worker asked for a giraffe and it took me a little while to figure him out but I made a giraffe, actually 3 of them one to figure out the shape and then one to figure out the spots and a final one for my co-worker. Then I thought about a zebra having seen a billboard for the zoo featuring a zebra on my way to work. I started the Zebra in July 2021 and then I got covid the first time and it got put aside for some time, until Jan 2022 when I finally got motivated to finish him, however I have not had time to figure out my notes to write down the pattern for the zebra. Meanwhile I should be getting started on the rats for April will be upon me before I know it and along comes Jan 2022 and I get covid again. This time though, not as bad as the first, so I was able to work on the rats and other projects while quarantined at home. Now I have the rats made I can work on my card making skills and presentation for lab professionals week April 24-29, 2022."

Update on the tatting tale. The lab rats were well received. I have encouraged my co-worker to submit her mice pictures to you to join the fun tatting club. I hope she will. She is amazing, doing very well in such a short amount of time.
The bauble creations keep coming. I now have a frilled dragon to add to my menagerie.”

All I can say is WOW to all of Julie’s work and a big thank you as well.

7 June 2022

A new member - part 1

Now I really think that Julie should have her own Exclusively Exclusive Tatting Club all to herself.  I really, really was stuck for words when I saw her work.  This is some of what she said - part two tomorrow,

"My tatting project,
It has been almost a year in the making. It started last April. I noticed a flyer on the door of the phlebotomy room at work announcing Lab professionals week. Unfortunately I did not see it or hear about it until Thursday of that week. It got my creative juices flowing and I wanted to do something special to honor the lab professionals at our facility. They all are great co-workers and friends. They like to laugh and joke so I wanted to make something with a play on the word lab. I decided I would look for a pattern of a labrador dog and make a card for them. It took me a while that evening to find a pattern. Thanks to Jane Eborall's website "Tatting and not a lot else!" janeeborallblogspot.com, I found a puppy pattern that I thought if I did it in black thread would be a suitable lab puppy. Since it was Thursday evening, meaning Friday would be the last day to celebrate during lab professionals week, I did not have much time so I could only make one instead of the 6 I was envisioning, one for each person in the lab. When I finished it though, it did not look much like a puppy to me so I was a little disappointed and almost abandoned my idea to make them a card. In a rush the next morning I hastily wrote "happy lab professionals week" on a piece of paper and attached the tatting to the paper with a paperclip. I then went to the girls and presented them with the paper. I had to explain that it was supposed to be a lab puppy, everyone thought it was a lamb instead. They loved it so much the lab supervisor went right out and bought a frame and put it on the table in the lab for all to see. I was awed by their response and vowed to myself I would do a better job next year. 

So I started with the beginning and made a few baubles. I was pleasantly surprised at how easy this technique is once I figured it out. It helps to work it while reading the instructions, it makes more sense that way. So I showed it to my co-workers, not the lab girls. I am trying to make it a surprise for them, and they loved the idea.”

More tomorrow - don’t miss it as you’ll be blown away.  

6 June 2022

Monday moan

Sorry I missed posting last week but life got in the way of EVERYTHING!!!  Not helped by being one of the organisers of the road’s Jubilee party/parties!!  See my outfit below - yes I was mainly serving teas, coffees and washing up which is my favourite job.
Anyway, on to today’s Monday moan.

Today it’s about Facebook (this is my page).  It’s not a place I use or go to a lot.  Yes I post a link to this blog and pictures I take on my walks but never anything personal as you’ve probably noticed.  

Now I belong to lots of tatting groups on Facebook and sometimes, sometimes I feel I can add to a thread. Usually I do a ‘turn on notifications’ and then wait for others to answer the problem but I do go straight in with a comment occasionally.  Mostly I just look at email notifications in my inbox and delete from there without going onto the platform itself.  

What annoys me is the amount of ‘selling pattern’ adverts that are put on the groups by people.  They advertise in every group so I have sometimes up to ten to delete in a row.  Fortunately nowadays I recognise the names and so just select them all in my inbox and delete straight from there.  There’s one group that I love - Just-Tatting as no advertising is allowed except for two or three days a month.  Lily, the administrator, is ACE at making sure this happens too.  I wish all these groups were the same as day after day I delete, delete, delete.  In fact there’s one group for tatting designers which I thought I’d join as I may learn something or be able to help but all this seems to be is yet another group of adverts.  I’m out of there now so that’ll save the delete button a bit.

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.