Well that was a busy day! A morning in the library teaching silver surfers, the afternoon working on the tat it and see and then in the evening out to a book signing and discussion.
I never, but never, go out in an evening. That's me. I'd rather sit in front of a telly (not that I watch much) and tat than go out 'on the town'. It has to be a really amazing event to get me out and this was. A book signing and discussion session. Now who did I hear yawning?
It wasn't anything at all to do with tatting either. Who did I hear gasping with amazement? BUT when I tell you that the author is somebody who's books I read and re-read then you'll probably want to know who it was. The author worth going out in the rain to hear was Jodi Picoult I think I've read every book (apart from three) that she's ever written. Very interesting to hear her speak about her work.
So, today's going to be another session on the TIAS, I hope once I've finished the roly poly tat bags. I think I got about half way through the TIAS yesterday. That's half way through the draft pages.
I never, but never, go out in an evening. That's me. I'd rather sit in front of a telly (not that I watch much) and tat than go out 'on the town'. It has to be a really amazing event to get me out and this was. A book signing and discussion session. Now who did I hear yawning?
It wasn't anything at all to do with tatting either. Who did I hear gasping with amazement? BUT when I tell you that the author is somebody who's books I read and re-read then you'll probably want to know who it was. The author worth going out in the rain to hear was Jodi Picoult I think I've read every book (apart from three) that she's ever written. Very interesting to hear her speak about her work.
So, today's going to be another session on the TIAS, I hope once I've finished the roly poly tat bags. I think I got about half way through the TIAS yesterday. That's half way through the draft pages.