I've absolutely no idea where I got this from but it certainly wasn't from France!!!!
I've scanned this to show you because of the back of the card mainly. Can you see that there's a picture of how to put the bobbin on the end to wind the thread? Interesting.
One packet I bought (in English), a thousand years ago was almost the same. That one (long destroyed in the joy of a new shuttle to use) had the same picture BUT with another showing how to load the bobbin back into the shuttle. That was my eureka moment and converted me to bobbin shuttles way back when dinosaurs roamed the earth.
Two other interesting points on this packet which may point towards it's age is the bar code (see this link and this one too) and the post code (another link). Bar codes were introduced into regular use in the UK in roughly the mid to late seventies and around the time post codes were forced upon the populace (that's what it felt like at the time) too. Translation here for Americans - post code = zip code. If you put the post code at the bottom of this packet into google maps you'll see that there is a modern building there nowadays.
Do you think we ought to designate it as a shrine for all tatters and go and worship there?!?!? Just another of the daft ideas from yours truly!!!
Do you think we ought to designate it as a shrine for all tatters and go and worship there?!?!? Just another of the daft ideas from yours truly!!!