When I came up with this little Fandango square back when the dinosaurs roamed the earth I didn't realise how many patterns would come from it - or how many uses it would have.
I need a little something or other for my 'go to' when I'm tired tat. Something I can just pick up and 'do'. So I decided it would have to be the Fandango - BUT.
Me being me I couldn't leave it alone - I had to fiddle with it as I wanted a ring in the middle.
Also I wanted to play with HWT - hand wound threads. I am afraid I'm not into variegated threads unless they have subtle colour changes. So I like to make my own.
I year or two or whatever back I had a whole lot of odds and ends given to me by Sue so I've got them out of the cupboard to play again. The biggest fun with this project is that no decisions have to be made until you want to start a new square!!! This is my start!!!