4 February 2017

More progress

This is the doily I showed you the other day. It's a pineapple doily.

I found the starting few rows of the motif extremely interesting. I suppose I COULD say 'difficult' but it actually isn't. 

It does take careful reading to interpret what to do but that's fine by me - I LOVE a challenge.

2 February 2017

Day 9 now available

Yes, it's here - the day you've been waiting for to give you more idea of what the TIAS will be! 

31 January 2017

Day 8

I maybe a bit late getting uploads done today as I'm off out with a friend to the nearest Apple store. Just hope I'm not tempted to buy anything!!!

30 January 2017

Off on another adventure

Tomorrow (Tuesday) will be day 8 of the Tat It And See.  

Again I'm off on another adventure with Dora Young. 

This is the centre of another doily and it's going well - so far. For those who are lucky enough to have got the book then this is the pattern on pages 20 and 21.

27 January 2017

Something I did earlier!

First of all - tomorrow will be day 7 of the Tat It And See. New tatters always welcome to join the fun. Remember - there are no rules!!

This is my first Dora flower pattern. Remember the green one? 

Not sure why I did the green but I think it was cause I enjoyed it so much. I'm going to do this pattern again sometime. Just SO interesting to tat and it fits EXACTLY on the scanner too!!!

24 January 2017

Another group of hexagons!!

Just to let you know first - tomorrow will be day 6. Things may seem a bit 'spaced out' but I find otherwise it's difficult to keep up!!! I also do have to do other things too like eat, breathe and sleep!!! 

I finished another group of 7 hexagons and these will be joined to the other 'set' sometime. I have NO IDEA what I'm making so please don't ask!!!! I make 'things' for the joy of making - not for the finished item!!!

I have a few balls of thread all of this size but the colours do vary slightly but are all within the 'ecru/beige/white range. 

23 January 2017

Crochet hexagons part 2

While the Tat It And See has been happening (and a bit before that) I've been working on these hexagonal shapes. 

There's a story behind the thread that I'm using. 

Many years ago (around 40, I guess) I taught myself the craft of netting/filet. I had bought a lovely leaflet from a local shop which had the most stunning patterns in. The problem was - they were all written in German and I didn't understand them.

There was a lady down our road who I had heard was German but I'd never met her. After months of frustration with the leaflet I took courage in both hands and knocked at her door to ask for help. I stood on her doorstep and explained my problem. I'll never forget that day. She took my arm and pulled me into her house - that was the beginning of a wonderful friendship. I didn't realise until that day that she too was an avid crafter and an extremely lovely lady. Sadly she died a few years ago but we enjoyed many happy hours together talking and doing crafts of all sorts.  She tried tatting but didn't take to it.  Her craft work was immaculate in everything she tried.

A few years before Irmgard died she had problems with neuropathy and she gave me some of her threads. These are what I'm using for the hexagon adventure.  As the saying goes - 'waste not want not'.  

21 January 2017

All done!!

First of all - day 5 will be available tomorrow (Sunday).  

This is the doily I was working on from the Dora Young book. As you can see it turned into a 'square within a square'.

This is a challenging piece particularly when worked the first time. Actually I'll admit this is the second time I've worked this pattern and I'll show you the original one another day. I thoroughly enjoyed working out how Dora designed this and I'm in awe of her talents. I just hope that when I grow up I'll be able to design like her. She set the pace via her Dora Young Knot which has since been 'replaced' by the split ring and split chain.

18 January 2017

Onwards and outwards!!!

First of all - tomorrow will be Day 4 of the TIAS.

As you can see I've finished all the petals on the latest Dora Young doily and am now on part of the outside of it. 

It's not lying flat but I can assure you that it will work out just fine. I know because I trust in Dora implicitly.

The colour is the same as the previous post but looks very different due to the background, I think!!!

14 January 2017

Day 2

Day 2 of the Tat It And See (TIAS) is now available here.

Sorry about the delays in updating the TIAS blog yesterday but it was Friday 13th and it certainly lived up to it's reputation for me all day!!!

13 January 2017

A bit of advertising!!

First of all - tomorrow will be Day 2 of the TIAS.

OR, one could say - downright promotion of my 'stuff'!!!

I don't like pushing myself forward but I really would like to clear out my Etsy shop of the bags I've got left in my 'shop box'. Why? Well part of me wants to start another session of sewing when Spring comes and I need an almost empty shop to do that and part of me wants to be tidy and have them out of my way. Now, I must add that that is the smallest part - the wanting to be tidy!!!

I doubt there's going to ever be a chance of me achieving that as it hasn't happened in the last 73 years!!!

So what I'm asking is for you to take a trip over to my Etsy shop to see what I've got there.  If you let me know whether you'd like one (and which one) I will then 'reserve' you that bag and put it in the shop with a 'reserved' sticker on it.

12 January 2017

Further progress

Isn't this pretty now? Well I think so but it will get even better before it's finished.  Still not had to cut or tie so that's even better. 

Working out how to do the chains and rings between the two petals was not that hard as they're 'thrown off' BUT getting the right thread amounts was!!! 

I have made a note of the quantities and the 'how to' on progressing down the righthand side of the petals for Heidi so that she may probably be able to include those in the reprint. I will certainly be keeping those notes so that I can work this pattern again.  It's a stonking great pattern.  Have I said that before about Dora's work?  If so then I'll say it again about ALL the patterns in the book - they're amazing.

10 January 2017


'They' (whoever they are) always say that 'tomorrow never comes' but I promise you that tomorrow will come and the first part of the Tat It And See will be launched in English, French and Dutch. 

Now, where will you find that link? Well it'll be here on this blog both in a regular post and it'll also be on the TIAS blog which you can find here. You will also be able to find all links on the left side bar too. The introduction is already there just in case you've mislaid it!!!

Please don't be shy of sending in any pictures, guesses or comments to either this email address or this email address. I find it too time consuming to troll all blogs and Facebook to find your work so would be grateful if you could send it to me as many, many people thrive and enjoy the hilarity of the comments.

I can assure you (this is aimed at Maureen) that this year you will NOT be making a rabbit!!!!

9 January 2017

Still on crochet - but

Before I start - two days til the TIAS begins. I must make sure that both browsers are awake and working well before it starts!!! 

Why two browsers?   Well, one is for my regular gmail account (and blog) and that clashes with the account I use for the TIAS blog - which is a different email address and login.  It means that for the next few weeks I'm constantly jumping from one browser to the other!!!  I MAY lose weight with all the jumping!!!!

I'm really looking forward to meeting all my tatty friends through the coming weeks. 

After the little owl I decided to give critters a break but I MAY go back to mice again. Love those meeces to pieces!!!!

This time I've started on 'granny squares' - well, hexagonal ones!!!!

7 January 2017

Change of plan!!!

No, you're not going colour blind!!! For some reason unbeknown to me (BC3 probably knows the answer) I gave up on the pink version of this Dora pattern a few weeks ago. I think I decided that it was going to be too hard but my lovely new internet friend (Heidi) sent me two pictures of Dora's original work that I could enlarge and study carefully. 

Thanks to this I was able to work out how the spiky bit was done. Actually Dora surprises me all the time as the pattern was actually perfectly written but BC3 just couldn't 'get it' for a while and without the pictures. Thanks a MILLION, Heidi. 

I think this was my third or forth attempt and many, many hours of puzzlement to get this far. 

There are more challenges to come with this pattern but I'm not giving up now!!!!

5 January 2017

Now for an owl!!!!

As before - this little chap is made in size 10 thread. It's one of Marilee's HDT's although I'm not sure which. I very, very rarely use size 10 in tatting and this is just too gorgeous to not use. 

Owls MAY take over from mice - who knows!!!

4 January 2017

Wake UP Jane!

I'm a dozy old moo. Here I am with a week to go and I've not yet issued a reminder that the Tat It And See starts next week.

Actually I suppose that's not too bad as I could call this a countdown to the start. 

Seven days to go.

Here's a link (which is now on both blogs) to the translation of the introduction in Dutch with many thanks to my dear friend Riet who is providing this service.  There is also a link for my French speaking (thank you, Julie) friends on both blogs too. 

I could put a picture on here of the finished piece but obviously I'm not going to spoil your fun. Instead I'm picking a random piece of tatting out of my photos.

3 January 2017

Over run with the pesky things!

Well I made a few more. No idea why I'm doing them but I've learned something about BC3 while doing them. He DOES love fiddly fine things!! The big mouse made with wool just didn't satisfy me but the others made in size 10 crochet thread certainly did!!!! 

Am I bonkers?  Of course I am!!!

2 January 2017

Off on another adventure!!!

This is, as you've probably guessed, another of the Dora Young patterns. 

Isn't it pretty? Well this is the first attempt on this one which maybe rather problematic. I've read and re-read the destructions but I can't fathom out one of the parts - although I can see how the whole pattern works in theory!!! Theory is a strange thing!!!!

I'll be back and will persist with this.

1 January 2017


Well that wasn't too bad.  

Here it is sorted.  I'm much happier with it now!!!

31 December 2016

I'm BACK!!!

That's a warning that trouble is back in Tat Land after a few days of doing very little except tat and crochet!!! Here are four of the Pinwheel motifs based on the first one I did right here - BUT

There's something wrong. Can you see what it is? It struck me immediately that I'd joined the final square wrong!!

So, back to the scissors and snip, snip, snip!!! Fortunately only most of the final round so it wasn't too bad. 

Now to put it right - back tomorrow (or whenever) with the amended square!!! I HOPE.

24 December 2016

An invasion of mice!

This will be my last post until next week. Mainly because I'm feeling lazy and also partly because I really don't want to start showing you other things until after the festivities are over. 

I have, however, got these mice to show you.  Just couldn't resist this little pattern I found on the internet!!!  

I love making small quick things occasionally although my main love is to be stretched by the craft of tatting - either by designing or by trying to understand and work some of the older patterns.  Dora Young - you ROCK.

Hope you all have a good Christmas and don't eat or drink too much.  I'll be ignoring my own advice, I expect!!!

23 December 2016

Another pinwheel

This is the same pattern as the one I showed you here.

Heidi Nakayama (the lady who is getting Dora's book re-printed next year) showed me her version of this design worked in two colours and my poor old BC3 was blown away. It was STUNNING. She taught it as a class and I bet the people who were in that class were also amazed to see how it worked in two colours.

In this pattern is a technique I've never seen before and one which I am currently exploring for myself. Dora certainly gave a LOT to Tat Land when she was designing. I'm in awe of the woman.

22 December 2016

Another rabbit

Today I've got another rabbit to show you. This is from Geraldine who has combined her rabbit with - well, I'll let her tell you!!!!

"Got there at last, finish him today. He's feeding his carrot to Rudolf. I've made 56 Rudolf's this year for friends and family. Merry Christmas."

Thank you, Geraldine - just in time for the next TIAS!!!!

20 December 2016

Just when I thought it was all over

I found another pattern lurking on the computer. This time it's a Flipje

Now WHAT is a Flipje I hear you ask!!! Well this next link will explain it all. I hope you can translate it via your browser. I've got a google plugin on my browser that allows me to translate most pages to English so I'm hoping you can too. It's an interesting read. 

You'll see from the date at the top of the pattern that this was done a while ago! I'm not sure who asked for it but I know I'd never heard of a Flipje until then. 

This is one of the reasons I LOVE Tat Land. I learn all the time.

19 December 2016


This is another of the patterns from Dora's book. It's called the Pinwheel. I've been working on this for a few weeks but didn't have time to show you until now. 

It's a pretty straightforward pattern to follow and to work BUT it does have an intriguing technique that I'd not met before. 

Be assured - you'll be seeing more of this technique if I can get BC3 to work on the idea!!!!  I can 'see' myself using it in something I'm quietly looking into designing and between starting yet another pattern from 'the' book.

I have had one or two people ask for copies of the patterns but, as I've explained, I can't share as the book is under copyright to Dora's family and I wouldn't dream of breaking copyright laws.  

17 December 2016

Yet another!!!

Not so bad this time as it's only been forgotten for a while!! 

Today's pattern is based on this original diamond that I made for a patchwork type theme some years ago. A little adaptation and it's become a matching pendant and bracelet set. Obviously this would also work for earrings too!!!

I think my backlog is now clear but you never know what I'll find somewhere on my computer!!!!

16 December 2016

Another missing pattern and thoughts .....

It wasn't until I got a comment on the TIAS blog on Sunday that I realised that I'd never put the completed TIAS 2015 pattern up on the pattern page!!!

I'm hopeless I know. Finally it's here.

I also got thinking yesterday over a comment that Diane made on her blog about Facebook. It was interesting as a few weeks ago I stopped receiving any notifications from the tatting blogs on there. 

My main reason was because I found it so repetitious. Somebody would ask a question and people would answer. Everybody has different opinions and ideas and that's fine but it was the constant repetition of the same comments and opinions on the SAME thread because nobody read back through previous comments that really 'got' me. 

I also found I was beginning to spend very precious tatting time on skipping from comment to comment and seeing and hearing the same old things. I haven't 'left' any of the groups and am still available but I just don't get notifications. Actually I must admit I don't often go onto the site after I've posted a blog link in the mornings. I LOVE MY BLOG!!!

15 December 2016

Finally the six point star

I've finished another Dora pattern (this one) which I'm really pleased with. Pigmini suggested doing it in two colours but by the time I got her suggestion it was well under way. 

I'm not sure it would work with two colours as the stars would get 'lost', I think. Can you see how cleverly Dora uses the chain sections to make the stars stand out? Those chains then become a design feature in themselves. 

I'm off on another pattern now and will start to show you that shortly. Are you getting bored with hearing about my adventures? If so then I'll just carry on quietly. There's no way I can give up working on this book just yet. I'm making notes as I go along too as a reminder for myself and they may come in useful for others too.

13 December 2016

Using a picot gauge

As you know I bought a set of picot gauges last Saturday when I was at the Lace Fair. 

Of course, as with any new toy, a person HAS to play as soon as they can!!! I'm working on another Dora Young pattern (not telling which one yet!) and thought they'd be darn useful. BUT I was wrong, wrong, wrong.

They may well work for 'normal' picots but for those being followed by lock joins they're not good. Well, that's my opinion.  Or, rather, that's what I think right now.  

I struggled to get a decent picot to sit properly or stay the same size as it's next door neighbour. I've put them to one side for now but will have another 'go' when I'm doing 'normal' picots which aren't followed by lock joins!!!  

12 December 2016


So you've had the sun, the moon and now you're going to get (whether you like it or not) the stars. 

Based on my original ancient star this is what I offered as a lesson to Palmetto this year. I've now added the pattern to this page and it can be found in the jewellery section.

10 December 2016


I missed blogging yesterday because I didn't have anything to show. Least I thought I didn't think I had until I was looking at my photos last night and realised I'd got some of the Lace Fair that I went to last Saturday.

So here they are. The person standing in the photo is Sue (commonly known as Pigmini) who blogs over here. The lady behind the stall is Lyn. 

I have met Sue several times before but didn't realise how dangerous it is to talk to other tatters when there are supplies being sold nearby!!! I'd come back well stocked from America but temptation (neatly egged on by these two) got in my way yet again.

It was a good day and thankfully not as crowded as it was last time I went which was a few years ago.  

8 December 2016

The 6-point Filet Star

Do you remember this post?  This is the Filet Star on page 18 of the All New Knotless Tatting Designs book by Dora Young.

Well I managed to do one of these little motifs (no failure this time!) without using a picot gauge and it looked pretty darn good!!! So, off I went on another motif. The reason why I made another one will become obvious when I've done another five!!! The effect when you've got a lot joined together is a bit like the first Dora motif that I did. VERY, very pretty. 

So, back to the tatting shuttles and upwards and onwards with my Dora work.

6 December 2016

Introduction to the TIAS

I've just added the introduction to the TIAS on the web site. I hope many of you will have the courage to join me again in my rather ridiculous little game!!!! 

For those who haven't heard about this game before - it's simply a pattern which is 'chopped up' into small parts and each part is given out every few days. The fun part is that you don't know what you're making. Guesses, pictures and anything goes in the four to six weeks that it takes to complete the uploading of the links. There is no time limit and there are no rules either - except I ask you to make it as fun as possible. 

If you need help at any point please ask although I can't help needle tatters. Before I forget - I'd better let you know where the introduction can be found. Here's the link.  There are also links on  Riet's blog to her translation (Dutch) and Julie's translation is here (French).  Julie's link maybe wrong but I'll update it when I see it appear!!!  I'm also putting links on the side of the TIAS blog too.  My thanks go to these two for all their hard work on this and the upcoming game.  They will be translating all the TIAS as it happens.

Just to pretty up the blog post - here are a few pictures of past Tat It And See games.

5 December 2016

It's Monday - let's all start the week

with a smile!!! The next pattern on my list that needed to be uploaded is the one that I did for Tat Days. I did this as a sort of 'instead of' pattern as I suddenly realised that the sun would be tooooooo long a project for a lesson. Thus the Sunny Smile was born!!!

I suppose he's almost another emotitat too!!!  Ooooops - forgot to put in the link!!!!

3 December 2016

I will NOT be beaten!!

Off on another Dora adventure!! I've now decided to return to the one I tried (and failed with) earlier - this is the post where I was mumbling on about picot gauges!!!

This time I'm tatting it 'naked' without one of those wretched objects!!! Bet that made you sit up and notice when I said naked.  If I was tatting without clothes on it would frighten the local residents!!!  Result (so far) is faster tatting and a pretty neat motif. 

We'll see what happens over the next few days/weeks!!! I'm going to try and stay focussed on this without wandering off to other things. Well, that's the aim but the best laid plans of mice, men and, of course BC3 etc!!!!

2 December 2016

Another project is


Isn't this delightful? Actually I take back what I said the other day and once again I cannot believe that Dora Young was such an innovative tatter and I've missed getting to know her for all these years. I just envy those who knew her  'back then' but also wonder if her talent was recognised when she was alive as much as it will be once her book is again available as a re-print.

Somebody told me the other day that they'd been looking for a copy of the original book but I explained that it was like hen's teeth. I still can't quite believe that Patti Duff gave me a copy of the book. I have the proof, though, and am slowly working through it but not in any particular order!!!

I started with my favourite and then went onto the next - which I then realised was going to be my new favourite!!! So each new one that I tackle becomes 'my favourite'!!!! Told you before - BC3 doesn't make sense from time to time!

1 December 2016

Next new pattern

Here's a little sunshine for your life. Don't get too close or you may get burnt and don't look directly at the sun as you'll harm your eyes!!! 

Well I thought I was going to get these new (ish) patterns sorted sooner than this but sadly time seems to fly out of my hands lately. I'm not sure why, really. I'm not doing anything spectacular apart from keeping the aged head above water and continuing my addiction to Dora Young!!

This is a pattern that I didn't really offer to Palmetto - mainly cause it's too long for a lesson and we'd all have fallen asleep by the time it was done. In fact it would've taken probably 3 or 4 lesson periods!!! There will be an 'off shoot' of this one (when I get round to it!!!) which I'll put up another day. 

I found that I was getting into a horrendous muddle if I tried to do them all at once. In one way it would be easier to do the 'lot' at once as it would mean one login onto the server but dancing around from folder to folder on the server (which is more like a tortoise than a hare) gave gaps of time in which BC3 (brain cell 3) wandered off to do something else and then got lost!!!

30 November 2016

So sweet

Before I forget I want to give a plug to a lovely young lady's new Etsy shop. Her user name is thestrugglingactor which is exactly what Gemma is. She lives along our road and has just started up her Etsy shop while she waits to get her foot on the first rung of the stage ladder. She'll take custom orders too. Please visit her new shop.

I've just added another bauble to the exclusive club.

This time it's a bee with flowers from Bev. She's already got a mouse and is therefore an exclusive member of the exclusive club!!!! 

She sent this in specially for Gary. This is what she says.

"Hi Jane I'm already in the Exclusive Club with my mouse, but here is a bee and some flowers to wish Gary well. Bev"
Isn't that the sweetest thing?

29 November 2016

Patterns galore

This week I've told myself (along with my sidekick) that we're going to get all the patterns I took to Palmetto this year up on the pattern pages.  Of course you can still get them (and all the other AMAZING patterns from the other teachers) from Palmetto Tatters. Here's the link.

It's a long job getting the patterns ready for the site as I have to put on the abbreviations (Palmetto use standard notation for everybody's work), re-size things, put thumbnails on, upload images, add links etc. Not easy when you get multiple interruptions!!!!

This time I've deleted the mobile of the 'sun, moon and stars' which has been on my site for eons as the new versions are in this batch of patterns. They will be on separate pages to make it easier for downloading. Also I've added the star which wasn't 'needed on voyage' to America!!!! It's - well, I'll tell you more when I 'get there'.

So, today I'm introducing the first one. It's the moon and here's the link.

28 November 2016

Two more mice

I'm delighted to show you two more mice. 

Particularly pleased as it's a reminder to all of us that Gary Houtz isn't well at the moment. 

Here's to wishing him a good recovery with lots of tatting time when he's able to.

The mice today come from Anita and you can see what she says about them over here.

26 November 2016

A mystery

Well it is to me anyway. 

A week or so ago I spotted this shuttle on Fleabay. Whoops, I mean Ebay. I looked at it and wondered. As it was a BIN (buy it now) I flipped it into my basket and bought it.

Now I grew up using the original Milward black shuttles with the separate hook and know that they were made not far from where I live. Then the Aero was 'born' with the hook and bobbin and I converted to that (eventually) and never looked back. It was also made 'just down the road'. 

Now this new one has the Milward name on it and is blue and modern and made in Germany. Milward and Aero are related and Aero were re-located to Germany many years ago but what are these companies up to trying to confuse an OG? Does anybody know anymore about the Milward/Aero/Coats relationship?

I've just found another one like mine but in yellow on Fleabay (cheaper too, darn) and am now wondering if this is Pony (do NOT like their shuttles) who are now re-branding? The seller bought the blue one from a store near her a few months ago so that answers one question - it's new. She also said the shop was closing the haberdashery department due to Coats UK ceasing trading. Can the news for us crafters get anymore dire?

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.