Oh, heck!!! Yesterday I forgot to release this post (two small grandkids and lots of excitement for the last few days) and then today I nearly forgot too and am somewhat later than normal. I always use the 'scheduled' button on blogger but for some reason it just won't work at the moment so I have to rely on my hit and miss memory. Lately more miss than hit!!!! Here we go finally!!!
In Eska's final book I see a small resemblance to some of Mary Konior's work in this design.
In Eska's final book I see a small resemblance to some of Mary Konior's work in this design.
In this book there's a date of 1952 so she would have been ahead of Mary!!!! I wonder if Mary ever saw Eska's work? Even though I've been collecting books since around 1956 I've never seen this Dutch lady's work until recently. I feel an urge to get to grips with translating some of these for myself and making one or two pieces. Certainly all three books are little gems and my many, many thanks go to Riet for sending me the final two in the series.