I needed to test the pattern out for this snowflake from a few years ago so that meant a happy evening doing something I didn't have to think toooooo hard about!!!!
28 October 2020
27 October 2020
26 October 2020
A little bit about
One of my secret projects. I can't tell you what it's for but I can show you some bits and pieces from this long project. So far I think I've devoted three full weeks to it but I can now see a little light at the end of the tunnel!!!!
I do have an example to work from but it's testing my poor old BC3 - and my poor old hands too!!!!
23 October 2020
It just HAD to happen!!!
Having received the favourite gold metallic thread from Estonia last week I felt a massive sense of relief and set off to make some bauble bells.
Here's the link to my post about the metallic thread but what I didn't tell you is how tough it is!!!
When I make the bauble bells (pattern here - which is really only guidance as you can make them bigger) I really tug and tug on the ribs and on the core chain thread too and this never EVER breaks this metallic thread.
I made a set which you can see here and they were sold magnificently in the silent auction last year at Palmetto Tat Days. I'm thinking this time I might cover some large beads using this pattern instead of leaves in between!!
21 October 2020
Snowflake Butterfly
Sorry but this took a day longer than I thought. Guess what happened?
Anyway, here's the link now and I hope one or two of you may make it and show it to me over the next few years!!!
That's unless, of course, you get sidetracked too!!!!
19 October 2020
Sally's version
Way back in January before the world went into chaos I designed a little butterfly which I showed you here. This is a blog post that I had ready back then but it's been sitting in drafts ever since!!!
"I asked Sally if she had time to test this Butterfly Snowflake and she did but typical of sisters - she had ‘another good idea’ and I think it’s a stonking GREAT idea.
Can you see what she’s done? She’s added two further rings to the tip of the snowflake arms. I LOVE it and will add it to the pattern - when I get back to it.
Yes, you’ve guessed - I’ve been sidetracked yet again!!!"
Sidetracked is right. Here I am now in October and I suddenly noticed that the above comment and Sally's snowflake were sitting here on my blog!!!
16 October 2020
25 and counting
Well, hopefully I've counted properly this time!! Only one person picked up on my inability to count!!!
My last post here was not 13 plus or minus anything!!! I think it's time I went back to school!!!
This time I think I've used all my fingers and toes to count but had to add one hand again!!! I know this is 25!!
An update on my two secret projects. One is almost ready for the 'real deal'. The thing I've been asked to do is a wavy shaped piece of crochet to fit a very specific shape/place. Fortunately I've had a practice item to work with but even that has not been easy. The lady made me a template as this is all 3D too and that has helped loads. Shortly the 'real deals' will arrive and hopefully I'll be able to settle down to those.
Once I've got them done then it'll be back to the other secret project!!!!
14 October 2020
My FAVOURITE metallic thread
Un flipping believable.
For two years now I've been waiting for a supplier of thread here in the UK to get a certain metallic thread back in her shop. I'm afraid I have nagged a bit too and I apologise for that!!!
It’s the only metallic thread I’ve ever really rated on all scores - Nakis Simi. I simply LOVE it. I bought some off her a year or more ago but it was purple and I really wanted gold as I have very little left. I like the Lizbeth range of metallics but found it works up a little too 'fat' for me. I guess that maybe it's because I'm getting a little too 'fat' myself!!!
I actually had time the other day to ask Mr Google about it and he found me some in Estonia.
Now that’s a long way to go to find thread but needs must. I ordered two spools.
It cost me £10.50 which was mainly for postage. Each spool costs under a pound so it was a lot for postage. BUT considering it arrived in ten days and that if I’d ordered within the UK it may have cost me two pounds or more in postage alone then it’s amazing value.
AND I know I love it and each spool will last forever - there's soooo much on each one (100 metres). I ordered two spools. This is the link to the shop if you want to browse and this is the link to my all time favourite metallic thread.
I use it a lot for making bells using the bauble method and do have a pattern for that on my web site here. The pictures show bells I made with the Nakis Simi too.
Amazing company and I'm now thinking I really, really need some more silver!!!
12 October 2020
Monday Moan - just a simple question
When somebody accuses you of an action, in public, that you know nothing about and had no part in then why can't they say 'sorry' when they know they're wrong?
To cheer you up - a photo from one of my recent walks.
9 October 2020
13 minus one plus one!!!
Why the title to this post? Well, read on!!!
I bet you can't spot why I cut one of the squares out? I didn't 'see' the problem until I'd scanned the top picture and then it was glaringly obvious!!!! Well, to me. I could've probably 'got away with it' by carrying on but that's just NOT my way of working!!!
So, look at the top right of the top picture and can you see the problem? That motif is 'bulging' outwards. So I cut it out and pared down the thread thickness and did the replacement.
This is the joy and frustration of HWT. The joy is in the variety of colours you can mix yourself but you have to have a good BC3 to keep it under control. My BC3 obviously took the day off when I started that square.
The thing about HWT and using sewing weight thread is that the exact match of thickness isn't really too critical but if you're not careful you can choose one thread that is slightly too much thicker than you need. I can't understand why I carried on with that square as it was obvious before I'd got halfway that it wasn't going to work!!! I guess I was feeling lazy and didn't want to put things right at the time!!!
7 October 2020
A quiet time ahead
Well quiet for the blog although a little tatting will be shown and not 'just' Fandango squares!!
The reason is because I've got two secret projects on the go at the moment. The one you will eventually get to hear about but the other - probably not.
I will tell you a little bit about the 'probably not' one, though. It involves crochet with a size 1mm hook and size 20 thread and is waaaaay out there as being totally original. It's for a lady who makes really cool 'stuff' and wants somebody to replicate something already made for her in the past. It's all custom made to each purchaser's requirements too.
This is going to keep me busy for a month or so but as it's going to be hard on my hands I'm going to be taking regular breaks with the shuttles.
5 October 2020
A new mouse!
Another mouse has entered the Exclusive Tatting Club.
This one is from Mary Anne in Ohio who had it in the Spokane Interstate Fair. She got a blue ribbon too. Here's the link to it in the club.
2 October 2020
Time passes
Another few are added!!!
The Fandango is growing. The top picture of six measures 3" by 4½" which makes each one around 1½" square - just in case anybody wants to know!!!
This is such a nice thing to work as I can easily get a square (and a fair bit more) done in an evening - unlike gloves!!!
I do have a new project in mind so the blog posts may get fewer and fewer for a while!! It's a pattern which I found on my computer and which was finished in 2004 but has never made it onto my web site. I've no idea why either. BUT I think I can now improve on it so you'll have to bear with me (or be thankful that I've gone quiet). Plenty around me would relish me being quiet!!!
30 September 2020
The daytime job!!!
Well I HAD to make one (or maybe two)!!!!
I realised that if you're going to make a folding up bag to go in your pocket (or, in my case, my dedicated Covid bag) then it's got to be made of thin strong fabric. I've used a thin cotton for this one but feel I should've used something like shower curtain fabric. Due to the darn virus going shopping in Birmingham for the right fabric is currently impossible. Also I'd have to look for small prints of plain on something this size.
Still it was fun to make and simple too once BC3 got it into his brain!!!! Off to make another now as I've got a plan for it!!!
If you want to see how simple it is do visit the link above and watch how easy it is to fold back up.
28 September 2020
Moaning Monday!
This Monday (I’ve had a break from moaning for a week or two) I’m moaning about time!!!!
I’m nearly 77 and it just seems to fly. Whatever I do it just ‘goes’.
I’m working on a new design for a special reason (to be announced soon, I hope) and then along comes another ‘little’ job.
In this day and age it never fails to amaze me how people ‘find’ people even if they haven’t seen or heard from them for many years.
A friend found me through a google search - she lives about twelve miles away. Thanks to her finding my pattern site and contacting me I may have something really different to show you soon too. I will have to ask her permission about sharing when we’ve worked out exactly what she needs.
I’m also very tempted to continue with the Fandango too but trying to keep it for when I’m burnt out on the other projects. Meanwhile I’m going to add a picture - just to make something different for you to look at. Another part of my life - walks around my area.
25 September 2020
Finally the final!!!
Well, final for now!!!
This is the yarn I bought two weeks ago. There's just enough for another pair of gloves but I like the yarn so much I know I'll be able to knit them another time when I've 'in the mood'.
I'm just so thrilled with the new way of knitting them - fingers to cuff that I know I'll want to play again sometime!!!
24 September 2020
A bit more Fandango ing!!
I pick this up from time to time in between knitting gloves.
It always amazes me when I try things like this out how the colours 'go' together. I take ages trying to decide which goes with which but find that in the end it's best to let instinct take over!!!
This is the result of the third instinct.
22 September 2020
Now they're a pair!
The green glove now has a friend!!!
I'm going to make one more pair with my new yarn and then it'll be onto something else. Not quite sure what yet but I've a few days to make up my mind as gloves take a few days to make. That's being pretty full on with them too.
21 September 2020
Yvonne's cupcakes
Yvonne wrote one day last week to show me what she'd done with this cupcake pattern.
Isn't this a clever idea? I wondered how she'd put them together so she sent me the picture at the bottom. I'd never have thought of that. It's a dear little charm bracelet now and I bet her grandkids are loving them.
Here's what she said.
"Hi Jane, I used your cupcake earring pattern to make bracelets for my grandchildren. I thought you would like to know."
By the way, there's a larger cupcake here if you ever want one. No calories involved either.
18 September 2020
One green glove!!!
Well I got to the end of the glove. Of course I've got to do another now!!!
Another plus mark for this pattern is that the thumb isn't just 'stuck on the side' but placed slightly in towards the palm which is where thumbs are on the hand!! So many patterns do just stick the thumb on the side and, personally, I find those sort uncomfortable to wear.
I'm not happy with this glove particularly but I'll find somebody who'll want it, I hope!!!
Meantime I feel the 'need' to knit another pair - perhaps I'll treat myself to some new yarn!! Having knitted with stash yarn since the beginning of last winter I feel I now need a 'treat'!!!
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Creative Commons Licence
Tatting and NOT a Lot Else by Jane Eborall is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://janeeborall.blogspot.co.uk/.
Happy Beaks

I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.