Well I asked Sally for suggestions on what to call these little 'pots' and she came up with several suggestions but the one I like best is the Tatting Tidy.
This is the second prototype but I'm STILL not happy with it. I think I've thought of a better way of making them. The way I made this one took soooooo long I nearly fell asleep while making it!!!!!
Maureen sent me a fabulous way of making something similar (thank you, M) and it looked much easier too - BUT I've always gone my own way and am still going along with this idea. Phyllis also suggested putting handles on so you can take it with you but the whole idea (thanks, Phyllis) is to have a static place by my table. Also I wouldn't want my 'equipment' on the outside of a bag that I took around with me - in case stuff fell out!!!! I have made bags (dolly bags) before now with the pockets on the inside and a drawstring closure and they work but this one is supposed to stay where it's put and I'm supposed to keep things tidy in it!!!
Maureen sent me a fabulous way of making something similar (thank you, M) and it looked much easier too - BUT I've always gone my own way and am still going along with this idea. Phyllis also suggested putting handles on so you can take it with you but the whole idea (thanks, Phyllis) is to have a static place by my table. Also I wouldn't want my 'equipment' on the outside of a bag that I took around with me - in case stuff fell out!!!! I have made bags (dolly bags) before now with the pockets on the inside and a drawstring closure and they work but this one is supposed to stay where it's put and I'm supposed to keep things tidy in it!!!
I've still got this particular bee in my bonnet so will have another go at a different way of making them over the next few days. Several days of having the first one by my side and I'm still using it. It's great to go to tat corner and find what I want straight away and just because BC3 actually put things away in their proper place!!! Another bonus - I haven't sat on the scissors for days either!!!