On Saturday I was sitting here with nothing particular that I had to do and thought it was about time I played with the 'look' of the blog!!! I know it must drive you all mad but I do like 'fiddling around' with stuff. It's the only way I learn!!!
If you decide to do it at any point I thoroughly recommend downloading the blog first so that if anything goes wrong you've got a backup and can start all over again!!!!! I do it as I know what I'm like - I never read about how to do stuff - I just plunge straight in!!!
Anyway, I hope you like it. I do like a clear font (verdana is so internet friendly) and a 'non white' glaring background. There are a few blogs that I'd love to read but can't as their backgrounds are too dark or the font too 'fancy' for my poor old eyes/brain!!!! I also have trouble (don't know why) when reading centred text too. Perhaps I should give up now and stop reading blogs but what would I do instead???!!!!
Back to bobbles/baubles. On this experiment I added a flower at the top. In fact it's just four rings which I then 'dropped' the shuttles through and the finding before adding the ribs.
I also did a sort of 'skirt' of picots at the widest point and then when I finished I used the six threads through the beads in pairs.
Whilst all this experimentation is going on dear old BC3 is learning all sorts of things about bobbles!!