As you know I join friends in a small town about eight miles away on a Friday to chat and swop ideas. It's called Crafternoon and is held in the local library.
When we were sitting around last week I announced that I was going to make this little Itty Bitty Anything Bag which you can find here.
Well I wish I hadn't told them now as I got thoroughly teased. Why would I want to make it was the main question. What was I going to use it for was another. When I told them that I was making it because I liked the look of it and had no idea what it would be used for (if anything) I got myself teased and teasedeven more. What they didn't seem to 'get' was that it's not the things that I make that's important - in fact they're irrelevant. It's the actual making that's enjoyable.
This little bag is really easy (took an afternoon only) and, of course, could easily be made larger. I also learned how to do the cord for it although I rather cheated in that I did use a knitting needle to hold the two stitches while I went back and worked the first stitch. I got up quite a speed doing it in the end. It stands at 3½" high.