Well, having said all that, I'm now going to show you something I'm working on. I would like to ask what you what this shape reminds you of. Don't worry about the 3 'odd looking' picots on the outside. They are there for a reason. This is just part of a pattern I'm working on!!!!
12 December 2008
Teasing time!
Well, having said all that, I'm now going to show you something I'm working on. I would like to ask what you what this shape reminds you of. Don't worry about the 3 'odd looking' picots on the outside. They are there for a reason. This is just part of a pattern I'm working on!!!!
10 December 2008
Look what a Leprechaun sent me!
The card is actually much 'goldier' than the scan shows. LOVE the snowflake too. Now that I've scanned it on the card (handmade too) I'm going to take it off and (hopefully, if we find it!) put it on the tree. Which begs a question - where is our tree?
9 December 2008
Yesterday I didn't tat at all. No, I'm not ill. Well, not in the normal sense of the word. I'm just SO lacking in sleep. The hassles I've had the last five weeks are slowly being resolved but each day or two another new 'worry' becomes a 'hassle' that has to be dealt with. By the beginning of this week all should be resolved, I sincerely hope!!!
I then want to return to some patterns that I've been playing with to submit for the Palmetto tat days next year. Hopefully this 'silly season' I've been going through financially too will finish and I'll be able to save up to take the trip over the pond. Meanwhile once brain cell # 3 is fully rested I will continue with documenting and putting the page together for the dangly flower. I've nearly got the drawings done and the text is sound. Putting the page together doesn't take too long but there's always one thing I don't like doing - adding the abbreviations. Don't ask why - it's just one of those things I avoid every time!!!
8 December 2008
Whooops!! I forgot!
Below is another of the flowery SCMR bookmarks that I finished yesterday evening. I'm actually starting to like it!!! I think it's because of the colours I've used this time.
7 December 2008
Meeting tatting friends etc!!!
The meeting with friends was great. I met up with Jennifer Williams - the new chairman of the Ring of Tatters, (also an excellent designer who hides her light under a bushel) and other friends - including one who nearly didn't get there - need I mention your name Eileen? Story goes that Eileen was still sound asleep when Jennifer and Julia went to pick her up. Wish I was sleeping so well lately, Eileen - can you give me some tips?
I also saw Pam Palmer - a lady who I admire greatly. I did drop a hint that we'd all love another book from her but ......... Keep your fingers crossed everybody.
Lyn Morton of Tatting and Design along with her DH was there with her supplies and I bought some silver thread to make some wings with. She told me that her new book would be out next year. Not telling you any more as I love to tease!!!!
Roseground Supplies was also there with lots of goodies including some of the Coats Artiste range although I was really looking forward to seeing the range what I did see was disappointing (colour wise) apart from the variegated lavender which is really pretty.
Mary Helen - another supplier was there too. She doesn't have a web site but I can thoroughly recommend her - look in the Ring of Tatters newsletters for her details.
I took my Teri Dusenbury turtles to show off and they were much admired. By the way, mentioning Teri, have you visited her blog lately? Well worth seeing what she's up to. Teri's recommended c-lon thread for tatting with and I found some at the Fair. Can't wait to try it out.
Yes, I did buy more thread and a few beads too. Well, a girl (translate that to old git!!!) has got to have fun, hasn't she? When I finally got home (via picking up a lawnmower and meeting my sister) I was WAY too tired to tat. I hope to start sleeping again soon so that I can get back to finally uploading the 'dangly flower' pattern and other stuff!!!
6 December 2008
I apologise
So, in order to relax (who am I kidding?) I've been making bookmarks as I love to have something useful to give away.
I'm off to the Lace Fair in a few minutes so I'll probably have lots to tell tomorrow!!!
4 December 2008
A playmate for Millie
Now this poor soul hasn't been named yet but brain cell # 3 and Nick are both working hard trying to think of one for this wee chap. I think it's male. I would appreciate any help with this problem from anybody out there in tat land!
3 December 2008
Let me introduce
Now - allow me to introduce you to Millie. She's the latest arrival in my small corner of tat land. Millie the Millipede arrived yesterday evening. She asks you to excuse her dress sense as she didn't have the right colours on shuttles close to hand to show herself off at her best!!!! I actually think she needs a hat too. I've only posted a small picture as a 'teaser'. I'm adding her to my portfolio (doesn't that sound posh!) of patterns I'll be submitting for a teaching post at the Palmetto tatters tat days next year. She needs a friend so watch this space!!!
Seriously. I've been re-visiting some stuff I did in 2000. This was after a discussion with Joanie Culverhouse who reminded me about the celtic picot (or overlapping picot) butterfly and bug which I did back then. They were once on my site but have somehow got missed out during several re-incarnations of the pattern pages!!!
So, after a good night's sleep the night on Monday and another hectic day organising stuff I was able to settle down to play again yesterday evening. Millie is the result!!!!
2 December 2008
Well, I'm sorry
Trouble is I've had so much happening in my 'ordinary' life and haven't been sleeping very well because of that! On Sunday and yesterday my main concerns were winning the 'battle of the large shrub'. Armed with secateurs on Sunday and two saws yesterday I'm pleased to report that the wretched thing has been tamed. Tamed almost to death. Why is it that plants seem to always grow in the wrong place and far too vigorously when you don't want them to and when you do they just shrivel up and die? Answers please in the comments section - perhaps we'll solve the problem together!
The only tatting related things I've done over the past few days are sewing the dinosaurs I made onto the dressing gown they were made for yesterday evening and getting in a total mess with an old pattern I decided to re-visit. I think this old pattern could prove a good teaching point for lessons but I've got to tame the silly thing first!!! I hope to have another 'bash' at it this evening - brain cell # 3 permitting, of course.
30 November 2008
How silly can you get?
Baaaa, baaaa, baaaa. It's me - I'm as silly as a sheep!!!
The Christmas lights in town are all switched on which is a sure signal to me that the dreaded Christmas is almost here. Particularly dreaded this year as I've got so much else to be sorted and settled before then.
29 November 2008
Just thinking
Teri Dusenbury told me yesterday how she manages to get little hearts into her email signature. Thanks Teri - I was only being me - drop dead nosy!!!
It's the same with this blog. I love 'tinkering' with it - mind I do get 'shouted at' when I suddenly change the colours to VERY bright!!!!
When I found the 'followers' gadget of course, I had to play!! What's that saying about babies and playing? This IS my second childhood (who said 'only second'?) so I'm allowed to play. When I found it I added the 'followers' gismo to the blog. It's amazing to find that over 40 people now follow the ramblings of the 'old git in the UK'.
BUT what's really, really, REALLY good about this gadget is that you can follow other people. I find that this is an advantage as those I follow are easy to find on the dashboard. When they've updated their blogs it shows there straight away.
I use Mozilla Firefox or Opera as browsers as they have 'tabs' which you can leave open all the time. This way I can 'hop' from one tab to the other. In the first tab I've got my emails, the second is igoogle (customised to show all my favourites like the weather, the time, translator, currency convertor etc), the third tab has yahoo tatting groups, the forth my Etsy shop, the fifth has my blog (dashboard open!) and the other tabs are usually stuff I'm currently interested in.
This means I can just click on my blog tab and keep an eye on 'who's doing what' in tat land. It's a brilliant idea for a nosy tatter. Thanks, blogger.com. Thanks.
28 November 2008
The last lot!! I hope!!!
I've decided to 'dump' three people off my giveaway list. Why? Well it seems to be one way traffic with them and I haven't heard from two of them (apart from a card) for several years. In fact the one person I haven't ever met and another not seen since I was forced into another stage of my life - and that's a loooong time ago.
26 November 2008
Change of direction
The story behind this owl is that I had a letter yesterday. Well, several and all in one envelope!! When I left school at the age of 18 (left as in 'almost' expelled for being a clown) the few of us that were left in the sixth form decided to start a round robin letter. This was almost fifty years ago now. We lost one or two during the years and one or two returned. We also picked up another who left school the year before us. One of the group dropped a BIG hint that she'd like a tatted owl so that's what I made for her yesterday. I'd forgotten how long they take to make so it almost didn't get finished yesterday evening!!! I had to get a move on with it as it's got a long journey ahead. Nita lives in Tasmania!!!
25 November 2008
Christmas Sequins
The story behind this is that one of my son in laws LOVES my tatted Christmas ornaments so requested some for their tree. I've done lots of these sequin dangles for giveaways but he particularly wants red and gold for their tree. (I might add here that I'm not fond of Christmas colours at the best of times!!).
So I've revisited the pattern. The one on the left below is OK but the one on the right (with the green) is really, really ugly. I'm going to make a couple more just to get over the ugly one.
24 November 2008
First one is of me trying to get back into the house on halloween. Nick had locked me out!!!!
23 November 2008
Back to the jacket!!
As is my normal way of working - I'd fallen out with it for a while!! I'm now working on some braiding for the cuffs!!! After some thought I decided (or rather, 'him wot must be obeyed') suggested that there shouldn't be animals on the sleeves. I agreed that it would be 'overdone' with them on there so have done some cuff trimmings. Jennifer suggested snakes for the cuffs and I may get two done for the sleeves. Not sure until the cuffs are finished if this will 'happen'!!!!
I'd like to add to Martha's comment on yesterday's post - and point out that giving blood is not only good for the community but also a regular health check for yourself!!
22 November 2008
71 done - 4 to go!
On Thursday I lost the little tatted hearts I made to give to the nurses at blood donor. I'd taken them to the talk I gave last Saturday and when I unpacked after that I 'put them somewhere safe'. As you do!!! They were so safe they were totally lost!!!
After two hours of searching I pulled my chair forward in tat corner and there they were - lurking on the floor. The nurses were pleased with them.
BUT the bonus of this visit wasn't the hearts but the fact that I met up with a friend I hadn't seen for over 20 years. I see her husband occasionally as he's my doctor but she's always been at another GP practice. It was a lovely, lovely surprise to see her. We made our cup of tea last well beyond the usual 'rest' time and have made appointments together for our next session.
20 November 2008
I gave myself a treat yesterday
Anyway, after the relief of sorting the pendant set out and sewing loads of animals onto the jacket I decided it was time to treat myself.
Due to some of the stuff going on at the moment I'm having a 'cautious' Christmas spend!!! One of the things I've bought is a dressing gown (in American that's 'robe') for one of the grandsons. I saw lots of jazzy ones with the usual 'themes' of Spiderman, Ben Ten, Batman etc but in the end saw a better quality plain one for a lot less money (M & S). So, I bought a plain grey one.
As soon as I saw it in the store I thought - ah, Martha Ess!!!! See, Martha, I do think of you in the oddest places!!! One of my favourite books is Martha's New Critters on the Block and I love the dinosaurs in there. I've made them for boy birthday cards in the past too. So, grandson's dressing gown will have two of these critters on it. Maybe more.
Another of my favourite patterns to tat is Martha's 'naughty' mermaid.
19 November 2008
18 November 2008
Rest of pink 'set' and more
This set will be off to my friend's daughter in law who lives in Dublin.
The black and white earrings are also for my friend to give as Christmas presents. I just HOPE I don't 'mislay' (lose!!) them before I give them to her!!!!
Creative Commons Licence
Tatting and NOT a Lot Else by Jane Eborall is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://janeeborall.blogspot.co.uk/.