Well that was a weekend and a half!!!! I listed the shuttles as promised and this time they seemed to go even faster. Unless it was my imagination!!
I got a tad confused at one point as I couldn't work out what was happening to the credit card payments - I'd recently set the shop to take payments that way. Soon found the right link so that was OK.
Then there were the odd people who'd pressed the wrong button and landed up with the wrong shuttle so that money had to be refunded and the shuttle re-listed. Not a big problem, really.
I spent all Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning packing them up. When I've done that I then have to check them before closing the packages. Imagine my horror when I had one shuttle showing it had been bought and no shuttle in my box!!!! Darn stinker had decided to hide itself on the floor. Then another went missing - that was in a packet where I'd had a re-list to do and I hadn't taken that shuttle out again!!!
The relief when it all works out is amazing. I've still got to work out the rest of the costings (I keep a spreadsheet for Sally) and then send her the money I've collected for her. OH, before that - I've got to go down to the Post Office. Hope there isn't too long a queue behind me when I get served as I feel daggers being thrown at me!!!
Here's a Fandango bookmark to cheer you up!!!!