I know this blog is all about tatting but on this rare occassion I'm going to break that rule and mention something that isn't tatting related!! Well, not really.
Here in South Carolina at Palmetto Tat Days (and after a busy day yesterday) I was wandering to bed and noticed a game going on in a corridor. I wanted to watch but soon got 'pulled into' the game. The game is called Corn Hole.
OK, this is a game where you stand and throw a wee bag of corn into a hole. We used to have similar bags for kids to play with called 'bean bags' in the UK.
Now this is not easy (throwing a bag from a distance into a hole which I'm convinced keeps moving) but it looked like fun!!! Karey Solomon was 'having a go' so I thought why not this OG!!!
Guess what? I won. I was dropped dead chuffed and afterwards went tottering off to bed.
Imagine my amazement the next morning when I was told that Jerry Freck (who was also playing) was a total and utter expert at this game. I've been tatting on cloud nine all day in the happy knowledge that I 'beat' Jerry Freck.
This afternoon we held three more 're-plays' and I can assure you he is drop dead good at this game and that it was pure winner's luck last night!!!!!