5 August 2013

Jess's colours part 2

Well I managed to make a few more Tatting Tidy containers on Saturday before the latest 'child invasion' occurred yesterday.  Now I will have to take the photos, crop, re-size and list - none of which are my favourite jobs!!!  I hope to get that done in 'odd moments' over this next week!!!  Children and weather permitting!!

The way I work with these projects is to clear the table of whatever we've both dumped there and then cut out all the parts of around six to ten items.  This takes quite a long time.  Then I tidy up that part and do the preparation - ironing each part, ironing on vilene, measuring and pinning the 'pockets' etc.  Then the real treat - I sit and sew.  

In the evenings it's 'tatting time' as you can see below.  More of Jess's colours.

3 August 2013

Now, do I 'do' bright?

Well I do and always have done.  From a deprived (and depraved) childhood of no coloured tatting threads I developed an all time yearning and lust for colour!!!

These two brooches are made from thread in Jess's Etsy store.  Don't they zing?

I was really, really pleased to see a great deal of activity shortly after I launched the Tatting Tidy idea in my Etsy shop.  I already had one request from a customer (I'll finish that today and list it) and sold one very quickly.  Even BETTER is the fact that I'm still using mine and find it's the answer to my losing my 'stuff' all the time!!

Instead of sitting here nattering I'd better get back to the sewing machine!!!

2 August 2013

Coming later today.

I have two and a half day's 'respite' between children so I will be listing the five Tatting Tidies later today.  It won't take too long as I've done the photos and cropped and re-sized them so it's just a matter of sitting down and putting them here in the Etsy shop.

I've got two of the top cherry patterned one.  I also added a sort of handle which means you could hang them from a hook or whatever.  Thought it looked nicer like that too!!!

Oh, Phyllis, I found some more of the fabric you were asking about so that will be the first of the next batch that I will make.  Not sure if I'll get it done before the end of my 'respite care' but I'll do my best!!

1 August 2013

Other colours I've tried

Once the first lot of grandkids go home I'll try and get the pattern up on my page for these.  Meanwhile you'll have to suffer with more pictures!!!  

In the top one today I've used a variegated green and a variegated red thread.  Interesting contrasts.  I like the way the beads on the inner and outer make a sort of star on the edge of the button.

The second brooch is done in Lizbeth nitty gritty - I think!!!!  Wish I could remember to write down what I've used!!!  Guess you'll never teach an old dog new tricks!!!

30 July 2013

More brooches

Here are two more Christmassy ones.  Why I've started making them in this colour is beyond me!!!!  Here's a person who doesn't do anything much at Christmas except eat and drink too much but I do like the break and I do try to 'go with the flow' as long as nobody expects me to do too much!!!

As things are a bit hectic here I may not be regular with posting until Friday or Saturday but I'll be watching you all!!!

29 July 2013

Next incarnation!!

The two pictures below show the table I sew on and it's looking pretty darn tidy when this picture was taken!!!  The reason was because I had just finished two of the Tatting Tidy holders and I was feeling really pleased.

This is the final version which stands beautifully even when empty.  Well, they all do, actually but I'm SUCH a fusspot over getting things right when I'm making something.

In the end I took people's comments and went with denim as the main fabric.  This weight doesn't need stiffening but it does need strong fingers to deal with it!!!

I'm not sure when these will get into my Etsy shop but I'm hoping it won't be too long.  Meanwhile I will cut out more ready to sew when I have time.  The next two weeks are going to be really busy for me - who'd be a grandma, eh?

27 July 2013

Life goes on!

I'm getting on well with the sewing but family commitments will cut that short for probably two weeks starting on Monday so I'll finish the ones I've started and list those sometime next week.  I've got 5 'on the go' at the moment.

In the evenings I'm still enjoying the button brooches and here are two more - thinking Christmas this time.  Really MUST get this pattern finished and up on the internet.  The trouble I'm having is the lack of time.  Why aren't there more than 24 hours in a day and WHY do I have to do boring stuff like housework, shopping, sleepinig etc which 'steals' my time?

26 July 2013

More about being tidy

Well I asked Sally for suggestions on what to call these little 'pots' and she came up with several suggestions but the one I like best is the Tatting Tidy.  

This is the second prototype but I'm STILL not happy with it.  I think I've thought of a better way of making them.  The way I made this one took soooooo long I nearly fell asleep while making it!!!!!

Maureen sent me a fabulous way of making something similar (thank you, M) and it looked much easier too - BUT I've always gone my own way and am still going along with this idea.  Phyllis also suggested putting handles on so you can take it with you but the whole idea (thanks, Phyllis) is to have a static place by my table.  Also I wouldn't want my 'equipment' on the outside of a bag that I took around with me - in case stuff fell out!!!!  I have made bags (dolly bags) before now with the pockets on the inside and a drawstring closure and they work but this one is supposed to stay where it's put and I'm supposed to keep things tidy in it!!!

I've still got this particular bee in my bonnet so will have another go at a different way of making them over the next few days.  Several days of having the first one by my side and I'm still using it.  It's great to go to tat corner and find what I want straight away and just because BC3 actually put things away in their proper place!!!  Another bonus - I haven't sat on the scissors for days either!!!

24 July 2013

Making myself tidy!!!

I get exasperated with myself most days when I go to pick up shuttles and find them in a muddle on the table by the side of 'tat corner'.  

Following the 'un-tangling of the shuttles' there is the next part of the game which is called 'hunt the crochet hook' followed a while later by the final part of the game, before I can settle down properly, which is called 'hunt the scissors'.

In an attempt to stop this game in the future I've made a little stand up 'thing' which now sits by me and which I've now got to train BC3 (brain cell 3) to use.   The size means it'll also hold a ball or two of thread too. Not sure what I'm going to call it but originally it was going to be a 'shuttle park' but it'll more likely be named something else.  

I will be looking at improvements to the idea in case anybody else might want one.  I'll see what the reaction is to the idea first but I'm pretty sure Sally will want one as she has the same problems as me!!!

23 July 2013

More brooches.

Isn't it strange that I'd already decided on blue brooches for today's post?  I could just say they are in honour of the new Royal baby boy but then I'd be stretching my imagination a bit!!!  I usually decide on posts a day or two ahead so was rather chuffed when Kate and William decided to honour my blog by producing a boy yesterday!!!

I can now make these without checking myself every few seconds!!!!  I sit with the laptop on my knees in the evening working on patterns and am always checking and double checking as I go.  
Most of the fun in these brooches is the rummaging through my thread and bead stash deciding what to use next!!!  The other evening I was in a 'blue mood' so here's what happened!!!!! 

Of course this colour always reminds me of Diane who is a 'blue lady'!!!  I will add these two to the Etsy shop some time soon although I need to take photos of them first and then package them - not my favourite part!!!!

So, what colour will be next?  I'll have a look in my stash later to decide.  SUCH fun.

22 July 2013

Come to the carnival with me

Well, it's Jess's carnival HDT, actually!!!  I love, love, love the pure cheerfulness of her range of HDT.

Now that all the shuttles and hooks have sold out of the Etsy shop I'm back on making brooches or, as our American friends call them, pins.  

This is a new pattern which will (when it's finished!) be drop dead easy.  Nothing except rings and chains with the 'odd' bead or two thrown in.  I've got one for sale in the Etsy shop.  

20 July 2013

Don't forget!!!

Today's the day for shuttles, hooks and some other odds and ends from Chez Eborall!!!!

I just hope I don't forget and get so involved in something new that I'm working on that the time slips by!!!!  Yes, I'm working on another little project.  That and the totally addictive brooches which just seem to have taken me over!!!

Here's the link to my shop and the time they're going live is 20.00 British Summer Time.  

Good luck to those who want them.

19 July 2013

In all it's 'glory'!!!!

Well, not glory but finished and up here.  The second doily of my life.  

I suppose I could've called it the 'Second in a Lifetime Doily' but I didn't!!!  It's called simply the Twirly Doily for obvious reasons!!

I'm now working towards finishing off a brooch pattern but the heat here is slowing me down!! Not a bad thing, actually as I do tend to live life at full speed most of the time!!!

I'm STILL trying to decide or even think of something for the Tat It And See in January but the 'muse' has gone on holiday, I think.  If anybody has a spare brain cell to lend me please email me.  Number 3 could do with another to make it 4.  Nothing like an even number of brain cells.

Oh, I went to the dentist the other day knowing I had a huge filling to be sorted out and re-filled and that I needed two X-rays too.

As I left Nick asked me to ask my dentist to look for a brain while she was doing the X-ray.  Well I'm pleased to report that she said there was one there!!!  Just wish I could get it working on the TIAS!!!

17 July 2013

Girly Girl Brooch or Pin

Ta da - another for the Girly Girl set!!!!

This is a new brooch I've been working on over the past few weeks.  It's VERY addictive as Sally will tell you!!!  I'll try and get the pattern done soon but at the moment I keep putting it off!!!  Toooo hot to spend time in front of the computer.  I'm NOT grumbling - just saying!!!!

This set will be available in my Etsy shop when the shuttles and hooks go live at the weekend.  I'll list them separately but if anybody wants a set and one or more pieces have been sold I can easily make more!!!

16 July 2013

Shuttles, hooks and other 'stuff'

I'm pleased to tell you that I have 16 shuttles and four hooks (with hats) plus two of Sally's necklaces and a set of bracelet, earrings and new style brooch (mine) to list this week in my Etsy shop.  They will all go 'live' at 20.00 hours (BST) on Saturday.  This gives me time on Sunday to get them all packed and ready to go first thing on Monday.  That's of course, if they sell!!!!

There are four hooks (various woods) and the following Pop A Bobbin shuttles. All have hooks and have been oiled with Danish oil.
2 Purple Heart
2 American Black Walnut
2 Apple
2 Ebony
2 Zebrano
2 Cocobolo Rosewood
2 Cherry
2 Mahonia

Here's some 'eye candy' for you.

15 July 2013


Here it is in all it's glory with the final round and now i'm dying to find more colours to make another!!!

I've thought about the pattern which is nearly ready (blame the hot weather for me lollygagging on this one) and I've made a decision.

Just lately I've seen time and time again people scanning and posting whole books online in Pinterest and on Facebook.  Obviously, as we all know, this is against the rules both for Facebook and Pinterest on the grounds that it flouts the copyright laws.  I cannot report these matters as the copyright doesn't belong to me so I only hope that the people who are having their work stolen know and do something about it.

It pleases me no end that NOBODY can do that to me!!!  If I'd published a book of my patterns and anybody did upload scans of that book I'd be very upset as I would've spent a lot of time and expense working on it and would want to recoup the financial layout.

I've also I've seen the latest trends towards selling patterns on Etsy.  That would've been an option but there again a pattern bought by one person is then easily passed around to others.  I've seen several on there that I like but to be honest I can work them out from the images so why would I bother to buy?  I haven't done that but it's very, very tempting.

13 July 2013

Girly Girl Earrings

I'm so pleased to say that another bracelet (the Starry Button pattern) has sold out of my Etsy shop so I'll shortly be listing the one I showed you the other day.  It certainly helps to feed my thread and bead addictions!!!

So along with the bracelet I've made a pair of earrings which will also be listed at the same time.  I love this thread (Girly Girl) and would like to thank Shannon who suggested it to Barb at Handy Hands.  This thread is a really cheerful one.

12 July 2013

Further progress!!!

Back to the doily again!!!

Now I'm happy so I can show you round five.  I decided in the end that it was the picots that were spoiling it for me so they had to go.  No, I didn't snip them off with the scissors but it was tempting with the last attempt!!

Now all I've got to do is sort out round 6.  BIG, BIG sigh!!!!

I'm enjoying these two colours more than the last ones.  BUT of course I now want to know what it would look like in another HDT and plain!!!  I may even do one using HWT one day!!  When will it ever end?

11 July 2013

Girly Girl bracelet

Now just for a change I decided to make another Starry Button Bracelet.  Not sure why I decided on this but I think it was to fill in time while I was working on the doily which is, by the way, going pretty well at the moment.

I found that I'd often get part of the doily done before it was time to stop the evening's tatting.  As I want to scan each round and couldn't be bothered to get out of tat corner, go upstairs and scan right then I needed something else to do in that last half to one hour of the evening.  Thus I decided on another bracelet.

I've been picking this up and putting it down for a week or more but finally it got finished.  Now I'm wondering what to do with it - any suggestions?  I could put it in the Etsy shop but again I could wear it myself.  Oh, probably not as I've dozens of tatted bracelets!!!  Any suggestions?

10 July 2013

A journey in a bucket!

Now you must remember this post.  Well I listened and noted everybody's comments.  
First of all for Jacqui who wanted to see the back.  As you can see there's a variation in the threads used there too.  Thankfully I had the sense to make that balance as well!!!
Then I saw Ameche's comment (more later) but by then I'd got some terracotta dye.  I read everybody's input and the links sent too.  I decided to go ahead with the dyeing experiment (in the bucket) BUT nobody, nobody warned me to check my rubber gloves first.  You naughty, naughty people.  There was a leak in the right hand glove!!!
So, here's the finished vest again - first the front view and then the back view.  You can see that the dye has taken differently on the two types of thread.  I'm pleased with the colour although I was expecting it to be a bit lighter as the instructions said on the packet that it might well be as if the thread was polyester.  

So I'm now going to take up Ameche's suggestion which is:-
"The white is symmetrical, instead of dying have you considered some beading or fine ribbon woven in to enhance the white and make it a design element? Home dye's are rarely as "rich" and consistently even as commercially dyed fibers, such fine handwork deserves to be showcased."

Thanks, Ameche.  Once I've found the right braiding I'm sure it will really make this piece zing. 

Back in a few days time when I've decided what to use.

9 July 2013

New colours for the doily!!!!

Here we go again.  Hopefully my last attempt to get this right.  If I don't this time then it gets flung into a drawer and left!!!!

So, here we are with rounds 1, 2, 3 and 4.  

Hope to get the other two rounds sorted so I'm happy with them and then ready for the web page.  OR should I change the habits of a lifetime and start to sell patterns?  Hmmm, others are and seem to be doing OK.  

My only worry with doing that is that people may forget that the pattern is for sale (or even worse, I will forget!) and that if it only sells a few then I can't morally give it away.  Food for thought.  Any suggestions or shall I just stick to the normal route of just chucking them on the pattern pages?

8 July 2013

Hmmmmm fine tatted top

Now this is another top which I know is around 25 years old.  I made it with sewing weight thread.  

You can easily see where I ran out of the brighter white and used a creamier one to finish it.  Now IF I could dye it successfully I'd probably wear it.  

Does anybody know of ANYTHING that will dye this.  I'd make it black if I could or even cream but I don't think it'll dye because it's a polyester thread.  If not then it'll go back in the suitcase again which is where it's spent it's entire life.

What a shame but 'tat's life'!!!

6 July 2013

Christmas baubles

Now I did use these for a few years on the Christmas tree.  

They are from a German book which I still have.  I really liked these at the time but they've been living in a battered old suitcase for many years and will probably never see the light of day again!!!

Originally I had glass baubles which they fitted on but after a few 'disasters' I found plastic ones which came apart so some of them have dangles in the middle too.  These are over twenty five years old.  Where does the time go?

5 July 2013

Small trinket box

Again this must be ancient.  Around forty years old, probably.
It was in the days when I craved colour but there were so few in the only available threads - Coats and Twilleys.  This was when I resorted to silk sewing thread.

I was quite pleased with this 'back then' but nowadays wouldn't give it a place outside a drawer or a box in the loft!!!!  Strange how your tastes change over the years!!!

4 July 2013

Twirly once more

So, I got as far as I did on this last post and then decided that rather than try for another round I'd start again!!!!  Yup!!!  
At that point I didn't think the colours did the whole 'thing' justice so decided on the ones below. 

So, once again I present the doily!!!  Now I'm not sure I like these colours either and I'm certainly not happy with the last two rounds yet.   

So, back to the drawing board I go and to the tatting cupboard for new colours too!!!

2 July 2013

Round 5 twirly doily

First I have another TIAS pram on the Tat It And See blog to show you here.  This is number 121.

OK, so here's the next round of this doily!!!  

No, this is NOT what it will look like next time I do it.  This round has a few issues which need to be dealt with - probably with the help of a pair of scissors!!!!!  

I need another round on top of this too.  I'm steadily working on this while distracting you all with other things!!!!  I'm sneaky, really sneaky!!!

1 July 2013

UGLY tatting

This is REALLY UGLY tatting and my second and last attempt in the 70's at needle tatting!  Well, I have tried it since but I still don't 'get it'!!!  Too 'lumpy' for me and also hard on the hands trying to get a decent tension.  It never looks as good as the shuttle versions - least when I've done it.  I've tried very, very hard and ......... well, given up!!!!  
Isn't this the ugliest thing you've ever seen?  I wore it once and that was that.  Daren't even try to remember when or where I wore it but I know it was over a tshirt or something.  Goodness knows why I've still got it after several moves - perhaps as a lesson to myself!!!!  It really should be chucked out as I'd never fit into it now and wouldn't wish it on myself or anybody!!!!  In fact I suppose I should be ashamed of showing it to you!!!  Please don't stop reading my blog - I need you all to keep me going.

29 June 2013

Needle tatting 1

I can date this picture - it was around the 1970/80's and was done shortly after I'd bought Ed and Selma Morin's new and revolutionary needle tatting book (and the needles too) from America.  In those days I had to buy dollars from the bank and then send them off with a letter to the address I'd found.  This had to go by surface mail as airmail was far too expensive.  It was my first sighting of needle tatting since Ed developed it to help Selma continue a craft she loved.  She was a shuttle tatter who sadly lost her sight.  As far as I can find out this way of making knots may have been tried earlier in the century but obviously didn't 'catch on' for reasons which I can understand!
I quite liked this picture but it never got finished off or framed as you can see.  I was already making the giraffes as earrings in a size 20 thread.  I thought I was going to get on OK with needles - BUT when I tried with a fine needle and fine (as in size 20) thread I realised it was NOT the same as shuttle tatting.  Too 'puffy' for me and not what I call 'lacy' looking.  

Another day I'll show you a large project that I needle tatted but be prepared - it's UGLY.  REALLY ugly.

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.