A parcel arrived last week from Paula with more goodies inside.
My first thought was that it couldn't be tatting related because it was heavy - but it was and in the most fantastic way.
About three/four years ago I found a very small tube of this cream in Wally World and bought it because of this story.
When my brother first started work as an apprentice farmer one of his tasks was to milk the cows. He had an ample supply of udder cream and when the tubes were nearing their ends he used to take them home for mum. She'd squeeze the bejasus out of them milking them (scuse the pun!) down to the last drop. She said that the cream - which was pure lanolin - was the best she'd ever used. So, when I saw what was obviously the same substance I bought a small tube and brought it home.
Paula's lovely gift gave me not only the cream but made me remember that story.
What I love about this cream is that you need just a little and it sinks straight into the skin and I can tat straight away without waiting for it to 'sink in'!!!