All comments on my blog are read and this one from Karrieann about this post I appreciated as usual. She said:-
"Jane.. what if you attach the butterfly at the other end.. the head end? The reason I even brought this up... it would be upside down when in place. Know what I mean? I think the butterfly is beautiful though!"
I knew that Karrieann was right and I did think the same whilst I was attaching the butterfly to the bookmark but I really, really, REALLY wanted to try out new feelers on it!!!! First of all I'll tell you about the feelers.
When I finished the butterfly I wanted more 'substantial' feelers which are the last things in the pattern. So using my fine (for putting beads on picots) crochet hook I made chains with the ends instead of cutting them off straight away. I'll definitely be using this 'trick' again in future!!!
So I decided to re-cycle the original butterfly and you can see that below with the new crocheted feelers!!!! I managed to only 'waste' about half a yard of thread (very precious HDT) on the task too as I carefully cut and then used the chain thread for the core of the double double stitch tail instead.
Next to re-cycle the bookmark I made for meeeee!!! This time it will lie the 'right way up' when outside the book but this one I made usinig a mock ring for the head and adding beads to feelers. There was again some adjustment to the stitch count too. If anybody wants more details on this then I'm happy to tell them 'how to'!!!!
I think if I ever get to put this magnetic bookmark in the Etsy shop it will have to be called the Rolls Royce version as it takes a tad longer to make and is just (IMHO) SO pretty. If you want one then do ask - I'll be only too happy to make one.