29 March 2018


When you've got the hang of bauble tatting these critters are very straightforward to work. BUT the starting off can be a pain as it's so, so fiddly!!! 

You wouldn't believe it but I spent HOURS starting this blue eyed mouse off.  I just couldn't get it right. Sheer persistence and a wealth of patience got me there in the end. 

For those who want a copy of this book I'm pretty sure it's available in most tatting suppliers shops but it can also be found here too.  Straight from the Houtz brothers themselves.

Now, what shall I do next?!??!

28 March 2018

Mimi's bookmark

After my success with the Mimi coaster I decided I simply HAD to do her bookmark too. 

Isn't it lovely? Instead of just the one colour as suggested in the pattern, I did manage it in two. 

Took BC3 a bit of working out but it was very simple. I started with a weaver's knot to get the slimmest start possible and then tatted over the two tails whilst making a dead end start with the chain.  Sounds complicated but it wasn't at all.  

27 March 2018


Now I do NOT like Pinterest. OK, probably irrational but I've seen whole books still in copyright uploaded to that site - or pins to sites where stolen books can be found.  

I used to have a Pinterest account some years ago because back then it seemed like a 'good idea'. However once I found out the pitfalls I closed the account. Unfortunately I found that most searches I do on Google find Pinterest first and that's really annoying. 

Anyway, I've now realised (yes, it takes time!) that most of the pins on there don't lead to the pattern that you've found during a google search and that's pretty annoying. Time's too short (in my case!) to spend hours finding something that's just not there to be found easily!!

So I've decided for my own benefit and (hopefully) others to upload links to all my patterns on Pinterest. It's taken a good many hours but I'm hoping it'll prove time well spent.

Now as it's a requisite to add a picture to a blog post (so you don't all fall asleep) here's one I made earlier!!!

26 March 2018

A mouse has appeared!

When I was sorting out my tatting cupboard I found some teardrop beads that Jane K had given me when I was in Canada. I had put them away really safely which is a BIG mistake!!! 

She gave them to me on my first trip over to that wonderful country so these had been stored safely for over two years. I had admired her little 'Houtz Mouz' (sorry, couldn't resist that bad spelling) and it's eyes particularly. 

So here's my first mouse of this phase of my tatting addiction.

There's something SO relaxing about making these critters and the reaction when you show people is amazing too.  I think there will be more to come so prepare to be inundated with Houtz critters.

23 March 2018

Red earrings

I've started going to another group on a Thursday afternoon. Yes, we do have quite a few crafty groups in town it would seem!!!

Last week there was a good turnout of people and amongst them was a lady who liked my tatted earrings. Bless her - she mentioned them on several occasions so, of course, it made sense for me to make her a pair.

Here they are.  I will hopefully see her next week at the craft group.

While I'm thinking about it - I've finally got the pattern up on the website and here is the link.  This is the same pattern that I showed you here and on this page too.  Both variations are on the pattern.

21 March 2018

Finally finished it

Well here it is - finally sorted and ready for another whirl round the internet!!! 

Here is the link to the file if you want to have a go at the refurbished pattern!!!

You'll see that today's pictures are of the same bookmark either with or without the tail. I used to like tails but then found I kept catching them on things and yanking the bookmark out of the book so now I prefer them without. Just a 'me' thing, though!!!

Actually I rarely read a print book now as I prefer to read ebooks.  

20 March 2018

Two more Flowery bookmarks

Two more of the Flowery bookmarks have been made - just to be sure that we're on the right track for getting this to be a much better pattern to read and execute.

The main problem with this one has been that it does need careful reading. It's just a matter of getting your SLT's and RW's and DNRW's right and then it's very straightforward. 

I'm sure this is going to prove a much easier bookmark (or bracelet) to make.

I'm hoping to get the new version up on my web site tomorrow

19 March 2018

Time for another review

This time I'm re-visiting the flowery bookmark that I did in 2006 which is 12 years ago. Just shows I can still do simple sums!!!

Now this has been quite a popular bookmark for the thieves!!! I've seen it appear in quite a few places including one Russian book where they'd taken my pdf file off the internet, whitened out my name and copyright information and published it just like that.

I was pretty upset at the time but could find no way of contacting the publishers and shortly after thought it wasn't worth the effort anyway. So over the past week I've been looking at it again.

Sue (aka Pigmini) has tried it out too and between us we've come up with a better written pattern - I hope!!!

16 March 2018

Halfway round - who's kidding?

Well time goes on and I suddenly realised that I'd better give you an update on the diamond star situation!!! 

I'm keeping this as an 'out and about' piece of tatting as I know the pattern off by heart and can chat while I tat!!! Well, that's a bit of a lie as I still make mistakes from time to time.

The other evening I thought I was halfway round so decided to stick it under the iron to press it. Surprise, surprise - I'm not halfway round - yet. 

On this round I'm using four different sewing threads - two on each shuttle. I'll take a photo sometime of which ones I'm using. I'm also doing each star the same on this round as I'm pretty sure it'll be the final one as I'll not have enough thread combinations to add another round. Well, we'll see!!!

15 March 2018

Another pair!

This is the same pattern as the black/gold pair and the turquoise green ones but this time I've just used the same set of beads on all the 'spokes' to see what they look like.

I'm actually rather pleased with these and they 'sit' well on the aged ears too.

Now to make BC3 get on with the links in the pattern and get it onto the site!!! It all takes time and effort to do that!!!

14 March 2018

Oh, NO, not another!

Well Nick did say 'haven't you got enough already'? What am I talking about? Well, bags. 

Everybody but EVERYBODY knows you can never have enough tatting bags to carry stuff around in. Well, I don't think you can!!!

I bought this fabric in Canada on the way to the Fringe Tatting Day last year. It was at a place called Lens Mill which was close by. 

I've been waiting for the weather to warm up a bit so I can get to sew it up. I only bought half a yard so I was limited to what I could make from it. As the tatting print is rather large that also limited me as to what I could do with too. Lately going to several different craft groups I've found I need bags for different projects so a tatting bag was what I decided to make. This time it's padded and the bottom is stiffened so it sits up properly on the table. I'm really pleased with it. 

I've got a little bit of fabric left over so was going to make a purse thing to put the shuttles, scissors, hook etc into but then I remembered I'd got this dear little bag that I was given at the Fringe.  Perfect as I'll be able to find it in the bag with it's gorgeous bright colours.

13 March 2018

Just when you thought

this was going to be a mermaid free blog you're going to be WRONG!!!!

First of all - we now have 110 mermaids floating around on the TIAS blog which is great. Still time and room for more if you've got them.

Now today's free pattern is a tiny mermaid. This was done for the Fringe Element calendar back in 2015 or maybe 2016. I can't lay my hands on mine at the moment - time for another tidy up, I fear.

Actually I'll be honest. I was really struggling for an idea for this year's TIAS when I was clicking through the pattern files on my computer and came across the tiny mermaid. I thought 'why not'? Then knew that it wouldn't be big enough to give a proper TIAS run. 

I gave BC3 a ring and he reluctantly came out of hiding to give me a hand. So, now I give you the small mermaid which can be found here.

12 March 2018

Another kit

This is another Vicky Clarke kit with a doodad and beads.

This was an easy peasy tat and thoroughly enjoyable. As usual with Vicky's patterns it was really straightforward.

I think I've got one more kit left to do but that will have to wait until I get my latest projects sorted.

9 March 2018

New earrings again!!

Having now given the black and gold pair to Sue (Pigmini) I thought I might like a pair for myself after all and I needed to test the pattern once more - that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!!!

So here's what I came up with. I'm working on the pattern page and hope to have it ready really soon.  Of course the big beads could be replaced with just a row of seed beads as long as the length stated on the pattern is achieved. 

Maybe I need one more pair - slightly different.  Watch this space as I hope to have the pattern ready for next week.

8 March 2018

White mice!!

Just for a change and because I love making them - here are two more Amigurumi crocheted mice!!! 

Most of my friends think I'm bonkers for doing them but I do love simple quick crochet!!! Unlike tatting which I like to be large projects and challenging too!!!

They came about really because I spotted these the buttons (eyes) in a charity shop. I bought them to make tatbead family members with but that idea hasn't materialised just yet!!!

I'm pretty sure that once Abbi sees them they'll be shortly re-homed!!

7 March 2018

I need

New earrings!!! 

I remembered a promise (well, sort of) I made on this blog post about similar earrings that I'd made to those below.

But I seriously don't need a new pair.  I have so many earrings I reckon I could almost wear a different pair each day for about two months!!!  

Anyway I decided to try building a bit on the original idea. As I said in that original post - this technique isn't rocket science but it does lend itself to earrings and jewellery. The technique itself can be found here but meantime I'm working on the pattern page and will get it uploaded soon.

The pattern has been test tatted by Sue (Pigmini) and as I didn't like me (who does!!) in gold and black I've sent them to her!!!!

6 March 2018

Another kit that's not really a kit

Another kit - well, this was actually from a handout in Mimi Dillman's class back in whenever at Palmetto Tat Days.

I wasn't a lover of clunies as I'd never really given them any practice but, having found the shuttles that I wound for Mimi's class - with a start on this motif in my blue box of kits I had to have another 'go'. 

I started the original motif in a horrid colour in class because I always reckon that classes are for learning and I really, really needed to learn this technique properly.  Which begs me to say that if you EVER get the chance to take one of Mimi's classes then please do. 

I sat opposite Tim who very kindly gave me a cluny loom which he'd made on his 3D printer and you can see my post about that here. 

That original motif and a few other false starts now live in landfill or recycling somewhere!!!! I eventually got the hang of the cluny thanks to this video and  this page by mimi who I always think of as the Queen of the Clunies!   I then headed for my favourite Lizbeth colour - Rainbow Taffy.  This is the result - SUCCESS at last.

Now I can seriously say I like clunies and will be tackling another of Mimi's designs which is a bookmark.

5 March 2018

Another mermaid

A month or so ago I took down the large mermaid from my web site. Had anybody missed her? No!!!!

This was one of the first patterns I put up on the internet and I remember asking around for ideas at the small company I was working for and one of the geeks saying - 'do a mermaid'!!! So that's how she came about.

I decided that it was time to re-visit this design and make it easier to understand and work. IF you ever try it I'm just going to say that the first part (the face) is the hardest but the rest is pretty easy. She's been test tatted by Ruth so I know she's now ready to swim your way again.

2 March 2018

The mermaid finished

Well the TIAS is over for the last time and I really need to get onto my server and rearrange the url's so that it's easier to find my way around what's on the web page. This means changing the links on the TIAS blog too. A chore which is rather like the dreaded housework and that I put off for ages!!!

Today I'm uploading the TIAS mermaid as a full pattern. This is so people who don't want to follow links and print off numerous pages can have it all in one place. So, here's the link.

27 February 2018

Little kits

No, not short for kittens!!!!

Over the years of travelling to America and Canada I've acquired quite a few little kits from people. I've been saving these for a 'rainy day'. Well, that's not true, actually!!! I've been collecting them together in a blue box and have said to myself that I would take them to the craft groups that I go to to make them up.

WRONG!!! Not the best place to try and do new patterns as we're always so busy talking!!! 

After finding the blue box again during a massive tidy up I decided that it was time to start making a few of them up. This was the first one I tried - Vicki's darling little spaceship. Vicki's blog can be found here and there are some sweet little patterns there that she's giving away for free. The spaceship can be found on the Palmetto CD for 2016 and the link to the page where it can be found is here.

I reckon dear Vicki has a devious mind but a stunningly good one for making the cutest little spaceship in just a few minutes. Thank you, Vicki.

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.