25 October 2023

Second jacket finished

Sometimes things take time!!! 

This jacket was made over a fleece that the IT volunteers who work in the library were given many years ago.  Long before the pandemic.  It’s a lovely warm jacket and I’ve posted about it before but never got round to ‘quite’ finishing it.  I had to take out the side pockets as the zips were very large so I sewed up the slots which made an ugly inside front.  I luckily found some black fabric in my stash which was suitable for lining.  I lined the front and back but not the sleeves.

I added big patch pockets too so I could put my phone in one and probably other bits and bobs in t’other!!!

Then the poor jacket waited and waited as I didn’t need it due to the warm weather.  Eventually we had a cold spell and I went through my stash of tatting bits and found lots of ‘things’ (commonly known as motifs) from the ‘box in the cupboard) and sewed them on.  Very pleased with the jacket and have worn it out a few times.

23 October 2023

Results of the last Monday moan!!!

My inbox has become a LOT less busy since my last moan!!!  Not because I guess anything has changed in Tat Land but simply because I've taken action.
When I sat and thought about it I realised that the only thing I could do was to leave all the groups.  Well that wasn’t going to happen as I’m too darn nosy.  I then had a good look at the groups I belonged to and I left three which weren't very active.  

Then I had a brainwave (BC3 helped obviously) and I blocked the people who were forever advertising.  Shame really but I’m sure they won’t notice as they probably weren’t interested in me anyway!! 

I’ve had a lovely quiet week since.  

A picture of the river yesterday.  A bit high but at least it’s not over the banks yet.  We’ve been lucky here that we haven’t had the floods other parts of the country have had.

20 October 2023

The second scarf

As you know this is the second ball of yarn that I got from a swop shop.  

After I’ve done this scarf I’ll give all four away to - well not sure who or what but I’m hoping to find a local charity that can use them.

19 October 2023

Patchwork cloth finished

It’s finally done.  My winter project but winter has only just arrived!!!  I didn’t spend any money on this as all the fabric was in my stash.  

As it’s going to live on an antique table I decided to use some lightweight wadding/batting inside to protect it.  I’m going to ‘stitch in the ditch’ round some places to prevent the wadding from moving when it gets thrown in the washing machine.  I think this is one of the most satisfying projects I’ve ever done as I’ve not ‘fallen out with it’ yet!!!

For those who know me well - it will NOT be going into a box in the cupboard!!!

18 October 2023

I had another accident!

Yes, it's true.  I had two Hobbycraft vouchers for five pounds each so, of course, I had to go and check the local store out!! 
I spoke to the cashiers first to see what the situation was and I found out I could only purchase five pounds of 'goodies' twice - if you follow!!!  If I'd seen something for ten pounds then I'd have had to put another five in and couldn't 'combine' the two!!  This made life quite hard!!!!

In the end I bought these two balls of yarn.  Well, I didn't' buy' them but traded the vouchers for them.  I'd promised myself no more yarn but it was a case of 'use it (them/vouchers) or lose it (them/vouchers)!!!  The last picture is there to show the label so you can check it out.  I've used it before for scarves if you want to look here.

17 October 2023

A little off topic - but actually it isn't!!! Read more!

As you know from yesterday’s post I'm not a fan of Facebook and I just pop into it quickly and leave as soon as I've added whatever I think I need/want to add!!!  So I was surprised to get a message from a friend via the messenger app.  This was from Denise.

It was there for a few hours (well almost a day) because I was concerned about clicking on a link.  In the end I put on my 'old gits pants' and clicked on it.  Other people have 'big girl pants' but mine are slightly different!!!

Anyway - here's the link which is NOT 'off topic' as tatting is included!!  I thought it was such a lovely place that some might be able to visit if you live close by.  

16 October 2023

Monday moan back again!

I’m just FED UP with Facebook at the moment.  I’ve set up the groups that I’m in to send me email notifications of ‘what’s going on in Tat land’ and nowadays it’s constant advertising of people who are selling patterns on Etsy.  In fact it’s mainly just two people who are doing it.
When I say ‘constant’ I’m talking about several times a day from these people.  For GOODNESS SAKE if their patterns were that ‘good’ they wouldn’t need to constantly barrage the rest of us with their advertising.  I will NEVER buy off those people just because they’re so annoying.  Even the groups where advertising is banned are inundated with the adverts.  There’s one person who uses two names so that makes double the annoyance.  I’m monitoring the situation and leaving the groups that constantly let them do this.  I reckon I’ll soon not belong to any tatting groups.  Will you miss me?

13 October 2023

Plodding along

Things have slowed down considerably with the patchwork but that’s mainly because it’s a long way round on what is probably the final row.  
I say ‘probably’ because I’m not totally sure that this will quite fit and it may need an extra row on each end.  Whatever happens it’ll then need to be backed and that’s going to be another challenge!!!

11 October 2023

A cow!!!

I had this message from Mary Jane a week or so ago and I thought you’d like to see it!!!  She said

“My daughter in law has cows in her bathroom. So thanks to your patterns I made her one.   Fun too do. Thanks”

10 October 2023

There’s nothing like

Scrummaging through a friend’s button box!!!

This was last week at a neighbour’s house when we were looking for the ‘right’ buttons to put on the bunting.  We’d made (well, Jo made) bows to add to the places where the bunting is going to be tied onto the posts.  Just to hide the ends.  Well, that was a good excuse to have a rummage through Jayne’s button tin/tins!!!

Oh we did find the ‘right ones’ in the end but we had such fun searching for them!!!

9 October 2023


I don’t usually put personal ‘stuff’ up on the blog or on Facebook.  Mainly because I don’t think I’m interesting enough.
Well last week I hit 80 years old.  My lovely neighbours across the road took me out to lunch, gave me presents including flowers (see pictures) and that was lovely.  Another neighbour invited me round for a drink in the evening and we decided to have a ‘knit and natter’ evening.  BUT it turned out it was a surprise party with lovely friends and neighbours.  I was absolutely gobsmacked and had a MEGA evening with pressies, flowers and lovely nibbles’

Friday it was back to normal or thereabouts!!!!

Saturday more flowers arrived from friends who live ‘round the corner’ and my daughters plus other family all turned up with 3 out of 4 grandkids plus one girlfriend.  The weather was amazingly warm so we sat in the garden.  Around three o’clock they told me we were going out.  They ‘marched’ me into town to one of the big hotels where they’d arranged afternoon tea with Prosecco as well.  It was WONDERFUL 

We came home after and again it was warm enough to sit in the garden until it was dusk.  My son in law produced an amazing chilli con carne ‘out of the blue’ which was great as I’d not been told that any of this was happening.  WHAT a joy to be 80.  

I’m not sure what the family think but I’ve told them that next year I’m going to be 80 again.  Again and again and again.  THANK YOU to you ALL for an amazing birthday.

6 October 2023

On the ‘home run’ - but

Still a long way to go.  That’s the problem with projects like this.  You start from the middle and things go pretty quickly but as you get further out there’s more and more work needed.  
Here’s the next part.  As you can see I’ve added in four small seven hex motifs to make the whole thing rectangular.  I think the cloth needs to be a little longer but the depth is fine.  Now to work out the next part.  The end is in sight and my winter project will be done before winter has arrived. 

That’s the problem when you get addicted to a project.  

4 October 2023

I’m round the bend

Well you all knew that anyway but I’m also ‘round the bend’ of the heel!!!  
Now it’s ‘onward and upward’ I hope!!!!

Next time you hear about the sock I’m hoping it’ll be finished with just one more sock to make!!!  Liz has two legs so that means she’ll need two socks!!!!

3 October 2023

Now stitched but more decisions needed!!!

I’ve got those four large motifs done and stitched down.  Mainly because I stayed in ALL day on Saturday!!!
As you can see I’m now ‘squaring it off’ and hope that it will soon become a rectangle to fit my table.  There’s still a long way to go, though.

2 October 2023

A message but not in a bottle!

Life last week was a little ‘stressful’ so not a lot of crafting got done but I still have things to show you!!

First of all was this lovely message from Anita who said

“Thank you Jane!  For having this project online, it inspired me to make a miniature baby blanket.”

This cheered me up no end as it’s a rare thing to hear from people who use my patterns.  If they were in book form I’d know whether they were popular or not from whether people were buying the books but doing things for free leaves you in a sort of vacuum.

Ah, well, back to my vacuum with thanks to Anita for cheering me up!!!!

29 September 2023

Another scarf

You probably don’t remember but I had two big balls of yarn that I knitted this scarf out of.  Well the scarf only took one ball so I have another ball left to deal with.  

This is the start of scarf number two!!!  I’m using exactly the same pattern as last time as I found I could remember it pretty easily.  I’m only doing this when I’m at Friday knitting as I can work on it and chat at the same time!!!

28 September 2023

Looking back and looking forward!

Now it’s time for another lot of decisions over the patchwork.  If you look back here you’ll find the inspiration for my project - except, of course, that mine is mainly blue!!!
Now I have to start thinking about the length of my cloth as the width is ‘almost there’ and I’m hoping to add a border onto it too.  

The top picture shows the motifs that will go in and which will hopefully start making the cloth rectangular.  Playing with the motifs before I actually sew them on you’ll see from the other pictures that I’ve got a few choices to make and also need more of the ‘seven hexagon’ smaller motifs too.  Obviously these will be using other fabrics so choices on that will have to be made too!!!

27 September 2023

Sock failure

I was bumbling along doing pretty well but on Thursday evening I picked up the project and accidentally managed to pull off stitches from both ends of the circular needle.

As you will all know - undoing and re-doing things never phases my wonderful BC3 so I thought that would be easy to resolve.  

NO WAY.  I was halfway through doing the heel and there were wrapped and unwrapped and slipped stitches all over the place and some of the unravelling had gone down a few rows so the only way forward was to go backward.  I unravelled back to before the heel and have now started knitting it again.  Well almost on this picture!!!

25 September 2023

Patchwork and another ‘round’ done.

Well this part is finished.  If you look back here you’ll see I’m still addicted to this particular project!!!  It was going to be my ‘winter project’ but I’m now doubting if it will last that long!!!  

22 September 2023

Problems resolved

As I’ve mentioned before I am making another pair of socks but this time I decided to use a different pattern.  

After the last post about this new sock (here) I didn’t realise that the heel part would be so very different to the last pattern I used.  I had several days when I didn’t do anything because I didn’t understand the pattern!!!!  

Finally the ‘penny dropped’ and I finally got partway round the heel.  Here’s a picture of where I’m at now!!

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.