Just to prove I can finish things off completely here's the tshirt edging sewn onto the right tshirt!!! Yes, I have been known to sew onto the wrong one in the past!!!
Now this tshirt was a really, really cheap one I got in America last year but the quality is really good. I've bought this brand before on our trips 'over the pond'. Thing is, this really cheap shirt now looks slightly smarter for it's bit of tatting. Well, I think so!!!
I used my very favourite thread to sew it on. Well, let me clarify that. It's my favourite for looks when I've used it but not my favourite for using!!! Not easy to use is the invisible thread. Why? Well cause you can't see it - it's really invisible!!!! A good light, plenty of cussing words and a firm word with myself and I can do it!!!!
I've teven atted with this thread before a few years ago - here's a link. Not one of my favourite things to tat with!!!
I've teven atted with this thread before a few years ago - here's a link. Not one of my favourite things to tat with!!!