1 May 2010

Don't get bored!!

Before I start my morning's ramble I'd like to remind those who read this that the giveaway ends soooooon.

I think this may well be the last of the earwig phase for now!!!!  I'm getting over it and will shortly be moving onto something else!!!

Did I hear somebody say 'where's the ejector seat'?  

Dear reader - there isn't one!!!!  I'm me, here and as always - just talking to myself.  

30 April 2010

More of the same

There must be something wrong with me as I seem to get stuck on one thing for a while!!!  I'm enjoying these easy and relatively fast earwigs!!!

Carol Lawecki mentioned the pattern and I challenged her to think of a name for these.  She's come up with 'Winsome Drop Earrings' so now they're named they'll have to be shamed into becoming a 'real' pattern!!!!  ONE DAY!!!!!

29 April 2010

Now for another earring phase!!!

First of all thanks for all the comments on the 1000 post.  Just one person didn't leave their email address - Corina if you're reading this could you let me have it, please?  In answer to tattingmarie's question - the first post was on 8th May 2006.

I need to do a few 'quickies' for a 'do' that I'm demonstrating at in June.  I've been told I can sell items too but from past and bitter experience I do know that this doesn't mean anything will sell!!!!!

Here are two pairs of earwigs!!!  I do like this pattern as it's very adaptable and easy to make!!!  Mind, not sure if it's new and not sure if anybody would want it!!!  

28 April 2010

1,000 today!!!

No, no, no, NOT my age!!!  It's my 1,000 blog post today!!!

I'm going to do my first giveaway BUT you're not going to see what it is until the end!!!!  It's a 'blind' giveaway. So, get out the guide dogs and the white sticks and make a comment - or not!!!!   

No need to add buttons or anything to your blog, no need to tell anybody, no need to even comment on the blog either!!!!  You could just email me.  Just let me know your name and your email address.  Simple - just like me!!!!  I won't publish comments either as then you'll not even know how many are taking part - part of the 'blind' bit!!!!

Comments will be taken up until 8.45am British Summer Time on Sunday 2nd May and the winner will be announced the next day.  

All I'll tell you is that it'll be PINK!!!  Pink in all it's parts!!!!

I'll use a random selector thingy to choose the winner and will keep everything on a spread sheet until the giveaway is over.  

When I announce the winner I'll show you what he or she has won. 


27 April 2010

Guess what this is!!!

OK, here's a puzzle for you!!!!  No prizes as it's really rather easy.

Guess what this is?!?!?

26 April 2010

Sometimes, just sometimes!!

Sometimes an old git gets lucky!!!  Not sure why but they do!!!!

Yesterday I was looking in a part of my wardrobe that I rarely venture into.  Not because there are gigantic moths living in there (they don't frighten me) but because - well I don't know why but I rarely do!!!

Anyway, look what I found.  Sadly I only spotted two of these in that shop so bought them straight away.  Aren't they going to look pretty - WHEN I put hearts in them?

24 April 2010

I now have a '3 piece'!!!

This is the final piece using the tiger eye beads that Ridgewoman so kindly gave me. 

I think I'll have to wear the whole set when I get an invitation from the Queen to pop round for a cup of tea!! 

Seriously I'm as likely to get an invitation to one of her garden parties as a flight to the moon!!!!  

Here are links to the necklace and earrings

23 April 2010

More lost and found!!!

For days now I've been panicking about these beads!!!  Ridgewoman sent them for Sally in her last package to me and I put them 'safely' away until Sally came up to town!!

I'm currently working with the last two tiger eyes that I was given (by ridgewoman) and last night I had the most dreadful feeling that I'd used Sally's.  So this morning began another frantic search.

Guess where they were?  On the stand in the hall - where I put things when I've got to give them to somebody or take to the post. 

BOY did I feel stupid.  

OK, who was that who said 'well you are stupid, Jane'?  Stand up and be counted!!

22 April 2010

Nothing to do with tatting!

Nope, nothing AT ALL.

But the title of this blog is 'not a lot else' so that's my excuse!!  It's also craft work too - sewing in fact!!!

Now for the story.  I was given a doll's cot when I was a wee girl - about 150 years ago!!!  I can't remember now what it looked like then and as we didn't have a camera I have no pictures (oh, how things have changed, eh?).  My sister (Sally) remembers playing with the cot and loving it too.

Well, when I produced two girls of my own (poor things - but they survived!) I still had the cot and re-covered it with the fabric you can see below.  Horrid, isn't it?  Since then it's been stored in several lofts yet again and has gone through some trauma living in those on it's own during the past 40+ years since my kids outgrew it!!!

Two and a half years ago I was lucky enough to be granted my first granddaughter after three delightful grandsons who are 'real boys' and wouldn't have been interested in dolls!!!!  I then rescued the cot and brought it home just over a year ago.

Now is the  time for it to morph into another era of it's life.  I suppose it's an antique (like me) but it's valueless (also like me) as it's not got the original covering (heck, nor have I!).  I've never seen anything like it anywhere else.  The second picture shows it in it's 'raw' state.

21 April 2010

Found them

Why is it that when I put things away tidily I can never find them again!!!

Remember the shop I was telling you about that's closing down in the town?  Well these are some small dangly brass hearts I 'rescued'!!!!  I found them in my tshirt drawer - no, don't ask cause I've no idea why I put them there!!!

Not quite sure where the other two are which had 'stands' but I'm sure they'll turn up.  All I need now is a suitable heart to put in these.  

Darn - will I start a new one or find one that fits!!!!  

That's the million dollar question.  OR million pounds question - not sure which!!!!

20 April 2010

Another pressie

A parcel arrived last week from Paula with more goodies inside. 

My first thought was that it couldn't be tatting related because it was heavy - but it was and in the most fantastic way.

About three/four years ago I found a very small tube of this cream in Wally World and bought it because of this story.

When my brother first started work as an apprentice farmer one of his tasks was to milk the cows.  He had an ample supply of udder cream and when the tubes were nearing their ends he used to take them home for mum.  She'd squeeze the bejasus out of them milking them (scuse the pun!) down to the last drop.  She said that the cream - which was pure lanolin - was the best she'd ever used.  So, when I saw what was obviously the same substance I bought a small tube and brought it home.  

Paula's lovely gift gave me not only the cream but made me remember that story.

What I love about this cream is that you need just a little and it sinks straight into the skin and I can tat straight away without waiting for it to 'sink in'!!!

19 April 2010

More Earrings

Having made the tiger eye earrings to match the necklace I simply HAD to make the earrings to match the beads that Teri sent me - see this link and this link.

Here they are.

17 April 2010

New earrings!

Do you remember this necklace?  Well I used up all the tiger eye beads that Ridgewoman sent me on this necklace but was very happy with the result.

Then she sent me another package - see here.  In amongst this surprise there were some more tiger eyes which I thought I'd use for a bracelet.  BUT earrings were tempting too.  I'm very parsimonious so after a good deal of thought I realised that I could 'have my cake and eat it' if I was careful.  SO, here are the earrings.  Not quite sure when the bracelet will get made as I'm in 'earring mode' at the moment!!!!  I'm using the new display thingy that I showed you yesterday but need to experiment with it further.  It's ideal for hanging them from too - if they need stiffening!!!

Very simple pattern which I'm sure that nobody would want written down.  Just two rings, really.   Honest.

16 April 2010

A clever buy!!

There's a shop closing down in town - the recession is the reason (so they say) and they've been selling off all sorts of stuff.  It was a gift shop which had been in the same place for many, many years.

Anyway, I was wandering past on their last day and spotted odds and ends which I thought might be useful so I bought this!!!  I'd bought some other things over the previous weeks which will be useful to put tatting in - eventually.

It's a display 'thingy' for earwigs.  I hope to have some to show you on it soon.  What a buy - it cost me a whole round pound!!!

15 April 2010

More about the jacket

I  found time to take photographs yesterday so here it is in all it's 'glory!!!!  

I found a very patient model for it too - a chair!!!  Prettier than me wearing it and easier than asking Nick to take photos!!! Also it STOOD STILL!!!!
This is the front (obviously)!!!
One sleeve
T'other sleeve
The rear view - when I'm wearing it it will be my 'best side'!!!!

14 April 2010

What I'm working on at the moment!!!

Well I HATED it and hardly ever wore it.  Not sure if it was the colour, the fabric or the design but I can tell you I was never ever comfortable in it.  So it's confined to the bin (trash) or the local charity shop.

Hang on, who shouted about the animals?

They're fine, promise.  I'm currently sewing them onto another DENIM (oooooh, I LOVE denim) light blouse weight jacket which I found in our local Debenham store on Saturday.

I've been searching for three years for another similar to the gecko jacket and have 'haunted' our local Edinburgh Woollen Mill shops from where the original came.

I'll try to get a photo of the finished item later.  Nick says there are too many animals on this one but I couldn't make up my mind which ones to put on and which to leave off AND there are a few newcomers since the last jacket was made!!!!  

13 April 2010

Why I've not shown you

This is why I've not shown you anything new for a while.  I've been asked to do more strips of random tatting for Nicole - see this link.  

As you can see there were three strips needed of roughly 4 cms in width.  Each strip had to be 65 cms long.  Now in a number 80 tatting thread that's a lot of work!!!  

There are two things about random tatting which are worth noting.  Random IS random and it's hard not to repeat yourself.  Also the stricture of the width means that you have to constantly check which direction you need to be going!!!!  Nonetheless - it's fun!!!

These will go in the post today and wing their way to London.  That's the London here in the U.K!!!!!!!!

Now back to more 'normal' stuff and I will have something to show you soon.
2 close ups below

12 April 2010

The cow again!!!!

I've had such fun reading all the comments on the cow and the suggestions for her name.  Thank you SO much for popping by.  Some of the remarks made the cow's milk curdle with giggling!!!

I rather liked deanna7trees suggestion of Jaisy as it's my cow (AND I'm a silly moooo too as Tatskool and Maureen both said) but then I also loved Daisy too.  

Anne hit the proverbial nail on the head when she said that she looked like a Jersey cow as it was a picture of a Jersey that I worked from - thanks, Anne.

The unusual name of Iphigenia suggested by timneh's offspring was a close call as it was so very different.  

In the end I've decided that she will remain 'nameless' as then anybody who has the courage to make her can call her what they like!!!  

If anybody's got the time do read through the comments on the previous post - they are SO funny. 

10 April 2010

Name that COW!!!

Last year I was having a natter to a few people and we were talking about somebody who I (and others) had tried to help some years ago.  This help was not only rejected but worse!  Anyway, I said to the others that this person was a real COW. 

Ah, that triggered off brain cell number 3 and off he went on this idea of a cow.  Well, once finished, it turned out to be far too pretty to be called by the inspirator's (is that a REAL word?) name.  Thus I have a 'cow with no name'!!!"

SO, name that COW!!!!!

Oh, just looked up 'inspirator' and it is a real word - which proves (sort of) that brain cell 3 is waking up from his winter's hibernation!!!!

Here's the link to the page on my site.

Just before I quit this post and start picking up today's suggestions I must show you what Mark Myers (Tatman) sent me on Wednesday.  Isn't he a little STINKER?  He's just too clever at his graphics!!!!

9 April 2010

The last part.

This is the last part.  Tomorrow all will be revealed and the naming can begin!!!!

There will also be an explanation of the reason for the design too!!!!

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.