9 May 2022

May 8th 2006

Yesterday was my anniversary.  Back in 2006 I made my first post and that was quite a big adventure for me.  

Thanks to the folks who take the time to read my ramblings and who click on the adverts which generate a small amount of money.  That money funds the pattern pages which are here.

Just out of curiosity I looked at the stats on the site last week and was surprised to find that I'd been so busy!!!

I tend to blog rather than 'do' Facebook as stuff on that platform gets lost in the morass.  If I put things on the blog I can look back and find what I did and when I did it.  Not that I need to often but it's good when I need to.

6 May 2022

It works!!

My notes and pictures worked for the little pouch. Thank goodness!!!
Now I have another problem - what to do with them when I've finished them.  I want to make a few more as I now enjoy doing them.

What tickles me about them is that even the smallest coin doesn't slip out into my pocket.  They're also ideal for a small tatting project as they easily take two shuttles.  If anybody wants one I'll charge £5.00 plus postage.  I doubt I'll make many more so I won't list on Etsy.  Well, I may do but they'll have to be more money to cover their charges too.

Again for those who missed the original link to the pattern - here it is.  

My own instructions worked fine but I'm going to stop making more for a few days so that BC3 has a chance to forget them and thus test the destructions again - when he's forgotten.  

5 May 2022

Back to the pouch problem

Well I decided that I really needed to write this pouch pattern down in words and pictures for myself.  Obviously this isn't my pattern so I won't be publishing it in another format even though it's probably OK to do so. 

The adventure started with the pictures shown below (and trying to follow the video) and as I was putting such a lot of effort into it I decided that I'd 'involve' the velcro idea too.  

Now I have a 'thing' about velcro showing on the outside of a finished item so where to put the second velcro so that it wouldn't show when the pouch was closed was a BIG problem!!!  Poor BC3 took ages puzzling it all out. 

Here are the pictures that I took as I was making it.

4 May 2022

Another little basket

This time one in cream.  I'm really going to have to give some of these away soon as they're taking up space.  I'll be looking for 'victims' so be warned!!!!  

I'm sure somebody will like them but I may have to resort to stopping people in the street and foisting them onto them!!  They keep me happy making them and that's all that counts!

3 May 2022

A better looking visor?

I'm taking you on another trip down 'memory lane' but it's not that far to go this time!!!  

Remember what I thought was the ugliest visor ever seen?  Here it is.

Well - it was!!!!  Below is the new rendition of it.  I wanted something in more wintry colours and this fabric just happened to be in my stash.  It looks a big wrinkly on the band part but it isn't as bad as it looks on the photos.  Anyway, I'm a happy soul now that the ugly has gone!!!!

2 May 2022

A new little pouch

Do you remember my Monday moan from last week about video patterns?  If not then here's the link.  

I really struggled to make this little pouch but got there in the end!!!  

I did this one exactly as the pattern showed but with one difference.  I used an old fashioned press stud to close it.  Here's the pattern I'm talking about.

Now I don't own one of those popper tools anymore as I could never get on with it.  I've decided that the next pouch I make will NOT have a press stud but velcro instead.  

Of course this will add to the problem so BC3 is going to have to have his thinking cap on for the next one!

29 April 2022

A lavender basket.

Now after the success of the knitting basket which you can see here I decided to use some more of my finer threads to make a smaller ‘trinket’ basket.  

What I love about these is that you can make the base (which is a pretty standard ‘pattern’) and progress it until it’s the size you want.  Then you just carry on without increasing.

It’s ideal for BC3 when he’s in an ‘I can’t be bothered’ mood!!  

27 April 2022

Another project

I wandered into an outdoor shop a week or so ago as I was looking for a visor to protect my eyes.  This is the only one they had and I think it’s probably the ugliest one I’ve ever seen.

It had one good thing going for it - it was cheap as nobody wanted it.  

I took it to the till and said to the young lady - ‘this is the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen’!  She was surprised I was buying it but I assured her that it wouldn’t look like this in a few days!!!!

Time to get BC3 out for a bit of sewing, I think!

25 April 2022

Monday moan

OK so today I’m going to be quite controversial and I know that a lot of you will totally disagree with me. 
I’m not talking about tatting videos but they do come under the same moan really.

My lovely friend Sandra sent me a link to a video on how to make a pouch - a sewing one.  I’ll show you another day.  Now this is ONLY on a video.  There are no written instructions.  No sound except music and not a lot of text either.

I am afraid that I’m of the ‘old school’ and I need written ‘destructions’.  Videos are fine for a technique but to do a pattern takes a lot more skill from the presenter.  With a video I miss being able to make my own notes on the pdf as I go along so poor old BC3 has to keep rewinding all the time.  GIMME proper written patterns with diagrams/pictures any day.  This constantly rewinding drives me MAD!!!  I suppose being an OG (old git) has got a lot to do with my problems but honestly ……..

I also am wondering if videos (now talking tatting) won’t make people ‘lazy’ and finally unable to read a written pattern.

Back off my soapbox and back to the wretched video.  Here’s a picture to cheer you up!

22 April 2022

A new knitting basket

I hate to throw things away and after taking apart the waistcoat which I fell out with I had the two balls of variegated 4 ply yarn to ‘deal with’. 

The balls of plain purple and green are becoming a scarf which you can see here.

So as I needed another means of containing the yarn while I’m using it I crocheted a ‘basket’. I’ve used the two balls of yarn together to give it some ‘body’ and it seems to have worked.

21 April 2022

Finished duffle bag

I did enjoy this challenge and the best thing about it is that I haven’t ‘damaged’ the original bag at all and could easily ‘restore’ it in the future. This is what it looked like originally (second picture). 

Now I’ve got a bag, which I’ve always enjoyed using, but which is a bit ‘brighter’ and in which I can put my cup which I take with me when I go ‘walkabout’ in case I ‘need’ a coffee while I’m out!!!!  Also I can put my hats inside when I go indoors without losing them!  

If you look at the last picture and the one above it you’ll see I’ve lined the bag and that I’ve used the original metal eyelets as they’re very well reinforced.

20 April 2022

Mimi’s snowflake

It’s always a delight and a surprise to see that people actually use my patterns and none more so than a well known lady in Tat Land. Mimi Dillman who is a fantastic teacher of the cluny technique in tatting. How do I know that? Simple - I’ve been in two of her classes over the years.  Here’s Mimi’s page which is WELL worth a visit.

She wrote the other day to show me the Scintillating Snowflake she’d made and she did comment that her bugle beads weren’t ‘quite’ long enough so she’d added a seed bead to the ends of them. 

 Now this made me realise that when I did the other pattern using this technique, which you can find here, I did put the extra bit in about using 4 seed beads instead of the bugles. When I get the time (and inclination) I’ll add that to the Scintillating Snowflake pattern too.

19 April 2022

More progress on the Coats doily

Now back in the dark ages (well, not quite!) I started on this doily and you can see the progress I’d made just over a month ago.

Well I finished the next round of motifs and have just started on the next round. The end is in sight but it won’t be happening any time soon as I’ve been distracted by ‘other things’!!!  Just tracked progress back to the start of this project and it was on the 7th March so it’s going pretty well - for an old lady with just a BC3!!!

15 April 2022

Another hat

Well this one was a BARGAIN from a charity shop.  Of course it 'had' to be decorated, didn't it?

I actually sprayed both hats with Scotchguard - not to make them waterproof but to try and keep them from not getting 'quite' so dirty 'quite' so quickly.  I wonder if that will work?

The large motifs are the new one I put on my pattern site last week and the butterflies are the SCMR one also on my site - somewhere!!!  

14 April 2022

Zigzag finished

Finally I got my act together to finish off the web page for this amazing doily.  Many thanks to Bev for all her help with it as without her it would never have got put down on 'paper'.  

I started working on it before Christmas and here's the previous one done in size 20.

I just absolutely LOVE this pattern.  This yellow version is done in a size 40 thread and measures 15” in diameter.

There are split chains but no split rings (are you reading this, Diane?!?!) and the split chains could be avoided too.  

Excuse the 'wobbly' look to the picture but I took it out on the grass which is by no means totally flat!!!

13 April 2022

Patchwork project

The start of another idea.  

Pamela in Ireland gave me this duffle bag (second picture) waaaay back in time.  I used it a lot and it’s a really sturdy bag.  I re-found it recently lurking underneath other odds and ends and decided that it was waaaaay too good to be sent to a charity shop and even more waaaaaaaaaaay too good to be thrown away..

As our poor old planet is suffering from global warming and as I have leftover fabric from the patchwork jacket which is here I decided that I should cover the bag with the leftovers from the jacket!!!

Each square is 2” and I need a lot of those to cover it.  

I now ‘need’ a bag when I go places where I need to ‘park’ the new hats and that’s a ‘problem’.  I need something to put the hats in that I can hang on the back of a chair - or whatever.  

If you can’t follow my ‘reasoning’ then don’t worry.  My brain works in a strange way!!!

12 April 2022

A hat!!!

As I’m getting old.  Yes, old.  I’ve realised (and been told!) that I need to take certain ‘actions’ like wearing a hat to protect myself from ‘summat up there’.  

So, I bought this hat.  It is a nice hat (even though I’m not a ‘hat person’) but it was boring.  Plain and boring.  So I’ve decorated it with a couple of seahorses.  That’s a ‘selfie’ and I apologise for the ‘grim’ expression on an otherwise pretty old and boring face!

11 April 2022

A quickie today

Just wondering if there are anymore dragons to come in from the TIAS

It’s a month since the last one arrived and that was number 85!!!

When I’m sure there are no more to arrive I’ll put the whole pattern on my pattern pages.

8 April 2022

New snowflake motif

I put a teaser of this pattern on Facebook last week.  Now I have added it to my pattern pages.

This uses a technique that I came up with a while ago and used on this design and this one.

What I like about this new one is that it’s quick to make and is ‘just the right’ size to make as giveaways for Christmas.  I’ll confess - I’ve made loads of them already!!!  

6 April 2022

Finished blanket

This is the blanket I started waaaaay back to use up my stash of yarn.  It’s a good sized knee blanket as opposed to one for the bed.  Why?  Well I didn’t run out of yarn (reduced it by half) but I got bored.  Just couldn’t face another 11 knitted squares (at least) to make it bigger.  So I put a crochet edge around it and ‘called it a day’!!  

This will get donated to a charity - just got to find one that wants it.

For those who’ve not seen this before here’s the link to the pattern which I used and which meant no sewing the squares together at the end!  Win, win for me!

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.