I’m still plodding away on the patchwork cloth but still enjoying it. This is going to be a loooong round of little motifs joined together with a darker colour.
20 September 2023
18 September 2023
Two days of tatting!
Saturday and Sunday were spent in Lifeways at the Heritage Craft weekend.
It was a great opportunity to catch up with other crafting friends. Jane who I see at the Alcester group on a Friday and Sue who I haven’t seen for years. We had a ‘two day gossip’ and found out that we had many mutual friends!!!
Here are some pictures taken soon after we had set up on the Sunday morning.
14 September 2023
Anybody want a cupcake?
A change of scenery for today. Believe me tatting is continuing but it has to be kept a secret at the moment. I’ve not started on a TIAS yet and have doubts it will happen next year. I’m doing too may other things at the moment!! I do have an idea which I think is good but actually making a TIAS out of it is not yet happening.
Meanwhile a neighbour asked me to make a pair of earrings for another neighbour and she chose these cupcakes from the web page which is here.
A lovely diversion!!!
13 September 2023
A new sock
It had to happen!!! Liz decided on a lovely purple and white yarn for her next pair of socks but I couldn’t get it locally. As she was going into the big city she said she’d pop in and buy it from the larger Hobbycraft there.
Well this is what she got instead and I think it’s lovely. I prefer it to her original choice!!! Funnily enough Ruth (at Friday knitting) was knitting socks with the same yarn last Friday!!!
I’ve made a start on the new pair of socks as you can see. I’m using a shortish circular needle and the magic loop idea which I find as good as dpn’s. I like dpn’s (double pointed needles) but I think I’d confuse myself when it comes to working round the heel.
Oh, this time I’m using this pattern from Ravelry as recommended by t’other Sue!! I’m enjoying this pattern as Jo (the designer) tells you what and why you’re doing things as you go along.
12 September 2023
Patchwork - the centre is together.
Finally made good headway with my ‘so called’ winter project!!! I was going to keep the patchwork to do over the winter months but sadly it’s called to me too loudly so I’ve got on with it!!!
The top picture is the finalised middle of the cloth whereas below is just me playing with ideas for the next round of florets. Of course I still need to decide on the centres of these two and there’s another ‘round’ to go onto the top picture but planning ahead is essential.
11 September 2023
Finished - well almost!!
The first scarf is finished - almost. I just need to sew in the two ends.
Don’t forget - I have another ball of the same so be prepared for more!!!
7 September 2023
Patchwork progress too.
You’ll see here that I’ve laid the pieces out to ‘play’ with positioning. I’m really enjoying this task but I do keep changing my mind over ‘what to put where’!!!
Sewing them together is going to take quite a bit of time!!!
5 September 2023
A book you can’t afford to miss
There are very few tatting books that really appeal to me. There’s the odd doily in the odd book but over the sixty plus years of collecting there aren’t many doilies that I’d care to tat twice!! Must admit there are one or two that I’ve done several times but those were back in my teenage years when patterns were few and far between.
There are designers whom I respect beyond all measure like Dora Young, Mary Konior, Elgiva Nichols to name but a few but sadly these people have all died so there will be no more books from them.
BUT we have a ‘very much alive’ designer whose every book is a ‘must have’. Who and why I hear you ask.
It’s Martha Ess and the ‘why’ is because she ALWAYS comes up with the BEST ideas/designs. I’ve had the pleasure (and believe me - it is a pleasure) to have test tatted a lot of her patterns over the years and she not only comes up with fantastic designs but she also tests my BC3 too. She has the knack of putting in little tricks that you thing ‘what is she doing that for’ and a bit later on find yourself saying - ‘oh, that’s WHY - what a great idea’. Not necessarily a new technique but a new way of doing something. Martha ROCKS.
So her latest book (Whimsical Tatting) is full of the most appealing designs and you can order directly from Martha herself which she’ll sign for you too. Here’s the link.
I’d suggest you look at her other books on that page too. You never know what you’ll find. I’m not showing you the cover of my copy as you can see that on Martha’s blog but I am going to show off a picture from the book and Martha’s thank you too.
4 September 2023
Finally finished
The second sock is done!!!
I’m now looking forward to starting another pair but this time using a different pattern that Sue sent me.
Progress on the yellow/grey scarf is going well but not quite finished yet. I’ve also got on a bit further with the patchwork cloth too. More about that in a few days!!!
31 August 2023
Decisions decisions.
All I know about this new project is that it’s going to be a cloth to go over a very, very old table in my bedroom AND that it’s going to be blue to match my bed linen!!!
Unlike Diane (Lacelovin’ Librarian) I’m not that fond of blue. BUT I’m slowly beginning to really love it. I actually didn’t realise how much ‘blue’ I’d got in my stash until I decided to do this cloth. So it’s now time to consider how to put them all together.
This is where poor old BC3 struggles with so many choices. I’m the same about everything in my life - I’m a real prevaricator!!!
29 August 2023
A tentative start!
Here are a few paper pieces cut out and ready before Rose Anne kindly sent me some printable ones. I have used a catalogue for these as the paper is just right for me. However the paper printed ones are a lot quicker to cut out!!!
As you can see I’ve abandoned pins and am using these small quilter’s clippy things. I really like them as pins are such a fiddle. They were in some fabric that I picked up from freecycle otherwise I’d never have known about them!!!
28 August 2023
A whole alien!
I’m afraid I’ve not got a lot to show this week as I’ve been plodding away at the patchwork and have been tatting new designs.
However thanks to Maureen and her timely reminder I have finally got the whole alien rescued from the TIAS and now I just one place. The TIAS links are still there although some of the links at the bottom left of each page (they take you back to the previous day) may not work.
After the TIAS is over I move all the links into one folder on the server which makes it much easier to manage on the server. This means changing all the links on the TIAS blog too. Unfortunately it does require a lot of attention so I’m hoping I’ve got it right!!!
25 August 2023
Now for another progress report!!
The third scarf is coming on nicely. The picture doesn't show the sparkle very well but I assure you it's there. This was where it had got to last time I showed you.
I took it to the knitting group a week or so ago and one of my lovely friends said that they find that if a scarf (or any other garment) has some metallic in it it seems to be warmer. I'm sure she's right too.
It's really cozy too and isn't scratchy - before anybody asks!!! I love this as an 'end of the evening' project when BC3 is almost ready for bed. A few rows of crochet after an evening sorting out a tatting pattern really gives a sense of achievement and relaxation.
24 August 2023
Patchwork progress!!
A rare, rare thing happened back here in Chez Jane a week or two ago. I ventured into Pinterest!!! I do NOT use that platform if I can ever help it but I wanted some inspiration for my patchwork adventure.
This is what I found which really has got my creative juices flowing.
Remember, though, this is for my bedroom table and I want it all in blue!!! Let's see what happens next.
23 August 2023
One and a half!
Socks, that is!!! Now I'm at the stage (well, 1½" to go) when I'll soon need to start putting on stitches for the calf of the second one (lower picture). Liz wants them knee length which is fine by me but takes a tad longer and also needs to be 'moulded' round the calf.
I did the first one as you'll see and that's fits fine and I'm really chuffed with it. Thankfully for the second calf all I have to do is follow my notes - IF I can understand them, that is!!!
This is the joy of knitting from toe to cuff - you can try them on and see EXACTLY where these little foibles have to be addressed. All I did is say 'hello calf' and it was a case of 'job done'. Well, not really - i did need a tape measure to help me!!!
I'm going to make her another pair and I know exactly which yarn she wants but have resisted buying it until the 'end is nigh'!!!
22 August 2023
Katie V’s alien
Today I've had permission to share this wonderful little bag that Katie V made for her granddaughter. I'm going to HAVE to have a go at this bag sometime. This is what Katie says.
"Hi, Jane,
My granddaughter is "into" Stranger Things" and asked for a bag of this fabric--so what could be stranger than for a red alien to find a new home there!
Thank you!!!
Katie V in NC"
I asked about the pattern and Katie gave me this link which I've saved in my 'notes' ready for when I've got time!!!!
While I'm showing an alien - are there anymore 'out there' ready to go on the TIAS blog?
21 August 2023
Finding an old friend again
Some years ago the library in Stratford decided to start up a craft group which I thought was a great idea. I toddled along and quickly made new crafty friends. Sadly one died since then but I still see one of them around the town from time to time.
Now in that group was an elderly (by that I mean EVEN older than me) lady who was a really, really avid crafter. Sadly she doesn't get out much nowadays and I lost touch with her. Often thought about her as she was so much into her craft work.
A few weeks ago she got in touch with me which was GREAT. She offered me the shuttles you can see below. I went round to her place to pick them up and found her looking really well and surrounded by 'crafts in progress' including one that she was working on in the library!!!
Sadly the craft group petered out - I think the time of the day it was meeting might've had something to do with that. Who knows. Most people want their lunch at 1 o'clock - not to go crafting!!!
I'm intrigued by the bone shuttle with the name on. I think it says 'Walker'.
18 August 2023
Time for something new - patchwork.
I have a blue theme in my bedroom. But I have a very bright cloth on the table and I’m now bored with it. This is the one I’m talking about.
So I felt it was time to make a ‘simply blue’ one!!! I’ve got a LOT of blue fabric but have never really wanted to use blue!!! IF you can understand that.
First of all I had to decide on a size. I don’t ‘do’ big - I like fiddly!!!! I sent for a new template as the one I’d got had only got the inside size I wanted and not the size for the fabric to fit round the papers. I’m now ready to start!!! Below is some of the blue fabric I’ve got.
16 August 2023
A scarf started
I thought about what to do with the yarn I showed you yesterday and it really was a ‘no brainer’. Another scarf. Yes I know that a person only has ONE NECK but I thought that somebody would like a scarf somewhere.
In the end I’ve decided that as I was ‘sort of’ given this yarn for free then I should make it up and give it back to either a suitable swop shop OR a charity like the food bank.
A start has been made!!! I’m pleased to say that the glittery metallic part of this yarn is easy to crochet with. I’m using the same pattern as I used on this one.
15 August 2023
Oh dear!
Well after the scarves were finished I thought that that was the end of my scarf making episode!!!
I was looking in my yarn stash and found this yarn. It was a few months ago that I went to the local Repair Cafe to get my sewing scissors sharpened and found there was a swop shop going on downstairs. I saw this yarn and picked up two balls of it as I really LOVE the colours.
I feel another scarf coming on!!!
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Tatting and NOT a Lot Else by Jane Eborall is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://janeeborall.blogspot.co.uk/.