Some years ago the library in Stratford decided to start up a craft group which I thought was a great idea. I toddled along and quickly made new crafty friends. Sadly one died since then but I still see one of them around the town from time to time.
Now in that group was an elderly (by that I mean EVEN older than me) lady who was a really, really avid crafter. Sadly she doesn't get out much nowadays and I lost touch with her. Often thought about her as she was so much into her craft work.
A few weeks ago she got in touch with me which was GREAT. She offered me the shuttles you can see below. I went round to her place to pick them up and found her looking really well and surrounded by 'crafts in progress' including one that she was working on in the library!!!
Sadly the craft group petered out - I think the time of the day it was meeting might've had something to do with that. Who knows. Most people want their lunch at 1 o'clock - not to go crafting!!!
I'm intrigued by the bone shuttle with the name on. I think it says 'Walker'.