6 August 2015

More shuttles

So here are two more of the shuttles I won on Fleabay (also known as Ebay to those of a saner disposition)!

Yes there were two in the collection. TWO of my favourite of all time shuttles. If you look at the top picture that was on Fleabay (here) - you'll see one at the top under the purple thread and one at the bottom. 

I'm sure I've told you before that I was first introduced to Milward shuttles at the tender age of 13 by my gran. As far as I can remember they were the only shuttle we could get hold of in the local shops. 

Then a few years later I came across the dear old Aero (made by the same company) which I didn't like at first. It wasn't until some time after that that I decided it would be much faster to wind and easier on the sofa (kept having to take it apart to find the wretched Milward hook).  I also thought it would be faster to use as the hook couldn't get lost. 

So, a few days of severe 'brain training' (I used to have many more than just BC3 in those days), I taught myself the knack of using this shuttle. Did you know that the life of a real Aero can be in excess of 50 years? Well, I'm not sure that's a fact but I'm sure I'm still using some of the original ones!

4 August 2015

First scrap bag

I finally got round to finishing off my 'scrap bags' which I started back in May or June!!!! Here's the link to their 'birth'!!!

Now I really was making these for myself but unfortunately (or fortunately!!!) I don't need them!!! Why, you may ask? Or probably you won't!!!!! Well, the last one I made for myself is still absolutely fine and won't need replacing for simply AGES!!! I made six of them in 2012 and the one I use every day is still fine. I throw it in the washing machine from time to time and is comes out looking as good as new!!! Here's the batch I made 'back then'.

Now I'm seriously wondering what to do with this bag. Do I sell it or do I give it to somebody? Decisions, decisions!!

3 August 2015

Round 9 start

First of all - there are still some Pop A Bobbin Shuttles left in my Etsy shop.  I didn't really advertise them a lot so maybe some of you may have missed them!!!

So, here is the start of round 9 although I'm further on than this now!!!!. 

As you can see I'm marking with a thread where the joins are needed on the next round. Poor Diane got into a load of trouble with her doily when she made mistakes on the previous round or this one so I decided to mark the joins as I went. Also it helps as I'm placing beads on some and not on others too!!!

Should zip through this round and am looking forward to round 10 next!!!

1 August 2015

Today's the day!!

More Pop A Bobbin Shuttles will be in the Etsy shop here as soon as I've checked my draft listings.

31 July 2015

Japanese Knot bag

I fancied a change!!

Crazy Mom Tats visited me a month or so ago and very kindly gave me some fabric.  I find it hard to buy fabric except online.  We have a very expensive shop in town that charges an arm and a leg for their stuff.  There's a tiny shop in Alcester where I go to Crafternoon and theirs is a little cheaper but there's nothing as good as I can get in America when I visit so Sandra's gift was amazing.

Now stupidly I'd left the stash of new fabric out a few weeks ago when Liz and Jim came over for a family get together.  Liz spotted the cats!!!  She's got cats and loves anything with a cat design on it.   She asked if I could make her a bag.  Now I knew that the little square bags were probably of little or no use to her (she doesn't tat!) and I'm not sure if the print is too big for them too. (That will be tested in the future!!!). So, having been shown a Japanese knot bag I decided I'd research that as a possible task. 

I found two designs - one a floppy saggy design which would be easy peasy and the other with a round bottom (not quite so easy). Me, being me, decided to 'go' with the latter!!! When I showed the finished item to Nick he didn't quite know how to tactfully tell me that the handles weren't the same!!! I had to smile. I then showed him how the bag closed and he was well impressed. So, that was that. Then somebody asked whether I was going to make them for the Etsy shop!!!  Now, what do you all think?  It's actually a great size for carrying tatting around in. Any comments welcome.

30 July 2015

More shuttles very soon

Below is a list of the shuttles I'll be listing in my Etsy shop which can be found here.  Don't forget to look at my little bags too.  If possible please buy one or two or even twenty to help an old git to keep up with her bead and thread supplies!!!!

I'll list the shuttles on Saturday so that I can get them in the mail on Sunday. Not sure what time I'll put them 'live' but they'll be there.

POP-A-BOBBIN SHUTTLES all with hooks 




2 SEQUOIA £18 

3 ASH £18 


1 YEW £18 

1 EBONY £22.50 

1 MAHONIA £20.50

29 July 2015

Day 8 - shuttles

I have another like this but until then I'd never seen one. This style (metal) must've bypassed me back whenever.

I started off with the Milliards shuttle as they were readily available in all haberdashery and knitting/sewing shops - even in our small town. BUT I never came across these metal ones 'back then'. So, I now have two in my collection. I'll try test driving this one soon.

28 July 2015

Day 7 - shuttles

I think this is the best of the shuttles that I won on that Ebay listing. In fact, I'll admit, this is the one I had my beady eye on in the first place.

I do have a very similar one already which I'll show you sitting next to this another day. 

I wonder how old it is? Pretty old, I think.

27 July 2015

Round 8 finished

There you are!!! Round 8 of the Jan doily done and dusted. 

I've been trying to understand myself and this addiction. 

Is it because it's an easy tat with the added frisson of working out the bead placements and the actual stitch count? Or is it because I'm not really worrying about it?

All I really know is that I can't put it down. I've a new design which I really ought to be working on but whenever I sit down I choose the doily!!! Maybe I'll give up on designing and just stick to tatting which is what I mainly did for the first thirty to forty or so years.

25 July 2015

Day 6 - shuttles

Now today I'm showing you this metal shuttle. I've got some metal ones that I bought years ago but this one looks as if it may have been plated. I'll never use it and count it as a 'bonus' for the accidental collection!!!

24 July 2015

Day 4 - shuttles

Today's shuttle is another pretty wooden one. This time there's a pheasant on one side and a blue tit on the other.

People seemed to think that yesterday's flowers were hand painted and I should think these are too but await further comments if you've got time.

23 July 2015

Day 3 - shuttles

This shuttle (again wooden) has a very, very pretty Iris flower on one side and an oriental poppy on the other. 

I am not an expert on these things so have no idea if they're hand painted or are transfers. HELP?

22 July 2015

Halfway round on round 8

This was last week so I'm a bit behind showing you progress!!! I apologise to anybody who's remotely interested!!!

I'll try and get the completed picture of round 8 up before long but I do tend to just carry on and forget that I've made progress. Too many other things going on that require my attention during the day!!!

21 July 2015

Day 2 - shuttles

Another wooden shuttle and I'm showing both sides of this. Yes - both sides. Isn't it amazing? Look how the inlaid parts of the dark wood are so well done. Absolutely exquisite.

I wonder who made this and where it came from? Suggestions? 

I don't think it's an old one but it's certainly a great addition to my accidental collection!!

I say 'accidental' because in the days before the internet and because I was always brought up to consider the shuttle as 'just a tool' I didn't really bother about them. OK, I had a beautiful inlaid one which was given to me when I was 14 (it'll be making an appearance later in this sequence of posts) but that was all I really had for many, many years apart from my work horses!!!

20 July 2015

Day 1 - shuttles

Remember my win on Fleabay? Whoops, I mean Ebay!!! 

I may not have mentioned it here because I'm a bit - well, the kindest word is forgetful!!!  There's a picture at the top of this post of the win. I paid very little considering the contents and count myself extremely lucky.  Over the next few days/week or so I'm going to show you each in detail. 

Today's shuttle is a very shiny one. It's wooden and it appears old to me but I'm not sure. Any ideas would be very welcome.`

17 July 2015

Another couple of mice!

A few days ago I showed you this adorable mouse from Ruth in Canada. It's been a very busy and emotional, hectic week here at Chez Eborall so it's taken me some time to get these up on the blog to show you. 

Here are two more mice from Ruth. I love these meecies to pieces.  Who said that?  Was it Tom and Jerry?  No, that's not right.  All I can remember is that it was an American cartoon.  Least I think that's right!!!!

Personally I think the grey one on top of the tape measure is about to sky dive down onto the other one!!! 

Just hoping that when I stay with Ruth in September that the spiders she's cultivating at her house are under control - unlike her mice!!!!

16 July 2015

More of round 7

On the way round!!!

You can see on this picture that I've taken the shuttles off the round 8 piece that I started. Thanks to being bobbin shuttles I have put the bobbins in tiny plastic bags (sealed) and they add no weight to the piece while I'm working.

Really pleased with the way this is working out and it's sadly become an addiction now!!!! Still it's keeping me out of mischief - supposedly!!!!

15 July 2015

Pattern is ready

So the bookmark addiction continues!!! I do go through phases of addiction and have never understood why!!!!  Hang on - I think I do know.  I am forever trying to improve on whatever I'm designing.  At the moment it's using the different colour combinations and I think this one's my favourite.  OR can I find a better one?

I've got the pattern finally put together and you can find it here.

Meantime - do I carry on with the Jan doily or shall I start another bookmark? Decisions, decisions. Not easy for an OG who's WELL past her 'sell by' date!!!

14 July 2015

LOVE those pink eyes!

Can you believe this little guy? Arrived yesterday all the way from Ruth in Canada.

I'm not going to tell you what she says as you'll have to go and visit the Exclusive Club over on this link.

All I can say is I just LOVE those pink eyes!!! Mind, I'd not want to meet a 'real' mouse with those scary eyes - would you?

13 July 2015

Another bookmark

This time I wondered what the bookmark would look like without the picots. 

I'm not a huge fan of picots so this is an experiment. I don't like it as much so it'll be back to testing another idea I've got!!!!

11 July 2015

Starting round 7

Up, up and away on round 7!!! 

I seem to have missed the beginning of this round - it's just off the top right hand side. Before anybody says anything - no, I was NOT drunk in charge of a camera or phone come to that!!!

I'm still in the throes of the 'big tidy up' session but light has definitely been spotted at the end of the tunnel and I'm rapidly approaching it now. Hope to reach the end (of the tunnel) by the start to middle of next week. Sally will be pleased as she's going to need somewhere to sleep next weekend!!!

10 July 2015

Another bookmark

Well the bookmark I showed you yesterday seemed to be well received. I'm just waiting for a rainy day and the major tidy up to be finished and then I'll have no excuse not to get the text, drawings and all links sorted and up on the pattern site. 

Meantime I'm afraid you'll just have to put up with the pictures of what is to come.

This picture shows that I've added a bead to the motif in the tail. That's to give a bit of weight to the part hanging outside the book. Well, that's my excuse!!!!

9 July 2015

A new project

I wanted to design a new bookmark. Well, that's not strictly true although it's sort of!!! That doesn't make sense so let me explain.

I was making the last starry button bracelet when it occurred to me that if I took the buttons out then it would be halfway to becoming a bookmark. 

Oh, silly, silly me. Life isn't that easy and this project certainly proved that a 'quick conversion' in tatting doesn't necessarily work.

I guessed at the stitch count and that didn't work very well.  The outer part of the SCMR's was fine but getting the 'button' part the right size proved a right royal battle!!

I'll now show you the first bookmark!!!  This will be improved on - believe me!

7 July 2015

Round 6

Nearly there - round 6 and the end is nigh!!!!

Next I've got to work out the bead placements for round 7. That should keep me busy and quiet for a while!!! Least I know somebody who'll hope it will!!!!

Meantime during daylight hours we're still doing our big tidy up and sorting out of junk!!! Not our favourite job ever but it has to be done!!

6 July 2015


I finally got round and found time to stitch down the fabric on the second 'scrap bag'.

Next stage is to locate some lining fabric and then make some handles. 

Now, when it comes to handles they have to be long enough to fit over my shoulder and be strong too. The reason they have to be 'shoulder friendly' is because the milk I carry back from town can be heavy. I really don't fancy having one arm longer than the other so everything hast to fit on my shoulder - even when wearing a winter coat!!!

3 July 2015

Round 5 - done!!!

At last I've finished round 5 of the Jan doily. No picture, I'm afraid as I've just started in on round 6!!!  I'll just show you earlier progress - to keep you interested and stop you going to sleep!!!

Round 6 should be easy as it's quite straightforward.  Simply rings and chains like round 4.

I'm getting more done at the moment due to the heatwave and sitting around at the rehab hospital near Leamington. Not a family member, thankfully, but sadly a really lovely neighbour.

I'll show you pictures of round 6 when I get it underway.

2 July 2015

Two new bags

I sold one of my square tatting bags on Monday (or was it Tuesday?).  Oh, it was Tuesday!!!

To celebrate that event I've listed two more which were waiting in 'drafts' on the Etsy site. Sometimes I can't believe how organised I can be!!!  In fact I amaze myself!!!  

Once I've sold a few more I'll have the incentive to play with the new fabric that Crazy Mom Tats kindly gave me.  Just need to think it's worthwhile before I start.  Do you need a push sometimes?  I need more than a push - a shove would be a better description!!

So, here they are in all their glory (below) and here's the link to the shop.

1 July 2015

Sewn and sorted!!

Well, just the one!!!

With all this heat and the loft project still ongoing I've not had time to get to the sewing machine. Yesterday I called a halt to the loft and decided to sew down the pieces of fabric. Well, I got one done before I dissolved in a puddle of water. Old git water!!! Not a pleasant sight.

Still I'll tackle the other one another day as today I'm going to be out during the middle of the day. Where does time go?

29 June 2015

A reminder

Now I've not got a lot to show at the moment. Mainly because I'm sorting out the loft in our house. 

Why is it that houses have those spaces where you can 'put stuff'? It's so tempting to do just that - put it somewhere in case you need it again. What are the odds of that happening? Well we've decided that a lot of those things must go. I'm spending hours up in the hot loft sorting and chucking things down and then putting them in the car and taking them to the tip.

For that reason little has been done either in the sewing or tatting part of my life. Well, that's a bit of a lie as I am working on two new ideas but neither are in a state that can be shared!!!

Just to cheer you up - here's a link to my sister's giveaway. Don't forget to enter it.

27 June 2015

The right side!

Here are the right sides of the projects I showed you yesterday!!! 

For those who know me (and some of you guessed yesterday) you'll probably have realised by now that these are going to be 'scrap bags'. All the leftovers from the squared away bags didn't get thrown away - they're currently being re-cycled into this project.

I've just looked it up and it's three years since I last made similar bags - they're shopping or tote bag sized.  In fact you can see the series that I made here.

Now, one of those bags I kept for myself and that one has been used almost everyday of it's life. It's my 'take into town' bag - and I go there most days. It's still looking really good and doesn't need replacing (it's just had another 'bath' courtesy of the washing machine) but I MAY well keep one of these two new ones as Etsy isn't doing very well with the square bags. Perhaps it's time to retire from being a 'bag lady'. 

Now, who said I'm no lady, I heard you. Bet it was Pigmini!!!.  Most folk who know me will tell you that I'm no lady - I'm an old git and proud of it!!!

26 June 2015

Heee, heeee, heee!!!

I'm SUCH a tease!!! This is what I was doing the other day!!! Just the reverse side so I'm going to let you see just that!!!

Tomorrow I'll show you the 'other side' which may not be much better!!

Any further guesses? 

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.