Thanks for joining in the fun yesterday and a big thank you to Sally who didn't let on what the secret is!!!!
Geraldine was the first to guess so well done - you must know how my brain works!!!!
Ann - I've no idea who Justin Bieber is so perhaps you could enlighten me?
Josie? That's just the biggest joke of the lot!!!!!
Crazy Mom - glad you kept your guess private as I think pigs are more likely to fly than your suggestion!!!
I'm sorry to everybody who thought it was going to be a book. I doubt that will ever, ever happen as I really don't want to start charging money for what I do. The Etsy store fills my Paypal up and then I empty it again on threads, beads and other 'stuff'!!!! What more do I need? Not fame or fortune as I have a roof over my head and food in the fridge - although at the moment it's almost colder outside than in the fridge!!!
The answer is that I've started work on another TIAS!!! The idea has percolated (with the help of brain cell 3) and has now started it's life on the shuttles!!! If I were to show you what it's going to be at the moment you'd never recognise it - it's REALLY naff!!!!! Hopefully it will improve and turn into what I'm hoping it will be.
IF I don't get sidetracked I'm hoping to start in mid January during the 'dull season'. Keep your fingers crossed that it works!!!!