So you are going to be SOOO impressed. Sarka's email popped into my inbox a week or so ago and I couldn't believe that she's only been tatting a month or so. Just look what she tackled off my site! Woweeee. This is what she said:-
"My name is Sarka a and I have found your web with many wonderful tatting patterns. I tried tatting about three years ago but was completely unsuccessful and was not able to make a stitch. I gave it away and tried again a month ago and now I was successful and made some small flakes according to free patterns of Jon Yussof and Jan Stawasz. How I was happy. I am begginer (tatter for only one month) and self-taugt, so I am really happy for all improvement.
When I saw you Flowery SCMR bookmark, I was glamoured because it is so beautiful. And I said to myself - I must try it! Now I would like to show you what I have done and many thank you for this wonderful pattern!!! :-)) It was quite difficult for me, I did not know some methods what I need to do this bookmark. But I have found it on You tube, and learn how to do it and I am very happy I achieved.
Many thanks for this beautiful pattern again and I wish you many other pretty tatting!!!
Sarka (Czech rep.)"