So, having discovered that I could get out of my predicament I worked the second attempt again (no I won't give up!) up to the first SSR (hiding one colour in it). Then I went to bed.
The next morning I sat down with my graphics pad on my lap and shuttles at the ready. Of course you can guess the next part. I'd forgotten overnight how I'd done it!!!
A few hours later and a lot of cussing to myself I'd managed to remember and draw it out. I then did a technique page. Not that I feel it would be a lot of use to many people but I know I'll certainly use it myself in future!!! So, I should probably call it my 'reminder' page.
Well after running it past Georgia (won't tell you what she said!) I thought I'd better finish it properly and put it up on my technique pages 'just in case' there was another soul who may one day come across the same problem.
Here it is and here is the centre of the doily once more.