First of all I want to say that I’m delighted that most people understood last week’s moan.
My moan to MYSELF this week is that I sometimes regret not charging for my patterns. Why? Well I could really have done without a big unexpected bill at the moment.
The bill was for my trusty old iMac which died. Died dead too. I went to use it and nothing happened. It had closed itself down and wouldn’t re-start. I read all I could find about how to get past this problem but nothing worked. Not even the one where you have four fingers on keys (which needs both hands) and then (whilst they’re there) you also press the on button!!! Thank goodness Nick was around to press the on/off button!
Next decision was ‘what to do’ and I had two options. Buy a new one (this one was ‘born’ in 2015) or repair it. I looked at the current prices of new iMacs and Mac minis and nearly fell over. Repairing Apple ‘stuff’ is so specialised that I knew it would need somebody who had those skills.
So a trip to the shop in town to talk to Tom (this is his outlet). He said it was the hard disk that had failed and he brought his ‘ambulance’ round (his car, actually!) and took it into his hospital. He performed the operation and restored my data from my separate hard disk and after a while in intensive care the same ‘ambulance’ brought it home.
If ONLY I had decided to sell my work things wouldn’t have been quite so traumatic - or would they?!?!?