A month or so ago Heather wrote to ask if she could use one of my technique pages in her book. As I'd nagged and cajoled her to kicking the needle into touch and taking up the shuttle (which she's done SO well) then how could I refuse?!?!?!?
Anyway, she promised me a copy of the book so when a small packet arrived yesterday (yes, April 1st) I was dead chuffed.
BUT something puzzled me. I scratched the aged head but I was still puzzled. How COULD a packet containing a BOOK be so - well, for want of a better word, bulgy? So the fingers got working on opening it and LOOK what was inside. Do you think there's a rumour going round Tat land that I MIGHT just be getting round to liking HDT and shuttles? Aren't the shuttles a hoot? Can you see what's written on the label above their heads?