2 April 2010

Tatting day and what a surprise!!!

A month or so ago Heather wrote to ask  if she could use one of my technique pages in her book.  As I'd nagged and cajoled her to kicking the needle into touch and taking up the shuttle (which she's done SO well) then how could I refuse?!?!?!?

Anyway, she promised me a copy of the book so when a small packet arrived yesterday (yes, April 1st) I was dead chuffed.  
BUT something puzzled me.  I scratched the aged head but I was still puzzled.  How COULD a packet containing a BOOK be so - well, for want of a better word, bulgy?  So the fingers got working on opening it and LOOK what was inside.  Do you think there's a rumour going round Tat land that I MIGHT just be getting round to liking HDT and shuttles?  Aren't the shuttles a hoot?  Can you see what's written on the label above their heads?

1 April 2010

Catching up with myself!

A bit late but as 'they' say - better late than never!!!

A quick report on the show at the NEC on Sunday!!

There were only two of us on the stand all day which meant we were kept busy, busy, busy.  A good thing as those who know me will appreciate that if I'm not kept busy I get myself into trouble.  BIG trouble!!!

I managed to get a few pictures of the stand before the show started and also a picture of Barbara too.  We had time for a natter too which was good.  Barbara is really, really good with the many children we had who wanted to have a go at tatting.

31 March 2010

I did it AGAIN!!!!

Two things, actually!!!  I won the Palmetto logo competition for a second time AND lost the pieces I used - for the second time too!!!!!

Who did I hear say 'typical'?  Well, yes, you're right!!!

Thank goodness they didn't want them re-scanned as I'm honestly not sure where they are in the 'jumble' we call home!!!!  They did ask for them to be re-tatted in autumn (that's 'fall' in American!) colours which I've done and sent to them.  

They've got them up on the site already.  Here's a link to their page.  I'm honestly SO proud to have 'done it again'.
Now all I'm going to do is keep my fingers crossed that the person I've offered the pattern to to teach at tat days gets the 'job' of teaching it.  

30 March 2010

The packet from Sue Anna

As promised - the packet which arrived from Sue Anna.

This was full of number 80 threads and some Eazybobs (or whatever they're called)!!!!

Can you see the two at the front?  The pinky one?
Ah, here's a close up.  That one on the right has got earmarked for something already!!!  Not sure quite what but aren't the colours fabulous?  
The colours are fabulous but I will share with Sally - promise, Sue Anna.  I really, really will.  BUT she's NOT having that one!!!!  I'm the big sister and what I say GOES!!!!  She's NOT and that's all there is to it.  Actually, she's not a 'pink' person so there'll be no arguments over it!!!

29 March 2010

Am I spoilt or am I SPOILT?

I had another package on Thursday from Sue Anna which I'll show you tomorrow. 

Today I want to show you a package that Ridgewoman sent me which arrived on Friday.

Now this lass has spoilt me rotten in the past and she's been telling me about this package for weeks.  Then after all the teasing there was a hiccup with it even leaving the Post Office where her DH mailed it!!!!  I've been nearly 'wetting my knickers' waiting for it to arrive.   Well, it did on Friday.  WOWWEEEEEE.  Can you believe what was in it?  

Beads, beads and more beads.  PURPLE delicas which I've never owned before.  Did you know that it's difficult to make purple beads cause the colour fades?  I learnt that when I was 'kidnapped in Cincinnati'.

I'll show you some pictures in a minute BUT you must see the pen hook that was in the packet.  NOT just ANY pen hook.  This one was commissioned by BJ and has on it a NORMAN.  Can you see it?  Made by Lady Shuttlmaker too.

Oh, there was thread in there too!!!  HDT.  WOWEEEEE.  Now all I need is time and more time to play!!!

This last wee package has some tiger eye beads in for my sister.  Isn't that super?  There were some more for me too.  I will make a bracelet or a pair of earwigs out of mine.  Probably both!!!

27 March 2010

A day in the life of an old git!

On Thursday I spent the day at the National Exhibition Centre which is some 24 miles away from where I live.  The Ring of Tatters are given a courtesy stand at the Sewing for Pleasure and Hobbycraft Exhibition.

This is a long day but we're always kept very busy with people showing a lot of interest in our craft.

One of the demonstrators this year was Lyn Morton of Tatting and Design - the author of several  tattiing books.  Here she is telling me off for taking her picture!!!!  You can see her latest book just under her left hand and also her Christmas book is there too.
Now, one of the visitors to our stand is a lady whom I'm sure you've all heard of but have probably never seen.  Like Lyn she's a lady who is a terrific and talented designer.  I'm sure that if Carol Lawecki is reading this she will be pleased to see her.  Any guesses?  No?  Well I guess I'll just have to tell you.  It's Pam Palmer.  She remembers (like me) taking photographs of my back some twenty or more years ago.  My better side is my back.  Why?  Because I had her elephant, dragon and peacocks on jackets I used to wear!!!!
Here are the rest of the gang - also fabulous tatters and great friends to have on a show stand.
Hang on, there's one missing!  Elaine, how did you escape?

26 March 2010

Another gift

I'm not sure when I'll get to play but this is a package that Sue Anna sent me two days ago.  Isn't that just the kindest thing?  Lizbeth threads AND some wonderful HDT in leafy colours.  They're Yarnplayer's 'leafy' green and in sizes 10, 20, 50 and 80.

Also some chocolate which I'll TRY to keep until April 1st though I can't guarantee it!!!!  When I got back from my day at the NEC last night there was another package from Sue Anna full of other goodies!!!  I'll show you those next week.  It was a looong and tiring day not helped by the torrential rain that I drove home in.  We call it 'Cincinnati rain'!!!!

Hopefully I'll soon have time to show you some photographs that I took yesterday too.  One is of somebody you've all heard of but probably have never seen.  Watch this space - particularly Carol Lawecki!!!!

25 March 2010

The motif in colour!

I'm really quite pleased with this now!!  Takes a LOT to please me, though!!!

I've changed my mind on what I'm going to call it and also I'm only going to put the one version on this page as something is 'brewing' in the depths of brain cell's murky depths as to something else which could develop from this!!!  He's not told me a lot but I can imagine a bit of what he's plotting!!!  Sally, you were right about this version - THANKS.

The colours are from the samples that Sue Anna sent me and which I'm SO enjoying using.  Still can't wait to get to the HDT I've won too.  

Time and tide wait for no tatter so this one's going to have to turn the tide and do a King Canute with time!!!!!

24 March 2010

Bad news and good news

Let's get the bad news out of the way first.  I've had quite a few emails from people who are telling me that the pattern page here isn't working.  I think I've tracked the problem down.  It's only happening in Internet Explorer and (so Nick tells me) they did an update yesterday.  What a relief - I thought I'd done something wrong!!! It's working well in the two browsers I use - Firefox and Safari.  

Now for the good news.

Remember Nicole?  She emailed me yesterday and she wants three MORE lots of random tatting!!!  That's a lot of tatting!!!

I'm off to the NEC on Thursday and again on Sunday for two days of demonstrating.  That's the 'National Exhibition Centre' near Birmingham.  It's the Sewing for Pleasure exhibition and the Ring of Tatters always has a spot there (courtesy of the organisers) to demonstrate our addictive craft!!!  In fact, here are some photos I took last year of our stand on the days I was there.

So, I'm hoping that we can sort out exactly what Nicole requires (colours, width and length) so I can take it with me to do.  'Random tatting' sounds just the thing when you keep picking it up and putting it down all day!!!

23 March 2010

The reason behind the new motif.

The new motif that I showed yesterday will, or may, or even may not become a large project.  There's a degree of psychology behind a large project and one that I did about thirty years ago is how I 'manage' myself when contemplating one!

I start by telling myself that the 'thing' is going to be 'just a few motifs' - maybe a glass mat.  When that has been achieved I then tell myself that it could become a small placemat.  I usually think I could make a small placemat - no probs.

I think I should show one of the large projects that I'm talking about - it's the jacket below.  After I'd done the small placemat on this project I told myself it would make a lovely tray cloth (well, this was a loooong time ago when a tray cloth would've made a great gift for a grandma).  After that the next target was turning it into a coffee table cloth and so it progressed.  I always had a secret thought at the beginning that it was going to be a jacket but that was never ever spoken aloud.  

I didn't even have to commit to the jacket until the back was done and then it seemed as if it would be just a small step onwards to finish the whole thing.  I remember that I used to sit and make the black centres evening after evening and once I was bored with that would then make the white surrounds and join as I went along.  Those evenings the jacket grew fast!!!  

It's made in a sewing thread - polyester which actually came from the needle factory where they made the Aero shuttles.  My ex found it (and 2 shuttles) abandoned in a cupboard and so he released them into the world (namely my hands!).

I still use the same psychology on brain cell number 3 when tackling a 'maybe this will be a big project' idea and thus the motif that I showed yesterday becomes a 'big project' - one day!!!!

22 March 2010

Sisters!!! GRRRRRR

I'm going to moan about my sister today!!!  Not a big moan but a little one!!

I showed her this which I did first of all for the new design
Then proudly showed her the one that I'd done next which was the improvement!
I'd done the drawings and everything for that one but she said she liked the one at the top!!!  So, I re-tatted it yet again as I didn't like the stitch count!!!  SISTERS!!!!!!
Dare I say it?  She's right!!!!  There's one small improvement that I want to do to this final one and I think I'll leave both on the pattern page so folks have a choice!!!  Or will I?!?!?!?

20 March 2010

Stealing copyrights - I'm a THIEF

I'm a thief.  Yes, I'm going to admit it - I'm really and honestly a thief.  I've stolen some copyrights off somebody.  Well, actually, to be totally honest it wasn't me - it was 'you know who'.  That's it - brain cell # 3.  Well you've got to blame somebody!!!

I'm working on a new motif/coaster which I'm hoping will highlight the HDT and Lizbeth variegated threads that I've been given.  So in order to make this design I decided to break with protocol and use other designs as 'inspiration'!!!  

Did I hear a sharp intake of breath there?  Did somebody say 'WHAT IS THE WOMAN DOING?'.  After ALL she's said about copyright theft?  Yup, I've gone back on my word!!!  

No, that's a bit of a porky pie (lie).  I'm actually stealing off myself!!!!  

I'm using part of this design
With a little bit of this
and a smidgen of this too
I'm actually and honestly too lazy to go looking round to get 'inspired by' other people's work!
Here's the results of my theft!!!  WHAT grotty colours, eh?  Next I'll try it with a variegated thread in the middle and a dark, dark outline.  I need to test to see how it will look when joined to others too.  

19 March 2010

Guess what!

I've nearly run out of things to say!!!!  

Stop cheering everybody - I know you've been waiting for that day to happen but actually I have got one or two things to ramble and mutter on about.

I've spent two days (well, on and off) messing about with Facebook.  I originally joined up (like a lot of us 'older folks') to keep tabs on what my kids were up to.  Now they don't use it much I've not had much reason to 'be there'.  I thought of 'opting out' altogether but, being a nosy old git, I couldn't bear to do that!!  

So I set up a fan page (thanks mainly to TotusMel and Karen in Cincinnati and a few others).  It's called Jane's Tatting Adventures.  I managed to put a 'thingy' on the side of the blog - mainly to prove that I 'can'.  I'm quite proud of that!!!  I doubt I'll be updating that page a lot but it'll save me from boring you with 'what I've put in my Etsy shop'!!!!!  Well, a bit anyway.

I also managed to put up some pictures which I 'stole back' off myself out of my album which is online and from where the slideshow comes from.  

I'm also very proud of my web site and it's front page after days and days of struggling last week.  (Not quite so happy with the links page yet as I can't get the image to 'stay on the page'!!)  When I had a PC I used dedicated software to build pages but when I transferred to the mac I had nothing.  I'm not 'mean' when it comes to paying for software but when you only want it for one or two pages it seems a bit extravagant.  Then somebody told me that you could use the browser 'seamonkey' to 'play' with html.  So, I downloaded it and then had to get the poor old brain round 'how to' use it.  Then I wanted to add 'things' (like the Creative Commons License and the Facebook button) to the page so another steep learning curve.  I may try to put on a 'blog button' later - after cleaning windows (that's the sort that are built into the wall of the house - not the ones on the computer)!!!  All in all (as long as I can remember 'how to' for next time) I think I did OK!!!!

I LOVE all this technology - when I get the hang of it!!!  

18 March 2010

Another necklace

Whilst the pattern for the brown necklace was still fresh in my mind I thought it would be a good idea to make another.  This time using the beads that Teri sent me a few weeks ago. 

Guess how many delicas I had left when I finished it?  Bearing in mind it was a whole tube?  I had 5 left and I only lost two during the making of the necklace. 

Next project?  I'm going to play, play, play!!!  I want to try out all my new HDT's and I think I'm going to make small motifs with them.  I've got an idea to use a motif that I did last year - but with alterations, of course!!!  We'll see..

17 March 2010

It's a mystery

I was given this delightful ball of thread while I was in Palmetto but can't for the life of me remember who gave it to me.  

It's hand dyed and great to work with as there are very subtle changes in the dying which I find very pleasing.  The label says 'shuttle lab trends'.  Would the kind person who gave it to me please stand up and tell me?  It has been very discretely hand dyed.

I used it on some seahorses which I listed (and sold) in my Etsy shop.

After yesterday's blog post I had enormous help from TotusMel and my DIL in Cincinnati over setting up a fan page.  Well, you know me - always short of a few brain cells.  

In the end I gave up last night but THINK I'm on my way to setting one up today!!!  I've called it Jane's Tatting Adventures!!!!  Don't expect too much from me because you know what my aged memory is like - I'll most probably forget the page within a few days!!!!  

I'm beginning to find my way round Facebook - I've only been on it for several years!!!!  I'm not 'into' the games played there and am finding ways to avoid those.  Not cause I'm a miserable old git but mainly cause I'm too busy and too addictive to start in on something like that!!!!  I'd get nothing done if I did!!!!

16 March 2010

Stocking the shop!!

My Etsy shop doesn't sell much and I can't work out what the problem is.  Are the prices too high or are they too low considering that what I offer takes a lot of time to make?

OK, I don't promote myself there which is, I think, the main problem but there again that would take too much time away from designing and that's my first love!!!

Anyway over the past few days I've taken time to make and add a few things to the shop.

I don't mind anybody making my patterns up to sell in the BWW (that's Big Wide World) but please, not online or you'll have the 'wrath of Jane' descend upon you!!!!  I need to be able to raise funds from time to time to feed my addiction or pay for fuel or flights to meet other tatters.  Simply that.  

Below are new additions to the shop.

15 March 2010

HDT giveaway

I must be on a lucky phase at the moment because I also won a skein of Katharine's HDT which you can see here.

What I find intriguing about my new found interest in HDT is the way it looks on the skein, then the way it morphs as I wind it onto an Easy-Bob and THEN the wonderful look when it's finally turned into a piece of tatting.

The HDT also came in a fantastic card.  This was made by Katherine herself and she's used origami (or, as we call it in this household - oregano!!!).  I just LOVE this card and the wee bird fascinates me.

Thanks, Katharine - I'm looking forward to trying this skein out.

13 March 2010

A secret project.

This pattern isn't the chicken wing coaster and is actually worked in a very different way.  It's for a secret project.  The top one is worked in Lizbeth Island Breeze and Ocean Turquoise (dark) two of the colours which Sue Anna sent for me to try out.
The following is worked in two Manuela colours - not sure of the numbers but as it's no longer available I'm not sure it matters!!!

12 March 2010

News of new pages AND a new video

I've finally got it sorted.  I've got the Chicken Wing Coaster, the Sassie Lassie Hats AND the the 'slip and slide' pages up on my web site.  

Pheeewwwwww.  Nearly time for brain cell 3 to take a rest!!!  

DO take a look - here's the link.

Also HOTP (that's Hot Off The Press) and after a discussion with Mark Myers (Tatman) I'd like to point you here to his way of holding the shuttle!!!!  Tell you - we're all different!!!!!

11 March 2010

Tatting with a slip and a slide

I have a confession to make.  Not much of one really but it might prove interesting and useful to a few people.  I've watched a lot of people tatting over the years and some tat the way I used to by going 'round the houses with their shuttles!!!  Here is my story.

I learnt when I was 13 alongside my gran who was also learning.  I certainly never met a tatting teacher as such so the pair of us just sort of 'worked it out' together.  

When I was in my early thirties I did a few talks to WI's etc round the district.  From this I had small groups for a while to teach in their own houses.  

Sometime after this one of my 'students' pointed out to me that I was tatting 'wrong'!!!!   Well, as you all know there's no such thing as 'wrong' but there are different ways that are faster.  She showed me a page in one of my leaflets that I'd not bothered to look at - showing 'how to hold the shuttle'!!!  It was quite an eye opener so I 'trained the brain' to 'slip and slide' the shuttle and thus re-taught myself how to tat!!!!

It occurred to me the other day that I needed a new challenge in life.  As you probably remember I bought a new mac and therefore had to learn a whole new drawing package.  This is really, really easy to use but drawing hands did somewhat stretch me!!!!

I decided to draw up the 'slip and slide' way to tat which I will add to my web site tomorrow along with my 'new look' front page.  Don't panic, Georgia, all links are the same as before!!!!

I hope it helps somebody somewhere to become a faster tatter.  Maybe next time round we can have an Olympic tatting event?!?  Below is just one of the drawings on the new page!!!  No, the hands haven't been for a manicure and look a bit neglected - just like my real ones!!!!!

Creative Commons Licence

Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.