Today it's time for day 5 of the TIAS. This is the halfway point but there's still plenty of time for people to start and catch up!
Meantime here is a picture of Erika's panda which she sent me a few days ago. She's looking for a boyfriend for him - does anybody have a panda who needs a partner?
Oh, heck, does this mean I've now started an animal dating agency? Get a life, old woman, get a life!!!
I'd not long finished the above talking about Erika's panda when who should pop in but Sarah's pair below!!!
Now I'm seriously wondering if this really is going to be the start of a new animal service. Sarah said:-
"I thought I would show you what I have been doing while waiting for day 5 of TIAS... I had a hard time with the SCMR. I had never tried it before and for some reason the loop kept knotting when I tried to close it ... don't know what I was doing wrong but with some fiddling and a lot of un-tatting ( I seem to spend much of my tatting time un-tatting rather than tatting! ) I think I got it worked out. Think I will try another one to see if I can do it with out so much taking apart! Lol ...I am in awe of you and many of the other tatters I see on the internet who seem to be able to whip up something in no time at all... these little critters took me hours and hours over three days! Well I do think they are cute and well worth the time...Thank you for sharing the pattern and the instructions for the SCMR... don't know what I will do with them but I'm sure something will come to mind."