20 June 2014

Pink cupcakes

So, having made the yellow cupcake earrings like the ones here - I 'needed' a pair for myself. 

Then I decided that perhaps - with a bit more imagination - I could make a pendant to go with them!!!! So, here's my 'outfit'!!!!

Sprinkles on top too!!!!

19 June 2014

A change of direction!!!

I know I'm addicted to the bracelets but I also need to make a few more Fandango bookmarks. 

These are being made for a very special reason which I WILL tell you about once the event has happened. No, it's not that far ahead - less than a month, as it happens!!!!

I've worked this one in size 40 again using two Olympus threads. One plain and one variegated.

18 June 2014

Here we go again!!!

Here's another Starry button bracelet and earrings set

I think I'm slightly addicted to making these - already planning another!!!! 

It's a good job I've got people to give these to as if I hadn't I'd have to turn myself into a multi-eared octopus!!!!

16 June 2014

Yellow cupcakes

Today I can now show you these cupcakes that I made for a friend. I couldn't show them before as they hadn't arrived at her place!!!

The larger one is a brooch (just needs a finding added) and the small ones are earrings. They are one of the patterns that I'm teaching at Tat Days in September and the pattern will be on the CD that is available after the weekend is over.

Now I really need to make myself a set. Problem is - what colour shall I use? All these important decisions are so wearing!!

14 June 2014

It's ALL Sally's fault

Both of us have had the tatting doldrums recently but Sally recovered faster than me and showed me these diamonds she's been making. 

I was so impressed I thought I'd play again with the pattern which can be found here.

I decided not to go for the beads in the middles of rings like Sally but I put them on picots and on the outside of the motif. 

This was done with Lizbeth 153 (Rainbow Taffy - a real favourite of mine) and Lizbeth 104 (Summer Fun) with two plain Olympus threads. I used a size 40 for all of them.

I think the doldrums are over now - thank you, Sally - I have other projects in mind for the next few days!!!!

13 June 2014

Bag making continues!!!

I'm still busy, in between other things, making the new style of bags - the Squared Away Tat Bags.

There are a few in my Etsy shop here.

Must tell you a story about this session of bag making. I'd got the idea from somewhere on the internet and adapted it for my own idea of what it should be look like for tatters!!! 

I'd made a few (7, in fact) and then was forced to take a break for a couple of weeks while life took over.   Last Sunday was my first opportunity to sit down and start making more.  I'd got 11 cut out, pressed and ready to sew. 

So I started with putting the zip in the first one.  Easy peasy. Then I started the next part. I sewed it up wrong. I realised straightaway what I'd done and unpicked it. Then I sat and sat and stared and stared at the 'zip between four bits of fabric'!! What on earth do I do next, I asked BC3.  I walked away from it, thought about it more, wandered back and suddenly the lightbulb came on!!!!  I got it right this time - BUT the handle wasn't in the right place!!! !!!!!

FINALLY an hour later I sorted it out both the bag and the handle.  Then with BC3 - I was back in business!!!! I made more yesterday and this time I had no problems at all!!!!  These two below are in the shop.

11 June 2014

Another set!

Now I really like this colour way. So hard to let this set go as I like it so much.

It's got to go, though. My box (second one) is full of finished tatting and I can't cram anymore in at the moment.

So time to put the ear findings on and think about who to give it to or to put it in my Etsy shop.  Decisions, decisions!!!!

I've already got more jewellery than an old git could possibly wear!!!

10 June 2014

A larger horse

I'm not 'into' horses - never understood the attraction of them. I did once sit on the back of a pony when I was in my thirties. Frightening experience - no clutch, or gear stick and definitely no brake either!!!! Poor animal - I think it was as pleased as it was when I made my ungainly way off it's back!!! 

After re-writing the small horse pattern I decided to do a larger one to submit to Tat Days.  They didn't choose this guy so now I can share it!!!!  

Well, you'd think that would be easy enlarging the horse, wouldn't you?!?!? No WAY. I had to do a lot of alterations to make it work!!!

Well, best get dressed and have breakfast. 

Nearly forgot (what's new, eh?) - here's the link to this critter.

9 June 2014

Ready, Steady, GO!

Palmetto Tat Days registration is now open!!!

What ISN'T on the site is the fun that will be had by all.  Great food, lots of fun and a humungous welcome from the Palmetto 'gals'.  

Do hope to meet some of you there - it's a busy weekend for me but there are many odd moments to just 'tat and chat'.

7 June 2014

Well, you all knew it

You knew that I wasn't quite 'all there' in the brain cell capacity and now I'm going to have to admit that I know it too!!!

I was preparing the next pattern to put on the pattern pages when I went to look at the small horse again. Dozy old mooooo that I am - I'd omitted the drawing from the page!!! So, here it is with the drawing too!!! I hang the aged head in shame!!!

When making a pattern page I try like crazy to get everything onto as few pages as possible.  That may have been the reason the drawing got omitted on the small horse pattern!!!!

It REALLY ANNOYS ME when people spread a simple pattern over about five sheets of paper. I mean - WHAT a waste of ink, paper and natural resources!!!   I also moan about the size of font used and the type of font. 

One thing I learned early in my online days is that Times Roman (the usual default font used on most computers) is about the hardest one to read either in a book or online.  I always change mine to Helvetica or (my favourite) Verdana.

6 June 2014

A green set

This time I've got a green bracelet and earring set to show you. I just love making these - buttons and beads go so well together.

I've got a few more sets to show you and I really, really hope to get two more patterns up soon. 

Every time I try to find time to sort them something else becomes a priority. I'm seriously thinking of getting a job so that I've got more time to do the things I like. 

5 June 2014

More bookmarks!

Before I show you the bookmarks - I'm going to add the link to the radio interview I did the other day - in case anybody wants to hear it!! Just scroll along to 01.15 about a third of the way through to find it!!!

Now to what I really want to show you - more of the Wrap It, Flip It and Mark It bookmarks which are ready either for my friend to choose from or for the vending room at Tat Days!!! 

If you want one for yourself before then please take a wander over to my Etsy shop here.  I'm going to make more of the new bags too - when leaky roofs and a plethora of other 'rest of life' problems have been sorted!!!!

4 June 2014

Fifteen minutes of fame!

I've had my fifteen minutes of 'fame'.  

Well that's not quite true. It was more like infamy!!!!  You know me or should do by now!!  I don't like 'fame' and would rather be known as infamous!!  What's that silly saying?  'Infamy, infamy - they've all got it infamy'!!!!!!

Now for the story!!  Some weeks ago the local radio station rang me up to ask about some family history.  Bearing in mind that my family have been terrorising the local area for generations I was surprised they'd bother!!!!   Well that led eventually to us talking about - guess what?  Yes, tatting.

They rang again last week to ask me to go to Coventry to do an interview but as I'm terrified of driving there and wouldn't dream of doing it they decided to do it over the phone which suited me a lot better!!!

So, we talked tatting with a little bit of family history at the end!!!  Great fun but I don't think I'll make a career of it!!!  Well, it would be hard to really as you can't talk about tatting all day and every day - can you?!?!?!?  Hmmm, tat's food for thought - now where's my brain cell three when I want him? 

3 June 2014

Just pink

The top two earrings are the new ones - just finished and 'thrown' onto the scanner!!! When I get to the stiffening stage I'll squidge them into shape with the glue too!!!

The one at the bottom was the ones I was trying to replace as I made them YEARS ago and they've gone all 'skanky' - if that's a word!!!!

2 June 2014

Will you get bored?

Yes, I think you might!!!! I'm going to be blogging some of my recent 'makes' so you may well start yawning and groaning!!!

Please don't leave me, though as I will be putting up more interesting 'stuff' during the boring phase - tat's a promise!!!

Today I'm showing you the first of my latest 'got to just tat' things. I go through phases of just wanting to 'make something'. I can't live a day without making something (sometimes just mischief) and designing new 'stuff' means I go days and days without actually 'making' anything I can share.  I enjoy that too but sometimes one just 'has to tat'!!!!

So, below is a Starry Button Bracelet and a pair of these earrings.  Now I know I've got earrings that 'go' with the bracelet but they are rather larger than most people would wear. These are going to be gifts so I'm more 'careful' about sizing. 

31 May 2014

Very sad but true

Yesterday I found a link (in a Facebook tatting group) to a whole tatting book that is hosted on a Russian site.  Although NOT on Facebook itself, the fact that the person posted the link on Facebook means more people will 'assume' that it's OK to do the same thing and thus the problem of copyright theft will continue and escalate.  There are often whole pattern pages from books published on Facebook too.  

The book concerned was written by one of the well known designers in Tat Land and is self published.  I wrote to her to tell her.  Earlier this week another designer had her work stolen (yes, STOLEN is the right word) too and that was published on Pinterest. 

They've both had this happen before and the first one (linked on Facebook) has now given up on designing which is a great loss to our community.  If this sort of behaviour continues then it'll be the end of new and interesting designs for all of us. 

I've deactivated my Pinterest account and have already opted out of a lot of Facebook participation although I still belong to a lot of groups I don't and won't actively take part on a regular basis - in silent protest.  Yes, I can 'do' silent.

Then there are the copytats.  These are people who again steal.  They see something they like and rather than pay for the pattern (either in a book or on Etsy) they spend time copying other people's work.

I'm so ANGRY that there is obviously no respect left for people's hard work and their need (in some cases) to earn a living.  I am also glad that my work doesn't attract this sort of attention - probably simply because it's free or maybe not good enough.  Who knows.

Now, back to tatting.

29 May 2014


That's the name of the doily I've been teasing you about!!!

I can't tell you anything more than that as it's on just a sheet of paper that I think came from gran's when she died. There's writing on the back which leads me to assume it's from a magazine like The Lady or something similar. I can't share it as I don't know who it belongs to and I doubt anybody could 'copytat' it as it's quite complicated in places. 

Anyway, personally I think it would be immoral to copy it unless somebody knows who it's by. I feel that copying from a picture unless it's SOLELY for personal use is immoral and to then brag about it is like rubbing salt into the wound. It's happened to me in the past when I USED to put work in progress on this blog. It hurt like heck when that happened as I couldn't believe that somebody would do it when they knew they were getting the pattern for FREE sometime soon.

I've had my say so will now disgracefully dismount from my soapbox!!!

28 May 2014


I'm gobsmacked - or something like that!!! Two of the new tatting bags have already sold from my Etsy shop here. That's waaaaay cool. I've listed a few more today as I've had time to finish them off. 

I've got another few more to list and also another eleven cut out and ready to sew but those won't get started on until next week and I may well keep them to take for the vending room at Tat Days!! 

I figure that way I get to keep the 'Etsy fees' and also get more of an idea from people as to whether they are a good idea - or not!!! First hand feedback is the best.

27 May 2014

Small horse

This is a pattern that has been floating around on my site for ages. I decided to submit it for Tat Days with quite a few amendments but it wasn't required!!!

So, yesterday I managed to finally pull the pattern together and re-upload it to my pattern pages!!!

While I was playing with it I decided to make a larger horse too. That will be available either later this week or next. Just need to get it all together and do the links for that one too!!!!

26 May 2014

Squared Away!

I've had a long consultation with BC3 and we've decided to list the new style tatting bags in Etsy as they get finished!!!  I was just going to keep them and take them to Tat Days but I think I'll see how they go in Etsy first!!!!  

They're quite fiddly to make but great fun and my supply of zips is slowly depleting!!!!  Wonder if I'll be tempted to buy more zips although the whole point of starting this venture was to use up the ones I've got!!!!  Time will tell.

Here are the first few to go into the shop.

The bottom photo shows exactly what I can get into mine!!!  Mine's the first trial one which didn't have a good lining in it.  Now they've gone all up-market with a proper lining without stitching showing.  I found a tutorial online but for the life of me couldn't follow it and it didn't have a handle either!!!  You CAN'T have a bag without a handle, can you?

24 May 2014

Wrap it Bookmarks

It's some time since I came up with this idea of making bookmarks which are NOT easy to lose!!! They're not only not easy to lose but the place in your book is kept well too. I use one all the time now.  I called them the Wrap It, Flip It and Mark It bookmark.  You wrap the cord round the back cover of the book (fixed with velcro and adjustable) and then flip the motif into the book when you want to mark your place.

So, I've sold a few and still have some here in my Etsy shop.

The thing is that once used they seem to be popular and I've had orders from a returning customer for these. Well she's going to choose what she wants from these and some more I've made which I'll show you next week.

23 May 2014

Fandango ing again!!!

Bit late getting this post out this morning!!! Trying to play catch up with myself which I'll tell you all about when I find time to tell!!!

This is the final (for now) bookmark unless a few other friends come along to our get together. 

It's a nightmare arranging things by letter and phone although the person who lives the furthest away (Tasmania) is on email. 

I wish everybody was 'internet friendly' and it makes me even more pleased that I teach computer skills to other OG's like me on a Wednesday morning!!!!

22 May 2014

New idea!!!

When I was rummaging in my sewing stuff I found a stash of 5" zips (or thereabouts) which had come with a bulk buy of Roly Poly zips and which are unsuitable for that!!!

So, what to do with them? Well, this is what happened!!!

Now please bear in mind that this was the first one of this idea and that I was trying to follow an online video on how to make them. This is NOT an original idea - just one that I fell for!!!

Several places had tutorials on 'how to' but they all confused BC3 so as usual we had to learn by our mistakes!!! This one has the seams showing in the lining AND it had to be taken apart several times!!! I was going to cut the zip out and start again but unfortunately I found myself USING the little bag so now it's MINE!!!!!

I'm going to make more of these now I think I've got the 'hang' of them!!!! When I've got a few done I may list them in the Etsy shop - thats if they don't start getting used too!!!

21 May 2014

Tat Days Teachers.

OK, it's official!!! The list of teachers is now up on the Palmetto Tatter's website here.

I think the poor Palmetto organisers are totally fed up with me asking who else was going but in the end my nagging has paid off!!!!!  The list is below - without my name on it as you know already that I'm going!!!!!

I reckon this is the biggest span of teachers ever and I can't wait for the teacher's meeting on the Thursday to meet my mates. 

Randy Houtz USA
Victoria Clarke Canada
Martha Ess USA
Georgia Seitz USA
Nina Libin USA
Erin Holloway Moseley USA
Karey Solomon USA
Sharren S. Morgan USA
Sandra Eichelberger USA
Sally Biggers USA
Tonya Smith USA
Shawna Wachs USA
Donna Thompson USA
Pam Freck USA

20 May 2014

Bags of time!!!

Well now that the shuttles have gone for a while I've got time to do some bag making!!! I have seven Roly Poly sized zips left so when I've done those I'm going to stop!!! Weeeelllll, that's the plan at the moment but I know that BC3 can easily change his mind!!!

I did have a change the other day and made this other Dorset style bag. Diane's the expert at these (along with Mary Konior's spinning wheel mat) and she gifted me one last year (or, was it the year before?). I've made these in the past but not for sale - just for myself or as gifts. 

I'm thinking of not putting any of the sewing in my shop just yet. I may well take them to Tat Days with me to put in the vending room. Watch this space!!!!

19 May 2014


Well that was a weekend and a half!!!! I listed the shuttles as promised and this time they seemed to go even faster. Unless it was my imagination!!

I got a tad confused at one point as I couldn't work out what was happening to the credit card payments - I'd recently set the shop to take payments that way. Soon found the right link so that was OK. 

Then there were the odd people who'd pressed the wrong button and landed up with the wrong shuttle so that money had to be refunded and the shuttle re-listed. Not a big problem, really. 

I spent all Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning packing them up. When I've done that I then have to check them before closing the packages. Imagine my horror when I had one shuttle showing it had been bought and no shuttle in my box!!!! Darn stinker had decided to hide itself on the floor. Then another went missing - that was in a packet where I'd had a re-list to do and I hadn't taken that shuttle out again!!! 

The relief when it all works out is amazing. I've still got to work out the rest of the costings (I keep a spreadsheet for Sally) and then send her the money I've collected for her. OH, before that - I've got to go down to the Post Office. Hope there isn't too long a queue behind me when I get served as I feel daggers being thrown at me!!!

Here's a Fandango bookmark to cheer you up!!!!

17 May 2014

Another part of the mystery

Don't forget - 12 o'clock BST (midday) is the time I'll be letting the shuttles loose!!!

So, further progress on this mystery. This caused me some fun working out what colours and where to use them!!!

It's almost 'there' but I need time to get the last round sorted.

Meantime the sewing machine is out and bags are being made.  

16 May 2014


Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is a dedicated 'shuttle day'. Least it will be if tomorrow is Saturday and I'm sure that usually follows a Friday!!!

The time will be 12 midday BST.

Another two pictures to dangle under your nose!!!!

Oak at the top and Olive underneath.

15 May 2014

Fandango bookmarks 2

Two more of the Fandango bookmarks I've made over the last two weeks. I reckon each one takes an evening and a half - almost two. 

I really like these colours but don't ask me which they are as they're old threads and some HDT too.  All in a size 40.

BC3 had an idea yesterday and decided to email the school we all went to (see yesterday's post) to ask if we may pay it a visit.  I haven't been back since I was 18 and it's only about seven miles away!!!!  I couldn't believe it when I got an almost immediate reply to say that we'd be very welcome.  I did point out in my original email that I was probably NOT the best behaved pupil the school had every had.  Numerous hours spent 'on the landing' having been told to leave the lesson (mainly history from what I remember) and also outside the headmaster's office too. 

In my defence - I wasn't 'naughty, naughty' but really downright mischievous with an overdeveloped sense of humour!!! Pranks were my main 'thing'!!!!! 

Have I changed over the years? I leave that for YOU to decide!!!!

14 May 2014

Fandango bookmarks

I'm lazy. VERY lazy when it comes to looking for new patterns to work on! I tend to just look around on my computer for something I can follow easily and that means I usually stick to my own work. It's not that I think mine's better than everybody else's - NO WAY. It's just that I simply understand my style of notation and diagrams.

Anyway, sometime in June/July a friend will be arriving from Tasmania. We've been friends since we were at school - secondary school, that is. 

There were roughly seven of us left in the sixth form who were mates and in the same class and when we left school we started a circular letter.  The letter comes round about once a year - sometimes more so that's over 50 years and over 50 letters.  The way it works is that you read all the letters from everybody, take your old letter out and put in a new one.

Over the years we've had one or two drop out (sadly one of us died) and one joined in but we were all at school together.  So, I wanted to make a gift for each person and I can show you what I'm making - bookmarks.

The friend in Tasmania is the only person online so if you're reading this, Nita, then there may NOT be one for you - or there maybe one for you!!!
The pattern is the Fandango bookmark worked in size 40.  

13 May 2014

Shuttle talk AGAIN and progress.

I hope everybody sees this. There's been a change of plan for the listing time for the next lot of shuttles. 

Instead of the evening over here we've decided to do it at 12.00 BST (mid day/afternoon) for the sake of the Australian tatters on the west coast.  There seems to be some confusion too over which Saturday.  It will be this coming Saturday - the 17th.  As there are so many this time I'm hoping that everybody will get what they want. It's SOOOOOO hard to pitch the right times specially when BC3 isn't very good at time zones!

Next round of the mystery done but it's nowhere near finished yet!!!! I need darker colours again for the next part, I think!!!

12 May 2014

Shuttle talk

Coming soon - next Saturday at 22.00 BST (British Summer Time) will be a good selection of shuttles!!! There are Pop A Bobbin Shuttles and some very pretty pokerwork flat shuttles too - pictures below. 

I've updated the page with the shuttles on (see tab above this post) and we are offering some new woods this time for the Pop A Bobbin ones. There are 2 Spalted Beech which are very pretty and Ash and Sycamore which I don't think have been seen before in that type of shuttle. Oh, there's Olive wood too.

All listings are now done in GBP but should show up in your country with your currency - I hope!!!
I'm sorry but BC3 can't cope with 'out of shop' requests and due to the fact that we never know what wood 'im in the garage will have this prevents us from doing custom orders too.

Here is the list of what will be available. 


3 COCOBOLA ROSEWOOD 2 with hooks 1 without 

2 PURPLEHEART with hooks

2 EBONY £22.50 each (1 with hook and 1 without) 

3 ZEBRANO with hooks

3 OLIVEWOOD (2 with hooks, 1 without hook) 

3 OREGAN MYRTLE with hooks 


3 CHERRY with hooks 

1 APPLE with hook

2 PEAR with hooks

9 SEQUOIA (7 with hooks, 2 without hook) 

3 OAK with hooks

3 ROSEWOOD with hooks 

2 SPALTED BEECH with hooks

3 SYCAMORE with hooks 

3 ASH with hooks 


10 Ash 10 Sycamore

Top shuttle is Spalted Beech and below is an example of the flat pokerwork shuttle with picot gauge marks towards the tips for those who measure theirs!!!

10 May 2014

Run, RUN

As fast as you can!

You can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Man!!!!

Well look what arrived in the mail yesterday!!!! Isn't that a kind gift? It's from Pam in SC who has been playing with a Gingerbread Man pattern!!! 

It's one of the patterns I'll be teaching at Palmetto Tat Days in September. 

All flights and insurance are now booked and sorted and the fun will begin on September the first when I arrive in Atlanta for a few days with Crazy Mom (who isn't the LEAST bit crazy but kind, generous, brave and FUN) before heading to Tat Days!!!!

It might be expensive and a lot of work to take a trip over the pond (I'm being a brave OG this time as I'm travelling alone) but it's SOOOO worth it.

Next panic will be when the registration begins as I get neurotic that nobody will want to take my classes so I keep checking and checking the Palmetto site.  I know of two other teachers who are going to be there as they're mates but I've no idea who else has been picked!!!  Apparently the list will be out this weekend.  SOOOOO exciting.  It's quite mind boggling the amount of work it must take to host and run this event.  This will be probably my 5th or 6th visit and each time things swing into action and run so smoothly.  I can't WAIT to see my friends and make (hopefully - unless they run a mile in t'other direction) new ones too.

I've started packing already!!!!  That's honestly true.

9 May 2014

More achieved

So, nobody has yet guessed what this is so I take it you've all given up on me!!!!  Another row and another colour. 

Yesterday it rained all day and everything went a bit haywire!!! 

Firstly I played with the cat and accidentally she clawed a vein in the back of my hand. BOY, did it spurt blood!!! Swelled up like a balloon too!!! 

Next the black ink ran out in my printer (I rarely print stuff out) so I knew we'd got ink in the house and decided to leave changing the cartridge til later. 

Then we went shopping in the morning and popped into Staples - Nick likes to look round there and so do I. After grocery shopping and lunch I went to replace the cartridge in the printer but we hadn't got one the right size. DARN IT. We'd just been in Staples - another walk up there today, I suppose!!!

7 May 2014

Tatter in town!

The Eborall tours continued yesterday with a visit from 'down under' by Lyn Clemons and her husband!!  Lyn is another tatter and it was funny as we recognised each other from a distance.  Poor woman had seen my picture somewhere online so guessed it was me.  I just have a 'nose' for tatters who stand around looking lost outside the Birthplace!!!!

I forgot to take a photo until we were just parting and we were all thoroughly WET!!!.

Yes, it rained - torrentially!!!!  If we'd had a bucket with us we'd have collected it for them to take home but unfortunately we were 'bucketless'!!!!!

6 May 2014

For those who want to meet HMQ!!!

If you're round my neck of the woods at ANY time and want to meet Her Majesty the Queen then that can be arranged!!!! I am her personal secretary!!!

Here's a link to the video of her sitting in my car!!! There's a static picture here too just to cheer up this blog post!!!

I got the sewing machine out for my summer sewing yesterday.  I'm making some more Wrap It, Flip It and Mark It bookmarks - some for a friend in America and will be taking those to Tat Days with me.  This is what I'm talking about for those new to this blog!!!!  There are a few still in my Etsy shop!!!

I'll also be making a few more roly poly bags and poke proof pouches but the old brain wants to make new bags after that!!!  Wonder what BC3 will come up with?

5 May 2014

Crazy Mom Tats and CHATS!!!

Crazy Mom couldn't have chosen a BETTER day to come to Stratford. The sun shone all day and the town wasn't too crowded either. 

Her Majesty the Queen picked her up from Leamington Spa train station along with me acting as the chauffeur.

Now, I hear you ask - HMQ?  Yes, HMQ sitting on the dashboard of the car.  Must explain that this is a recent 'jiggly' that a friend round the corner gave me (Joanie - they've arrived in England now and I'll be looking for the corgi too).  Crazy Mom (Sandra) also gave me a new jiggly For my 'jiggly' addiction (see link). which is the same design as the one Joanie sent me a while back but Sandra's has got a pink dress!!!! They are the most energetic of the jiggly family on my windows!!! Oh, she also gave me a TON of beads AND a present which I sent back to Atlanta with her!!!!  More about that will be revealed at Tat Days!!!!  We are plotting a wicked plot, the pair of us!!!

First stop we made was for an enormous cup of tea chez Eborall and then we set off for the town!!!

We 'did' Shakespeare's Birthplace (I'd not visited that for many, many years) which is a really interesting building. Then we grabbed lunch in a place nearby and finally got to the Holy Trinity Church where Shakespeare is buried along with his family.  

We ended up back home in the garden for another chat with 'you know who' and Tilly who was very, very gracious and allowed Sandra to 'actually' stroke her!!! She's a timid cat.

Sandra's GOT to come back soon as we didn't 'do' the theatre or that area of the town.  So, Sandra's bosses, you NEED to send her to England again to work!!!!

3 May 2014

Lobsters are red!

What a stupid subject line!!!

I made this lobster which can be found here after a conversation with a young lady who is at a London fashion school doing a degree.

I've worked with youngsters like this before and it's great. I like to encourage anybody with any interest in shuttle tatting to use it in their work. Not sure exactly what she'll want next but her first love is the lobster which I did over Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

Exciting day today - I'm meeting Crazy Mom Tats and we're going to spend the day together while I show her the local sights.  More on that on Monday.

2 May 2014

Pearls of wisdom?!?!?

Or not - that depend on each individual's opinion!!!!

Pearl tatting is easy and very fast IF you have 'the knowledge'!!!!  There are many ways of doing this technique but this is my favourite way just because you can so quickly 'tat up a storm'!!!!

I decided that as I may need this technique while I'm at Tat Days or later on my visit to America I'd better take a long hard look at the page I did a few years ago once again!!!

I'm hoping that this will make this method of pearl tatting easier for folks to follow so here's the amended file.

Oh, and a picture from that page just to make this post a bit 'prettier'!!!!!

Creative Commons Licence

Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.